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Everything posted by KidsHappen

  1. Yes, I am what he calls a constant reader and I know ar more about him than I should. He is one of the very few fiction writers that I read.
  2. Not only that but the longer it goes on the more stressed out you become plus there is sometimes some brain deterioration that happens as you age so the older you get the more likely you are to react irrationally to minor stressors. Not to mention that our country has been through some extreme stressors in the last few years and many do not feel safe. However, I personally could only imagine chasing someone if someone had been kidnapped. Otherwise your secure your house and family and call for help if needed.
  3. My ex has also showed up a few times in my dreams recently. He was my first love and the first half of our marriage was good. But in the last year or so I have been questioning myself about the reasoning for some of his actions during the marriage (like did he really love me or was he just taking advantage of me the whole time. I was young and there was a large age difference). I feel like my dreams are trying to reassure me that it was a truly loving relationship at one point. Previous to these dreams all of my dreams were about trying to escape some maze like situation where I went in circles without ever finding the way out, neighborhoods, mansions, malls, hotels, etc. I had those for years. Back before I had problems with insomnia I didn't remember my dreams at all, basically from childhood until about the age of 40. I used to sleep really deeply and never wake up soon after my REM cycle. Now I sleep lightly and frequently wake up in the middle of a dream so I easily remember it. I also have lucid dreams now and I can wake up to go to the bathroom and then go back to bed and continue my dreams where I let off which I frequently do because I want to see how it ends. So yeah, the brain is really weird and sleep behavior can be even weirder. We have people in the family that have night terrors or sleepwalk or talk in their sleep and it can be disconcerting to have to deal with them in that condition.
  4. Thanks for this. My hubby also researched it and found that you have to opt for the "In God We Trust". The default is the one without unless you ask for the other. The car we got from my dd did not have it but they went today and got Gadsden tags for it too.
  5. Ok but why does the spelling of dilemma rise after the 80s and fall after 00s as if more people are misspelling it now?
  6. Maybe I am misunderstanding this graph but it appears that the line that rises and falls as you describe is for the spelling dilemma not dilemna?
  7. I have seen tons of these and most have a logical explanation. For instance many people remember Curious George with a tail because monkeys have tails therefore we expect him to have a tail when in fact he does not have a tail. Looney Tunes is cartoons so we expect it to be Looney Toons but it is not.
  8. The Born in the USA album is simply because the picture is kinda ambiguous. Most people don't keep a baseball hat in their back pocket so if you don't look closely it looks like it could be a bandana.
  9. He was. He never had anything to do with Publisher's Clearing House.
  10. I just had the feeling last night that I might have covid again. My hubby made me one of my favorite meals and I couldn't taste it at all and ended up not eating it. I was also very fatigued, had congestion, chills and a deep ache in what felt like my bones. I slept a little more than usual. If I do have it, this will be the third time. And everytime I have no idea where I could have got it from. I almost never leave the house, really only for doctors appointments (haven't had any in weeks) and to visit my dd occasionally (they don't have it). My hubby has had it every time I have but there is no way of telling who got it first. He doesn't leave the house much more than I do. We still have groceries delivered and he doesn't have a job outside the house or near as many doctor's appointments as I do.
  11. Yeah, when my hubby was first unemployed our payment was $3000 a month and we couldn't get a better plan on the marketplace. Eventually we figured out that for some reason they were not giving us our tax credit. Once they fixed that our payment came down to $300 a month and it is a pretty good plan. We have a seperate plan on my youngest dd and it is a hundred and something a month. I am still so made about the six months that we paid $3000 a month and didn't need to. We could still use that money.
  12. That's why I have the Gadsden plates on my car. No question where we stand on all this government nonsense. We have never been stopped with these plates and I see lots of other drivers with these plates as well. One of my dd has the wildlife one. We just got a car from my oldest dd that has the new plates but I didn't know about this so I have no idea which ones they are.
  13. In TN showing your buttocks in public is a misdemeanor public indecency charge. So you could possible get a fine for it but it is certainly not worthy of death. Not really even worth getting your ire up. The man definitely deserved the charge he received.
  14. Ok, so when our house was built, a hole was placed for the window and then L-shaped metal brackets were placed on the drywall around the opening and then the window was framed into that space. We have a window that is leaking from above the metal bracket. So the window itself is fine, the seal is fine and the framing appears to be fine but the drywall above the window and the metal frame is leaking. There doesn't appear to be any stress on the glass, no cracks or breaks and the window opens and closes fine. But the drywall there is soft, a towel on the window sill gets wet when it rains and the carpet can get damp. Where is the water coming from? The outside wall there is stacked rocks. Is it possible that rain in coming in between the outside wall and the drywall? If so how do you fix that? Or maybe the metal frame is not sealed correctly? Anyone have any experience with something like this? Any idea how much repairs will be? And do we need a window person or a contractor?
  15. I am glad that this came up. I need to buy new storage bowls. I have a couple of Pyrex bowls with lids and while I haven't had any problems with them it is good to know that others have. My dd had the flip and click kind and hasn't had any problems with them so I will probably buy some of those.
  16. My first name is boring so I wanted to give my kids somewhat unusual first names and then a simple somewhat older more respectable middle name in case they needed it for business when they were older. My oldest dd's name is four letters, two syllables and an extremely common word. No one ever gets it right. It blows our mind how people can mess it up. Kind of like the Eve example above she even has a reference that everyone knows and they still mess it up. My second dd is 30 something years old now. I took a very popular song title and tweaked it slightly and of course for the most part people never knew how to spell or pronounce it and she didn't care. She would answer to anything remotely close and never correct people. Used to drive me bonkers. Then along came a certain pop singer with the same name and suddenly everyone can pronounce it but still no one can spell it because the singer's name isn't spelled the same (not the same as the accepted derivitive of this name). By the third dd I was running out of unique names (and wasn't really expecting to have any more kids - HAHA). So we dove deep into Shakespeare and came up with a name we liked that we hadn't heard much at all. Well, apparently half the people having little girls in a five year time period around her birth did the same thing and it turns out that her name is very common. So she has no problems with spelling or pronunciation. By number four we didn't even have a girl's name at all. We were expecting a boy. We had an ultrasound that said so. So she was a surprise when she arrived. We had an NA midwife so we asked her for a name and she came up with one that not only fit the circumstances of her birth but it would turn out her personality as well. She has the rarest name of all the girls. It is not unheard of but it is very unisex so of the few people we have heard of with this name it leans slightly male. Easy to pronounce and spell though. And then finally number five. At the time we picked her name it was predominately a male name and my hubby almost vetoed it for said reason. I finally got him to cave and we gave her that name. Well once again, every parent of a little girl within about five years of her birth must have had the same idea and she has turned out to have the most popular name of all of them. It is still a popular name today. It has a common traditional spelling but I don't know that we have met two girls with this name that have the same spelling. The variations are endless but for the most part everyone knows how to pronounce it. Our last name is three syllables and six letters. When we pronounce it I can't think of any other way it could possibly be spelled and yet for the first 20 years I had this name no one ever spelled it right. And when people would see it written they didn't have a clue how to pronounce it even though it seems self evident to me. I now know that most people thought it was a Italian name when in fact it is a French derivitive. Anyhow, 20 years ago we moved here, to the part of the country where the family ancestors migrated to and there are tons of people with this last name so we don't have that problem anymore.
  17. My hubby and I have lived in so many states and for the most part we have liked everywhere we have been. There are other places that we considered home but we would not move there now. We have been here for 20 years now and while I would never move here now, I don't really see us moving anywhere else. I have finally got most of my children within 20 minutes of us. My hubby has a lot of close friends and activities that we wouldn't want him to leave. I have a lot of medical problems and I have had the same PCP for almost 20 years now and several of my other doctors for several years each. It is beautiful here and there are lots of things to do. The weather is bearable for the most part. The COL is high and it is a stretch for the whole family but I just don't see us all picking up and moving somewhere else.
  18. I found this on Wayfair: https://www.wayfair.com/Everly-Quinn--Corkhill-Convertible-Sofa-Bed-With-Storage-60.24-X211361944-L305-K~W100250833.html?refid=PSD49-w100250833_2006042863&costid=PSD49&pin_campaign=626745365245&pin_adgroup=2680072111691&pin_productgroup=4260607902308&device=desktop
  19. I am interested in your story because we are planning to do the same albeit at a somewhat slower pace. We have already talked to the real estate agent. The plan is to declutter, do some small upgrades/fixes and clean and have it ready for market in Feb. So I am taking notes.
  20. How did she know it was a boy?
  21. Have you checked GoodRx. My pain meds were about $750 a month without insurance and not covered at all. With GoodRx it came down to $160 a month.
  22. I realize that change is sometimes necessary but I don't like it. I don't like surprises either.
  23. I just did a search and at least three sites say it is sensing. 16personalities has a good explanation.
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