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Everything posted by Perry

  1. The issue of bullying comes up here frequently, and it's obvious that lots of us have kids that have been bullied. What about the other side? What would you do if you thought your kid was involved in bullying or teasing someone? How would you handle it? Just thinking about the issue from different angles....
  2. Why would she bother with a phone when she could have used bluetooth or something invisible? ;)
  3. Substitute easier numbers, just to illustrate the concept. Say one half of a sandwich = 3 pounds. (Big sandwich) Of means times,usually. Let "S" stand for the sandwich. 1/2 of S =3 Or, (1/2)*S = 3 1/2 of 6 is 3, S=6.
  4. My dd is a pretty good writer, but her assignments always have a few things that could be improved. But even pointing out minor problems results in her sobbing in her room. I've talked to her many times about revising and editing being a normal part of writing. I don't expect it to be perfect, but this kind of revising is how your writing is improved. She doesn't act this way about any other subject. My other dd was the same way. Is writing just a really touchy subject? Or am I being unreasonable?
  5. Found it. Engineering Doctoral Degrees Total doctoral degrees awarded by US universities are currently growing at an unprecedented rate. Since the minimum in AY2001-02 through AY2005-06, total doctoral degrees increased 38.4% due mainly to the 56.9% increase in the number of doctoral degrees awarded to foreign nationals. In AY2005-06, 62.2% of the doctoral degrees of US engineering colleges were awarded to foreign nationals. Analysis of data for US citizens provides a new perspective. The maximum number of engineering doctorates awarded to US citizens that occurred in AY1996-97 is only 15.7% greater than the previous maximum 27 years earlier. Further, the number of engineering doctorates awarded to US citizens in AY2005-06 was essentially the same as in AY1969-70. On a per capita basis, the maximum number of engineering doctorates awarded to US citizens occurred in AY1969-70 as shown in the second graph below. The maximum in AY1996-97 is 17.4% lower than former maximum and the number per capita in AY2005-05 is 32.5% lower.
  6. Not positive, but I think that statistic is for the percent of PhDs given in the US. About 2/3s of the PhDs in the US are given to non-citizens. But I can't find a reliable source.
  7. As long as the clothes are washed in hot water and go through the hot dryer, they should be okay. I'd put everything in a plastic bag outside the house and wash it right away or take it to the laundromat. But since you can't wash the luggage, I'd toss it. Bedbugs can live months to years without eating, so I wouldn't take the chance with the luggage.
  8. For most Aspies, I think that would be a pretty easy question. ;) It was a no-brainer for me.
  9. It's considered a valid screening test. It's not a diagnostic test. I score high too, although I think it's because I have social anxiety issues. Screening Adults for Asperger Syndrome Using the AQ: A Preliminary Study of its Diagnostic Validity in Clinical Practice The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ): evidence from Asperger Syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists and mathematicians.
  10. I say it's fine. And I almost never say that. :D
  11. When this happened to me rebooting the computer fixed it.
  12. My son had some problems with bullying last year. I was very happy with the way the school handled it. I contacted the school counselor and let them know what was going on. The next day, they separated ds from this other boy, so they no longer sat at the same table in classes. At the end of each class, the boy had to stay in class until mod change was over and everyone else was in their next class. When that wasn't feasible, he was escorted from one place to another by a staff member. He was made to eat lunch in the presence of a teacher. The parents were called, and there were ongoing meetings with them. In short, the kid was babysat from the moment he came to school until he left. Eventually, he was given some more freedom. He never bothered my son again. There are things that can be done, but the school has to want to do it. I'm sure it was a pain for them, but it was worth it.
  13. My dd is in 10th grade at ps. I can look at her grades whenever I want through Power School, a computerized student grade information system. For each class, there is a list of all homework, projects, tests, quizzes, etc. Everything that is graded is listed. I'm looking at her French grades right now, and so far since the beginning of the year she's had 23 homework assignments, 10 quizzes, 1 test, 5 participation grades, and 5 projects. There is no curve. It's all objective. So the grades are visible from day one. Two months into the semester doesn't seem at all early to me. It isn't like college where you get a grade based on a midterm and final.
  14. :iagree: Schools and hospitals would be devastated. There would be very few nurses and techs.
  15. If you go to the General Board page, you can click on the column with the heading "Replies". The first 8 threads are stickies and don't count, so look down the page a little bit. The thread started by Stephanie was longer, but since it was deleted we can't tell how many replies it had. Next largest is Active member roll call....just say "Here!" :0) with 828, then McCain picked Sarah Palen, Governor of Alaska, as VP with 724, and so on.
  16. I failed. I know what soybeans look like, but I live in Iowa. And I know of Branson, although I've never been. Other than that, no idea.
  17. It's probably more like every 2-3 months when he's awake and active. But my lizard sleeps about 4-5 months of the year. Is that weird?
  18. Water? Am I supposed to give him water? I've had him for 8 years and I've never given him water. :blink: I don't think it smells bad, but maybe I just don't notice it. We clean up as soon as he goes. The crickets stink though. Phew.
  19. We haven't personally had to do any major budget cutting, but if we did the kids' activities would not be the first thing to go. There are plenty of other ways I could trim the budget first.
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