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Everything posted by KidsHappen

  1. I am interested in your story because we are planning to do the same albeit at a somewhat slower pace. We have already talked to the real estate agent. The plan is to declutter, do some small upgrades/fixes and clean and have it ready for market in Feb. So I am taking notes.
  2. How did she know it was a boy?
  3. Have you checked GoodRx. My pain meds were about $750 a month without insurance and not covered at all. With GoodRx it came down to $160 a month.
  4. I realize that change is sometimes necessary but I don't like it. I don't like surprises either.
  5. I just did a search and at least three sites say it is sensing. 16personalities has a good explanation.
  6. I just took the test on 16 personalities which I have taken before and got the same results although the numbers were slightly different. I - 100% N - 73% F - 75% P - 99% A - 79%
  7. There are about 20 people in my immediate family. We have all tested, know our own types and the types of everyone else. We discuss it frequently. It does help to understand each person and how to best interact with them. My hubby and I originally took the tests in college, then my hubby also took it in the military and then took it again recently through the VA. We later took on-line versions and got the same answers so I tend to believe that the on-line versions are fairly accurate. I think two of my dd also took the test in college and the rest took it on line. We have found that if you take the test when you are fairly young you may test towards the middle on some of the letters and that may change as you get older and your personality matures more. An example of this is that when I first tested my J/P was very close to the middle but now is a definite P. Also preferences may become more developed over time. For instance, the first time I tested I was strongly I but as time passed I am now 100% I. It can also go the other way. When I was younger I was more strongly F and while I am still an F it is less strong than it used to be. I am an INFP with I and P being very strong and N and F being slightly less strong. Some more example of these effects: one of my dd originally tested INFP but is now ENFP. The youngest two originally tested as ENFPs but now test as ENFJ(P)s. So generally speaking when taking the test various times throughout your life you may find one or two letters change but you would not find that you change dramatically from say an INFP to a ESTJ. Finally, people might not test exactly as you would expect. One of the girls that tested as a ENFJ(P) I would have guessed to be an INFP. But I assume that she knows herself better than I do and that she may act differently when she is in other company so knowing her type helps me understand her better. Just by knowing my family and what the different modalities were I was able to guess almost everyone's type. The majority of the family are Is and we only have two Ss and two Ts and then about an even mix of J/Ps. I am usually only off by one letter from most of the people that are different than me. I get along best with the people that are the most similar to me and have the hardest time with the ones that are the most different. Knowing the types helps me understand why.
  8. The military and VA use it for helping to determine placement in military job and career counseling after leaving military.
  9. NVM. I figured it out. This is also awful. As a person who has undergone many surgeries and medical procedures, I can't even imagine. One of my dds once had a very serious abdominal surgery and later in the night after she woke up in severe pain she called me and told me that she was in such severe pain and she couldn't get anyone to administer pain meds. I was staying with my oldest dd so I told her what was going on and then headed for the hospital. My oldest dd called the hospital while I was on the way there and I don't know what she said to them but by the time I arrived the head charge nurse was in the room and had already administered meds. She apologized profusely and my dd didn't have any more problems the rest of the time she was there. But imagine if she didn't have two people advocating for her. She would have laid there in severe pain for God only knows how long. My hubby always comes with me for procedures and is my advocate because it is hard to be a good advocate for yourself as the patient.
  10. They have a berry flavor that is palatable. I mix one tsp in a 20 oz. bottle and drink it after dinner. You can do two a day if need be. Also when I was in rehab they served me warmed prune juice at breakfast that also tasted pretty good. I take 400mg of mag citrate three times a day (for medical reasons) and seem to regularly go to the bathroom right before bedtime.
  11. OMG! It was gut wrenching. When I started homeschooling it wasn't even legal in every state yet. There were lots of stories of CPS showing up on your doorstep and taking your children. We joined HSLD even though we really didn't agree with them on almost any other issue just so we would have a lawyer to call just in case someone did show up. I faithfully took my children to one year medical check-ups they did not need (long after pre-school age) just so we had a relationship with a doctor in case there ever was an issue. I had one frightening hospital experience with one of my children in another state while we were on vacation. I have read about a lot of cases that were treated as abuse that later turned out to be medical but for the most part, I thought those days were over. However, whenever I hear someone say call CPS and let them investigate, I think of cases like this. I am so glad that my children are grown and my grandchildren are all very healthy. Of course, I do worry that my one dd is in TX and she doesn't have a new pediatrician or dentist there yet.
  12. I think what we have is Hulu live which is streaming? Not really sure.
  13. We have Hulu with the ESPN/Disney+ package and we really like that. We also have Netflix, Amazon Prime and Paramount plus. I still occasionally want to watch something I can't find but or the most part this works for us.
  14. Almost all of my clothing is black or dark grey. My dog is a tan AST/GSD/Husky mix that sheds a handful of hair every time you pet her. I don't know that I have ever gone out of the house without tan hair all over my dark clothes even if I took it fresh out of the dryer and put it on right before walking out of the house. You can literally see hair flying off of her as she runs. She is brushed, we dust and vacuum and we never get rid of the hair. She has a short coat and I swear it is worse than when we had a golden retriever. At least his hair would sort of form tumbleweeds that you could kind of scoop up in your hand whereas her hair floats in the air and sticks to everything. When I dust my bookshelves I will get a small bunch off of even the top shelves. I have a small basket with my medicines in it that I keep on my bed which she does not go on at all and I have to clean the dog hair out of it once a week. My hubby and I have throws that we keep on our chairs that she doesn't touch and we still have to wash them once a week to get the dog hair out. It reminds me of the Doctor Suess story of the boy mowing the lawn while the grass grows up behind him.
  15. If they are soft material, I vacuum them with the brush attachment. If they are a hard material I wipe them with a damp cloth. I have some lamps that are 25 years old and I have never had to replace a shade just from regular use. I have had some that have gotten crumbled or hard ones that have broken in which case I replace with lampshades from somewhere like Hobby Lobby.
  16. I can absolutely relate to that. My mother was a hoarder. My brother and me and my kids had to empty my mother's house after she died. It was awful and I literally have PTSD from it. We found various checks and cash stuck in all kinds of weird places, a diamond ring in a jar of seashells, her meds all over the place, all of which was buried under feet of garbage and junk. I have always been a bit of a minimalist because of my mother so most of the clutter in my house belongs to my grown children so it should be fairly easy for them to go through it when the time comes. My youngest still lives at home so she can help go through the baby stuff and my oldest can help me sell the stuff that is worth it (I have lots of older Fisher Price Little People sets that are worth some money). My second youngest moved out about a year ago and she left behind a large walk-in closet worth of stuff which she would rather die than come go through but I am sure she will do it when we are getting ready to move. My hubby is a bit of a packrat especially when it comes to paperwork but he does go through it all about once a year and throws out a large garbage bag worth. My weakness is books. I have eight sets of double wide bookshelves and they would definitely not all fit in a new smaller house so I do have to go through and cull which is made difficult by the fact that I really don't want to part with any. Most of them are educational but there are some I can sell then get on Kindle which is easier for me to read anyhow.
  17. Thanks for all of the input so far. It has helped me sort my thoughts. I am beginning to think that I will start decluttering and sprucing up the house and plan to sell in the spring. They are still building in my eldest dd's neighborhood and they have a floorplan that we like so if we can afford that we will plan to get a house there. Hopefully the whole family will be able to help my other dd to find a house that she can afford and that will work for her. Since my health is declining is does make more sense to do as much as I can now while I am able so that maybe I am settled before things get much worse. It is much easier for me to somewhat move forward if I have some semblance of a plan and then adjust that plan in the future if need be.
  18. My hubby is still looking but it is beginning to look like he will get classified by the VA as totally and permanently disabled in which case he will not be able to work. This would also lead to a possible disability rating by SS but even if it doesn't he would be able to retire and between the two we would be able to live on that income. We could afford the current mortgage or we could sell and have a healthy nest egg to cover any shortfall each month if we buy a new house. We should hear from the VA within the next three months and then SS three to six months after that. At that point we will know what our monthly income will be and that we will need to move at some time in the not too distant future.
  19. The reason we need a bedroom on the first floor is because my disability seems to be degenerative. I can currently still get up and down the stairs but am not sure how much longer that will be the case. My medical testing is still on going so I don't have any firm answers yet but we do know that at some point I will need to be on the first floor. When all things wash out, we will be able to afford the mortgage on this house because we bought it quite a while back and have a 3% interest rate. Our house has more than doubled in worth so we could sell this house, pay off the remaining mortgage, put a large down payment on a new house and still have a healthy nest egg. The size house we are looking at would be more than we originally paid for this house and the interest rate would be around 7% so the monthly payment would be more. Rent here costs more than a mortgage. My dd was living here and moved to live with other family in TX about six months ago because she can't afford to buy here. She would like to eventually move back here because we are here as is all of her sisters. If she stayed with us for a few years then she would be in a better position to buy here. We are all currently helping to look for a place in her price range here and she would be better able to shop here if she was living with us.
  20. I have a constant internal monologue that just about drives me crazy. I will be thinking of one thing and then my mind will jump to something else and then I will forget what I was previously thinking about and that drives me crazy. I can not go to sleep at night unless I am streaming something to distract me from all the thoughts going around in my head. I also can visually see things in my head as well. I did know that some people couldn't visualize things but it absolutely blows my mind that people don't have internal monologues or words in their head. I can't even imagine how people think like that. It also amazes me of all the different ways in which people's brains work.
  21. So we really won't know what my hubby's monthly income will be until closer to the end of the year after the VA and SS have finished processing all of their paperwork. The mortgage is still covered for another three months and then we could request a three month forbearance from our mortgage company. The monthly payment would be cheaper to stay in this house as long as possible and my second dd and her kids could move back in here with us. But eventually (maybe sooner than I was expecting) we will have to move to a house with a MB on the first floor. My dilemma is: would it be better to sell our house now while the market is still high and buy a new house that would probably be cheaper now than say three years from now. Obviously, I couldn't do this until we know what my hubby's monthly income will be. So probably next spring. Or should I just stay here as long as possible and only move when I have to? Unless of course we suddenly need money right away in which case we would have to sell as soon as possible. Plus I don't want to have my dd to move back here from TX if we weren't going to stay in this house for a few years. I do need to do some decluttering and I am already to the point where I can not do it myself. So should I have the family help now or wait until we are actually going to move so they don't have to do the work twice (now and again when we move). I need to cull and rearrange my books. I have so many that although I used to be able to do it in two days it might now take me a week or more because I pretty much need to do that myself. The other major area of concern is children's toys and clothes. I have kept some of my kids stuff and all of my grandkids things, all of which have been passed down to the younger ones. I still have one dd who plans to have kids and I know she will probably want some of it but definitely not all of it. I have one entire attic space full of that stuff. I know what my dd would want to keep but I would definitely need help going through it. If I am not moving anytime in the near future then there is no need to do it now because we don't need the space right now. But when we downsize we will not have much storage space at all so I will need to then. Basically I have all of this on a continuous loop in my head (internal monologue) and I don't know what is going to happen or what I need to do. If I was younger, stronger and healthier I would declutter and whup this place in shape so that it is ready to sell whenever need be but I am not and I don't want to ask my kids to do more work than necessary as they all have jobs. What would you do? Any ideas, suggestions or even a way to change the monologue channel?
  22. People who eat keto, paleo, Atkins or other high fat/protein diets often eliminate fruits and some vegetables. The same for some people that have certain digestive issues. I don't know about vitamin C particularly but when I had my neurological collapse I was consuming plenty of B12 but I was also taking a PPI that was blocking absorption and I was almost completely disabled before we figured it out. I couldn't walk, go to the bathroom (my bladder was dangerously full when I arrived at the hospital), use my hands, or speak plus I had severe cognitive difficulties so that I didn't even realize how bad things were. To me it seemed like I just woke up like that one day. Luckily my hubby was paying attention and had been speaking to my doctor everyday and together decided I needed to go to the hospital.
  23. I have been ghosted by so many hair stylists over the years. I think it is because they sign some kind of contract saying that if they leave that salon they can't take their customers with them. I have occasionally been able to find them again but sometimes they just disappear. I know some people's loyalty is to the salon but I personally prefer to have the same stylist where ever they are.
  24. I have two different banks and I don't think I have checks for either one.
  25. I absolutely agree about Phreesia. We don't pay medical bills until we get the EOB. There have been too many times medical facilities have tried to charge us more than we were required to pay and it is almost impossible to get money back if you have overpaid.
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