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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Middle school can be an ugly place. I would NOT want to take a chance that my middle schooler would be ridiculed and tormented by other 7th graders for believing in Santa. If the kid isn't around other 13 year olds, it might not be an issue. Otherwise, look out. Maybe girls are better. But boys would eat him alive.
  2. I wouldn't discuss it anytime soon. There isn't much evidence that self exams do any good. As with any part of her body, she should know what looks and feels normal, and tell you about any changes. If you want to teach her about breast exams, I wouldn't even approach it until late adolescence, especially if she's a worrier.
  3. Me too. It's not too late though. No matter what the path report is, I'd go for a second opinion somewhere else. Just in case you talk to your friend. ;)
  4. There have been cases, but they're extraordinarily rare. Here's a story about a 10 year old with breast cancer. It's also possible to have lymphoma or other cancers to show up in the breast, but still, very, very unusual. More here.
  5. Well, that's reassuring. I'd still be hightailing it to the breast specialists. Hope you and your friend can work it out and be on good terms again.
  6. Oh, no. I'm sorry. She needs a specialist. But you already know that. :grouphug:
  7. Wow. I really hope that this is all miscommunication, and that she's having an abscess drained. Scary.
  8. :grouphug: I'm sorry. How do they know it's a tumor? Any possibility it's an infection? It just seems strange that if it's cancer, they would remove it right away. That doesn't sound typical. Hoping for the best.
  9. I have this one, and it lasted about a year before they ruined it. It was entertaining watching them try to get into it. They're awfully determined. Eventually they knocked it onto the ground and chewed a hole through it.
  10. I have a couple FB friends I would consider angry voters. They are loud, obnoxious, and hateful, and while there are only two of them, they sure make my wall an unpleasant place at times. They are political opposites. It's their tone I can't stand, not their positions.
  11. Spam. Organ meats. Eel. I can't think of a single fruit or vegetable that I haven't tried. I'm not too adventurous with unusual meats though.
  12. That was my guess, but I thought maybe since he isn't ds' coach that would be presumptuous or something. Sports are a foreign world to me.
  13. Ds needs to write a thank you note to a college football coach. How should he address it? They attended a game together, and the coach had ds calling him by his first name. (He is not ds's coach.) Dear Bob? Dear Mr. Smith? Dear Coach Smith? Thanks.
  14. I have All Clad and I hang them on a pot rack over the kitchen island.
  15. Those are all good ideas for preventing it, but what if you found out they did it anyway? My son told me about a disturbing situation that happened on the bus today, where a 7th grade boy with Asperger's was teased when he had a meltdown over a seating issue. I know these kids, and they are really pretty good kids with reasonable parents. It seems like there was a little mob mentality going on. It got me wondering what would be an appropriate way to handle incidents like this. They aren't really mean kids, they're just 7th grade boys who are being obnoxious. But I think this boy gets picked on quite a bit, and I know his parents would appreciate some ideas for how to stop it.
  16. Didn't someone recently post a thread that said 50% of kids admitted to bullying others? Or maybe I read it somewhere else. Anyway, if it's that high, many of us here probably have a kid that's done it, whether we know it or not.
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