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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I found some online lists: Fifty Questions for Family History Interviews
  2. I'd look at some genealogy books at your library. Many have chapters on oral histories, with long lists of questions to ask. My genealogy books are packed away, so I can't get to the actual lists right now.
  3. Right- I'm thinking it's the original that is so important, not the actual information. There's really not that much information on there. But I don't know all that much about identity theft, so maybe I'm missing something. It is used to verify age.
  4. My dd won a scholarship at a dance convention and the paperwork requires a copy of her birth certificate. Is it safe to give out copies of a BC? Can identity thieves use it for anything?
  5. From Wiki so there's some conflicting information, but the best studies show worse outcomes with phones vs. passengers. I know that when I talk on the phone while I'm driving (which I almost never do, anymore) I feel more distracted than when I have a conversation with a passenger. I also recall reading that when people talk on the phone, the almost universal response is to slow down, which isn't necessarily a good thing. We don't usually do that when we're talking to a passenger.
  6. :grouphug: Sorry about your mom. But I have to jump in and give my PSA... There is lots of evidence that hands free phones are not any safer. It's the act of talking on the phone, not dialing or holding it that causes the distraction. Hope she's feeling better soon.
  7. I make my bed as soon as I get out of it in the morning. It takes about 30 seconds. My son makes his every day, but my girls don't. I'd prefer they did, but it's not a hill to die on at my house. I just shut their door so I don't have to look at it. I like my house neat and organized. If it isn't (including an unmade bed) I feel disorganized and a little out of control. When I start feeling out of control, that is not a good thing. Look out. :D It's much better if I spend a few minutes making the bed and tidying up the house. Then I'm in my happy place and all is right with the world.
  8. Valentine's Day: Buttermilk fried chicken breasts. mashed potatoes and gravy, sauteed asparagus and cranberry sauce Monday: Mulligatawny soup and sandwiches Tuesday: Black bean burritos, rice and chips/salsa/guacamole Wednesday: Tortellini, broccoli, spinach with feta and red onions, french bread Thursday: Baked halibut, red pepper risotto, some sort of vegetable Friday: Girls are out of town, boys fend for themselves.
  9. Get a washcloth wet, and wring out the excess. Fold it in quarters and put it inside a small ziploc bag. Without zipping it shut, put it in the microwave for 30-45 seconds. Be careful when you take it out, as it will be really hot. Zip the bag shut, and wrap in a dry dish towel or cloth. DON'T use the bag without wrapping it in something first. This retains the heat much longer than just a wet washcloth.
  10. My son needs to take nacho cheese sauce to school (ps) tomorrow. It needs to be simple and bland- no peppers, no meat. Anyone have any ideas?
  11. I made Ree's Butter Chicken last night. It got a thumbs up from my family. I'll halve the sauce ingredients next time. I also used olive oil instead of butter, and it was fine.
  12. I loved it. I've never lived in the south, so I couldn't say whether the depictions are accurate. I did find it thought provoking. She mentions at the end that she took some liberties with the historical timeline, and I don't have a problem with that. It might have bothered me if she hadn't mentioned it though.
  13. :iagree: There are different types of retinal detachment. Some can be treated medically, but others should be fixed within hours to preserve vision. The only way to know what's going on is to be seen by an ophthalmologist. I'd go to the nearest ER that has an ophthalmologist on call.
  14. Maybe I'm naive, but it's for this reason that I don't think they'd strike us (or any Western country). If they attacked us, they'd be annihilated. I just don't think any country is that reckless.
  15. Dd and I were in Chicago for the weekend. We drove back on Sunday night, and the weather was fine until we crossed the Mississippi. Then the snow and ice started. It would have been fine if not for the semis blasting past at 70 mph on I-80, when everyone else was driving 40. We drove for about an hour before I gave up. We spent the night in a hotel 30 miles form home. I wasn't in any hurry to get home, anyway. :)
  16. I have trouble seeing at night too. My dh knows and is happy to help out when he can. How far away is the game? Any hotels nearby? I think I'd give my dh the choice. He could do the driving, or I'd go to a hotel afterwards and come home in the am. I'm pretty sure I know which my dh would choose... BTW, we had blizzard conditions forecasted today (Iowa) and it's turned out to be just a regular winter day. Might get worse tonight, but so far it's been just fine.
  17. Thanks for posting this. I'm having similar problems with my oldest dd. I'm going to read it today.
  18. I actually found some information about it here. I guess I interpret the study differently than those business professors. To me, the monkeys learned how to communicate a behavior to other monkeys. They may not have understood the details of what would happen, but they got the message that it was a bad idea. If it were people, they'd just use words, but the result would be the same. And if the monkeys, or a person, went ahead and tried for the bananas anyway and then got sprayed, we'd say "told you so, dumb*ss".
  19. Grade equivalents are often misinterpreted. A GE of 10 doesn't mean the child is performing at a 10th grade level. From the ITBS website: IOW, the average 10th grader would have scored the same way as your dd on the reading test. Unfortunately, the average 10th grader doesn't read all that well.
  20. That sure sounds urban legend-ish to me. I can't find anything except variations on the story- no reference to an actual study anywhere. One article said that a couple business professors did the study. How on earth would business professors ever get their hands on monkeys? They wouldn't have the slightest idea how to perform a primate experiment. Do you happen to have a reference?
  21. Sounds like fun. And I'm an injury prevention freak.
  22. My hairdresser gave my dds and me a makeup lesson and showed us what products she recommended. It was really helpful. She didn't charge us, but we did buy some products from her. If you have a regular hairdresser maybe you could ask her or see if she can recommend someone.
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