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Everything posted by Perry

  1. That's how we do it. You are supposed to fold down the back end to find the right place to attach them. Here's a description. hornblower's way is fine too, and might solve the problem, but it isn't the standard way.
  2. Google "fitting ballet slippers" for more than you ever wanted to know about dance shoes and feet. Here's an example: If the length is right, the drawstring will help it fit around the sides. If the length is wrong, she needs a smaller pair.
  3. They definitely need to fit. Did you try to tighten them with that string thingy that ties in the front? If that doesn't make them fit correctly, she needs new ones. Do you have to get them from that shop? It's easy to find ballet shoes around here. I'd try to a different dance shop.
  4. We are rarely able to both go to those. Someone has to be available to get the kids to their activities, which they have every weeknight. We're lucky if we both make it to concerts, games, and performances.
  5. I'm a huge fan of classical education, but I don't think that would work out any better than any other one-size-fits-all policy. Instead, I'd like to see lots of choices available, with a variety of approaches. Parents could choose what they think is best for their kids. This wouldn't work well in small communities though.
  6. We're having a great harvest. I'm freezing them and making sauce, but would like some new ideas for using fresh tomatoes. We've been eating lots of salads and BLTs. What are some of your favorites?
  7. When my dog ate some sparklers, the treatment was to give her hydrogen peroxide. It made her throw up. I don't know if the procedure has changed or not though.
  8. Maybe this will clarify: from Encyclopedia of Everyday Law
  9. I believe you have a legal right to the information in your record (i.e., a copy) but not the actual original record. The original file belongs to the office. Also, many offices are now using electronic records, so there is no paper file for you to take. They would have to print off the appropriate records for you. This may not apply to your situation though.
  10. This is what I use also. You have to add the soap, otherwise they'll drink the vinegar and fly away. I think they come in on the bananas and pineapples.
  11. I believe she noticed it a year ago, but it was diagnosed in July 2010. I think she had a hard time getting it diagnosed.
  12. I chose strictly secular, although we've used some Christian materials in the past. I used Rod and Staff English because it was the best I could find, although I wasn't especially happy about it. Once we found a secular curriculum (Hake, then MCT) we switched.
  13. An infection. No way to know exactly what kind without a culture. He needs antibiotics. I'd go to the ER.
  14. My mom bought this about 40 years ago. I don't know how much she paid or anything else about it. It didn't have any fabric, so dh and I upholstered it. It's an amateurish job. I've never really liked it and don't have a place for it, so plan to post it on Craig's list. I have no idea what it is or what it's worth. Anyone have any ideas? I think I need to read the camera instruction manual. :glare:
  15. Thanks for the replies. I thought immersion meant instruction in the language all day long. I didn't realize it would be considered immersion if it were just in one class. I wonder what the data has to say about it. I know it's clear that complete immersion is much better for kids learning ESL, but I don't know about a 40 minute a day class. I don't think it's the same. I know it would have frustrated me, but if it gets better results that's more important to me. I'm always suspicious when I get a letter home about this great new way they're teaching. It's often a gimmick and in my experience doesn't work out the way it's supposed to. I looked at the syllabus last night and it appears that the emphasis is on learning about the culture, not so much the language. So there may not be all that much "immersion" after all. But I'm not interested in teaching Spanish so I'll just shut up and see how it goes. My dd likes her teacher and is okay with it so far.
  16. Jumping jacks and laps are what kept me sane.
  17. :grouphug: I'm not an expert on this, but my understanding is that much of feline diabetes is caused by diet. What is she eating? Have you tried her on a low carb diet? My cat wasn't diabetic, but he was overweight and had all sorts of kidney and urinary tract problems on dry food. He hasn't had a single problem since switching him to canned Innova, and his weight is now normal. My vet says he's seen many cases of diabetes cured by diet changes. I hope Hornblower chimes in...
  18. My 8th grader is dual enrolled and takes Spanish 1 at the local ps. After the first day of class, the teacher is speaking *only* in Spanish to the students. I am curious whether anyone has been in a class like this. I think I would find it frustrating, but apparently this is the way many foreign languages are taught now. Do you have experience with this? How did it work out? So far my dd is liking the class.
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