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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Grandma's Corn Chowder I add a cube of Knorr vegetarian bouillon, or you could substitute chicken broth for the water. If you read the reviews, and sort them by "most helpful" there are many suggestions for how to cook it in a crockpot, although I haven't done it that way.
  2. sniff. Google Kalanamak, I bet I'll think of Spy Car every time I hear that song for the rest of my life.
  3. Insurance doesn't pay for everything. You can have insurance and still end up owing the doctor lots of money. I don't give out my ss#. I've never been asked, and I leave it blank on the paperwork.
  4. Oven roasted potatoes, green beans, and a tossed salad.
  5. Does it smell/taste like sulfur? I have this when I eat a lot of dried fruit, like apricots or peaches. They're preserved with sulfur dioxide. I think some intestinal infections (H. pylori, for example) can cause it, as well as some medications. If you aren't eating any dried fruits or on new medications, you might want to mention it to your doctor.
  6. :iagree:But I would be looking for a second opinion, just to be sure there are no other options.
  7. I'm sort of surprised that they are continuing to do workups on her. Negative tests are good. It's a fairly common problem, and kids usually outgrow it by ages 4-6, as their muscle mass increases. Wiki has a pretty good article on it. :grouphug:
  8. I like my Cuisinart Griddler. My kids use it for pancakes and sandwiches.
  9. I loved these too (but in the late 60s). They were what really got me to love reading. One book that I really loved as a young child was Hailstones and Halibut Bones, a book of poems about colors. It's the only book of poetry that I've ever really liked. :)
  10. I don't know how nourishing they are, but I'm reading The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie and The Mummy Case.
  11. My son wore velcro shoes until he was in second grade. When I realized he didn't know how to tie, I taught him, and he learned in about 5 minutes. I'm not sure how he would have been better off if he'd learned when he was 2. I agree with a pp that the skill sets are different. If I don't know how to work some type of technology, my kids can always figure it out more quickly than I can. I do think work ethic is an issue among many younger kids, but that's a different issue.
  12. Maybe it just *seems* worse because they were starving? Also, this site says you might need to retreat. :grouphug:
  13. I made this last night and it got great reviews from my family. I don't eat meatloaf, but it smelled good! I used 2 lbs of beef and it took almost 2 hours at 350. I'd allow 1 1/2 hours. It's better if it sits for 15 minutes after you take it out of the oven.
  14. When I don't have a meal planned I do one of these: Black bean soup and rice Bacon and eggs Spaghetti with Paul Newman's Marinara sauce and a bag of salad Grilled cheese Pizza Outback takeout
  15. As a student, I would have hated that, and it would not lead me to ponder how to work in small groups. Does he think he can change their personalities? :confused:
  16. I bought a pound of butter for 2.99 at my local market. I handed the cashier a 5 dollar bill, and she had to go get the calculator. How can you not figure that out in your head?! She is a senior at our very highly regarded Iowa public high school. Our district uses Math Trailblazers for elementary, not EM. But they're very similar.
  17. This isn't a main dish, but if you have extra black eyed peas, it makes an delicious appetizer, served with tostitos. Cowboy Caviar
  18. "Less families homeschooling primarily for religious reasons" It should be "Fewer families..." Less vs. fewer
  19. There are a number of vaccines against bacterial illnesses: Hemophilus influenzae type B (HIB) Pertussis Pneumococcus Diphtheria Tetanus Meningococcus (meningitis) Typhoid TB There is ongoing research into vaccines for protozoal diseases (malaria, schistosomiasis) and fungi, but I don't know of any currently in use. Ha. Spellchecker wants me to change schistosomiasis to sadomasochists.
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