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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I think lots of European countries have a national curriculum. It would be interesting to see a comparison of countries with and without.
  2. Dd is reading this at school and her teacher is saying it differently than I'd expect it to be pronounced.
  3. I can't answer the rest, but I wanted to point out that the reason for the extremely high malpractice insurance for OBs is because of the frequency of lawsuits related to adverse birth outcomes, and the very high awards given when those suits are successful. Abortion providers don't have those issues.
  4. I don't think hydrogen peroxide is flammable by itself. It reacts with other chemicals though, and then can ignite. From MSDS:
  5. :grouphug::grouphug: I can't help with the Christian perspective but I can suggest this for the dog problem: Outdoor bark control I haven't used it but have seen it recommended by someone here on these boards.
  6. User control panel-> (Sidebar) settings and options-> ignore list I wish it was in the drop down list when you click on someone's name in a thread. You can add someone to your contacts, so it seems like you should be able to add them to your ignore list with one click.
  8. State laws will vary. In Iowa, we have to report abuse, but not necessarily illegal behavior.
  9. Hib is Haemophilus influenzae type B. Hib is mostly a problem of young kids so I wouldn't expect it to be required for college. Hep B is Hepatitis B and is a serious concern for health care workers, as it can be transmitted by needle sticks.
  10. Depends on the college. The each make their own policy. When I was in grad school, all students had to have proof of MMR. All students living in the dorms had to have a meningitis vaccine. I just checked and that no longer seems to be required. The health science departments also required Hep B for anyone with patient contact. Check websites of schools you are interested in. Most will have their policy online.
  11. To try to get the offensive posts deleted before it gets so out of hand that the whole thread gets deleted. I didn't report anything this time, but I have before.
  12. Yes, many of my kids' friends have said they wished they could homeschool. Several of the parents have told me they wished they could do it, but they just didn't feel capable. Criticism has been very rare, but I've had a few comments...
  13. I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you said vaccines would be purchased from the insurance companies. I went back and looked and I don't know how I came up with that. :confused:
  14. I found it at healthfree.com here My browser (Firefox) isn't displaying it right, though. I had to scroll way over to the right. I don't know where it originated.
  15. Where are you reading that? Manufacturers aren't insurance companies. They are pharmaceutical companies.
  16. I just searched the text and there is nothing about birth intervals. Where did you read that?
  17. It looks like they have to use what the rest of us use. But I'm no lawyer. I don't see anything about exemptions.
  18. Did you read the original text directly from the bill? This is someone's opinion. I don't interpret it that way.
  19. The ipod Touch is an advanced ipod. If you just want it for music, get a regular ipod, not an itouch. If you want music plus lots of other stuff (games, internet, etc.) then you want the ipod touch.
  20. The iTouch is great, but beware- it allows the user to connect to any nearby wireless internet network. We have had some issues with that.
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