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Everything posted by 4everHis

  1. http://www.mead.com/mead/browse/product/2016+-+2017+Upper+Class+Weekly-Monthly+Student+Planner+(TL8190_17)/TL8190_17
  2. Now that you mention it, no, there are no signs around here either. A few local election signs but even those are very few.
  3. At least 4 year old child's Land's End parka kept coming 'unzipped' in the middle. Sent it back and they sent a gift card for the cost of the coat.
  4. It's 10th grade, public. I have a transcript and full course descriptions. They want me to bring in all his books and his papers. I guess I'm surprised as both my other kids have been accepted into colleges with strictly the transcript. Hadn't heard of anyone being asked to do this but then I don't know any ex- homeschoolers in this particular school.
  5. Was just a transcript all you needed or did they want to see your books and papers from previous year?
  6. Thank you ladies. I'm sending all of these questions to her as they come in. I know she has seen several different doctors but will need to clarify if one is specifically an ob/gyn. I know they've used many different antibiotics. I know I've talked to her about complete emptying of bladder. I'll mention again. Haven't heard the term bladder prolapse from her. Will check.
  7. I will ask her about the cultures. I know they have done follow up cultures many times because they had her antibiotics back to back for months at one point because they were never coming back negative.
  8. I will ask her about that. Makes sense.
  9. No. She's in great health except for this. Though it seems like the more antibiotics she has more stomach issues.
  10. She has had one progress and I think that scares her. But how long can you take antibiotics before it impacts your health?
  11. I don't think she does but I will make sure she's not. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. Forwarding this info to her. and I agree. I'd love for her to see someone who is open to something other than another antibiotic.
  13. I hadn't heard this but was starting to wonder if 'some' bacteria isn't normal and should they medicate if she has no symptoms?
  14. I will ask her. That is not a term I remember her mentioning.
  15. I will mention this to her again. It doesn't help that I am 1,100 miles away and can't truly check on her. I know I mentioned this once.
  16. Some times she has had pain but in this most recent case she was just having a checkup and the culture was positive. No pain or symptoms.
  17. My mom has been on an antibiotic for UTI's off and on for 2 years. I think the longest she's gone w/o taking antibiotic is 2 mths. They have done scans, scopes, ultrasounds and everything is negative. I want them to find the cause and quit treating the symptoms. She has quit her every morning coffee. She takes cranberry, D'Manose, garlic. Drinks lots of water and is not big on dairy or sugar. Does anyone have any more thoughts or ideas? She does not have heart/blood pressure meds and is not diabetic.
  18. I like that. I think sometimes these verses are used to explain ALL of life for M & M when it very well may be that it was talking about this moment in time.
  19. My mom, 1960 grad, just got her transcript from her high school. Happens to be my high school so I'm guessing they have them.
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