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Everything posted by 4everHis

  1. Mommyoffive I found elderberries in stock on Jet.com $24/lb. Making a double batch now.
  2. I can't help but wonder why other sports doctors are not screaming "foul!" Why are they not coming forward and saying this type of "treatment" isn't in any way what is necessary? By treatment I mean, unclothed, bare finger insertion, etc. Apart from an OB appointment when would any of that be necessary? Trying to wrap my head around this.
  3. DH called tonight to rant. He was at Home Depot when a lady walked by him with a dog that was not a service dog. He was wondering why anyone would bring their pet to a store when it stopped and did it's 'business'in the aisle they were in. He said the lady looked around to see if anyone saw & when she saw him she went to get a bag to clean it up! 😲😞
  4. We have had one at all 3 of our houses. My dh buys the one at Home Depot for $125 - $150ish. Then it just requires changing the filters and we make them last a LONG time even with 7 people. We only have it hooked up to a separate tap and the ice maker. We had a friend who got into whole house RO system sales and he was positive ours couldn't do as good a job as the big companies. He came out and tested all our water and had to concede that it was doing just as well.
  5. Thank you for taking the time to answer.
  6. A pound of berries makes at least if not more than 3 quart jars of syrup. 8 oz of syrup is $13 and hard to find. Making your own is way cheaper.
  7. It is because I've gotten them for quite a bit cheaper than I just paid.
  8. A pound will make 3-4 batches of quart jar syrup. https://wellnessmama.com/1888/elderberry-syrup/ This is the recipe I use. I've done one without the honey. Pretty nasty and hard to get kids to take. Raw honey has it's own benefits.
  9. If you don't mind my asking why don't you like it? Taste? How it makes you feel?
  10. I volunteered 2 years ago for a week long event. This week I was given direction for what to do at this year's event. I was taken off guard by the assumption that they could fill in the blank with my name while never talking to me. I can miss social protocols but it felt 'wrong.'
  11. If you are the leader in a position where you always have to have volunteers (church, sports, school, etc), do you take someone's volunteering 1 year to mean they are committed to following years? Do you start each new event as though it is the first time and ask for volunteers again? TIA
  12. That's when anyone in my house old enough to live on their own are given the option of going out and reaching those dreams. Go, fly, make that life you crave. If she were younger it would be writing 3 positives for every negative. Sometimes they just get into a 'habit of complaining. Help them break the cycle.
  13. I have a 14 yr old nephew named George and our doctor named his little boy George, he must be 10-12.
  14. My heart hurts for you and your family. Prayers as you all walk this path. :crying:
  15. Not constantly. We have androids and iPhones. My messages have started sending in out of order chunks.
  16. Praying for your brother and your family.
  17. Had #5 three weeks shy of 42. Zero complications. #1 I had preeclampsia/H.E.L.L.P at 36 weeks, #3 barely 36 weeks. #5 wasn't part of our grand plan but I'm telling you, best thing EVER!!!!
  18. Just this week I was wondering how it was going at your house. So nice to have a picture of the girl I've prayed for. Such a good report. :001_smile:
  19. That has most definitely been mentioned! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜‚😃
  20. A small restaurant in a small town. In evenings they have wine tastings, live band type stuff. More upscale than a hall or fellowship hall but not huge wedding venue.
  21. Wedding is 25 of Nov and we they sent invites yesterday! We'll see when it gets here.
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