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Everything posted by Perry

  1. I fill a glass with vinegar and set it on the top rack, leaving the dishwasher otherwise empty.
  2. The Dawn is important because it reduces the surface tension of the liquid and the flies fall in and drown. Without the soap, they just drink the ACV and fly away.
  3. Like Carhartts? Any farm store should have them.
  4. I was going to buy it for the Kindle, but it's $20!:001_huh: I put it on hold at the library instead. There were hundreds of reviews, so I just scanned through them. It looks like many of the bad reviews are actually complaints about the price, rather than the story.
  5. It's not getting good reviews on Amazon. I loved Pillars of the Earth and WWE, and was really looking forward to this one. If you've read it, what did you think?
  6. If you have one or know one, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks.
  7. I disagree that it is not effective. Medical News Today
  8. :) I'm not so much worried about the taste. Maybe it's just me, but when cheese is too stringy, I gag and can't swallow it. I'm afraid that's what this is going to be like if I can't thin it out some. I'm going to try some milk or cram and see what happens.
  9. I have several large containers of shredded cheese on hand. I'm making enchiladas and into my spinach/ bean mixture, I dumped a large container of what I thought was Monterey Jack. Judging by the big gloopy stringy mess, it was apparently provolone, not MJ. Anything I can do to make this creamier? I added a container of sour cream and that helped a little, but it's still way too thick. I don't think we can eat this.
  10. I organized a local grassroots group. I created a website. I went to school board meetings, talked to superintendents, principals, teachers and parents. I wrote letters to the editor. What I got was the hostility of the teachers and a reputation as a troublemaker. I was publicly called names by the superintendent. We did manage to get the math curriculum changed. From TERC to Everyday math. Big deal. They both stink.
  11. :iagree: I would like to see more discussion about curriculum and how they determine what is taught. For example: Reality Check 2002 (article by subscription only, sorry) However, teacher quality is one piece of the problem, and getting rid of lousy teachers is a problem that shouldn't be that hard to fix, so I'm glad to see it being addressed.
  12. Interesting article about this by Joel Kline and Michelle Rhee here more at link
  13. Thanks everyone. I've never made homemade pizza crust before. Hope it turns out!
  14. Pizza dough I don't understand the instructions. If I add the olive oil and salt to the yeast/water, there isn't any more to add with the flour. What am I not getting here?
  15. It's really helpful for kids who are having trouble tracking. But if he's already reading well without doing it, it might slow him down. I'd clarify with the teacher, but I would probably discourage him unless there is a reason to do it.
  16. Thanks for posting that. I didn't know that song was about John Lennon.
  17. In elementary we did SOTW with the Activity Guide, and it was my kids' favorite subject. The AG has a great variety of activities, and you can choose as many or as few as you like.
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