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Everything posted by KidsHappen

  1. Hubby and three kids all running a fever of 102-104. Aches, pains, chills, coughing, congestion, sore throat. I am the only one still standing and not whimpering but I am fading fast. I haven't slept in three days because at least once every half hour someone is asking, for medicine, or halls or water or to be covered up or help going to the bathroom. Since there is four of them this is pretty much non stop. Dh went for culture today to make sure we are dealing with the flu not strep throat. I am almost praying for strep because I know that they can cure it. :(
  2. It was so bad that oxycodone and demerol was not even touching the pain. My blood pressure was like 165/135. They put me on the pill and I haven't had a problem since. I did break from the pill for a while but after two months the pain started coming back so back on the pill I went. I plan to stay on the pill as long as they will let me.
  3. Phonics - Rocket Phonics Phonics Workbooks - ETC Vocabulary - Vocabulary Cartoons Grammar - Growing with grammar & Analytical Grammar Writing - Write Source Math - Mastering Mathematics, Teaching Textbooks, MUS, & Singapore Science - PAC, Singapore, RS4K & SYRWTL Science History - SYRWTL History Junior and Prep, History of US Government - Great Source American Government Economics - Uncle Eric Books, Financial Peace Art Application - Gordon's School of Art: New Masters Program Latin - Getting Started in Latin, Maybe Lively Latin and Latin Prep Anything by the Teaching Company
  4. I almost always vote libertarian but in this particular race I will probably cross over. There is one person I would like to see win so if they get the ticket I will vote for them and there is one person I DO NOT want to see win so I will vote against them if I have to.
  5. I never buy pencils and we have a ton of them. I don't know where they come from. On the other hand, we lose pens. I have my own designated pens which the children are forbidden from touching.
  6. It explains things very well and allows the child to master an entire concept and move on very quickly. I use this program and I absolutely love it. It is a very versatile program and can be used in many different ways. If you buy the whole package you will get the teachers manual, games, manipulative and the workbooks. The teacher's guide is more than just an answer key. It tells you different ways to implement the program, different sequences and other helpful information. You can buy the workbooks and TE separately. This allows you to try one workbook and see if it works for you. Also it makes for an easier cash flow if you buy one book a year instead of all at once. We only use the workbooks and they are the best I have ever seen. The explanation of what you are supposed to do is on each work page. The instructions are so easy and thorough that a child who is reading at a second to third grade level can do them completely on their own. We have been using this program for a few years with my daughter and I can only remember one time when she needed additional help from me. The back of each page is blank so when you open to a two pages spread there is only writing on the page that the dc is supposed to be working on. The type is fairly large and there is lots of white space. The largest problem with this program is the pacing. The addition book has 68 pages. Once you finish the book you would pretty much know everything you need to know about adding. So what are you going to do for the rest of the year? In my opinion there are two options. If you child is very bright then just start with the next book and do this through the entire series. At this rate it would take about four years to finish the whole series. This could be followed by a strong review program in fifth grade and pre-algebra in sixth. If your dc is not up to that rigorous of a pacing then you could finish one book a year then spend the rest of each year doing drill work like Calculadders. I'll add to the chorus on Singapore, MUS and Right Start. All great programs that would fufill your criteria.
  7. He is home for a week. I had a big long list of things for him to do while he was home and he up and gets the flu. Now what will happen is: he won't get anything on the list done and I will spend the whole week tending to him. He will get well just in time to go back on the road by which time I will be sick and then he won't be here to take care of me. Every single time that I have been majorly ill he has been on the road and my kids are just capable enough to take care of themselves but not to take care of me. Hopefully there will not be any bodily fluids involved.
  8. I have reviewed several phonics/reading programs for my book and this is my favorite. It is very thorough. I have written a three page review of it which I have tried to attach. I am new at this so we will see if it comes through.
  9. Science: Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum's (PAC) Integrated Physics and Chemistry, also Biology, Singapore's Upper level Sciences, So You Really Want to Learn Science (middle school level science), RS4K Level 2 Chemistry. History: PAC's American History (middle school level), History Odyssey. Math: Chalkdust, Video Text Algebra, Lial's, Foerster's Algebra 2, Key Press's Discovering Algebra 2. English: Perfection Learning's BK English, Analytical Grammar or Jensen's Grammar and Puntuation. I also have a huge list of textbooks most of which can be had pretty cheaply from either Amazon or Ebay.
  10. Is this a cold or something else? Possibly the flu? Do I need to do anything else? Can you tell that my hubby and dc never get sick?
  11. I prefer longer somewhat softer curls. So I grow it out and then go and get it a cut and perm. The problem is that when you go in with somewhat longer, straighter hair they never cut it short enough or curl it enough so I end up with a cut that neither one of us likes. I haven't had my hair done in a way that I like in at least 5 years. I think the problem is that they are afraid of making it too short or curly so they err on the side of caution and I end up with medium length puffy hair instead. I just paid $150 to get my hair done about 3 weeks ago and just ended up with a shorter version of what I already had. I like it alright now but it takes me an hour to wash, blow dry and curl it and it has to be done at least every other day. I am going to go and get another cut in about month. Maybe if they are starting with shorter hair then they won't be so so skittish about going short enough. And then in a few months I can get another perm. :mad:
  12. He is alreay taken he is already getting plenty of vitamins, eating healthy, exercising. We are getting echnacia (sp?) today and making chicken noodle soup. ANything else we could be doing? He can't afford to get sick.
  13. I was routing for the Pats but very impressed with the show by the Giants. They really deserved the win.
  14. I was a contradiction in terms. I was looked like the girl-next-door, pretty, clean cut, well-dressed, tasteful natural looking make-up, smart, and fairly polite. I was a teacher's helper, and worked in the library. I took woodshop, metal working and graphic arts. I never studied or did homework but I maintained a A average without studying. But I was constantly smoking (not cigarettes), drinking, skipping school, shop lifting, fighting, arguing with teachers. More than once my mother was asked to come to school and take me home becasue they didn't know what to do with me. I am sure that I left eveyone scratching their heads but there was no doubt that I would be a non-conformist. No one who knew me was surprised to hear that I didn't immunize, had homebirths, breastfeed, co-slept or homeschooled. I think that they are all just surprised that I don't live in a commune or something. You know that thing where your parents say that they hope you get a kid just like you, well I think that I may be reaping that now.
  15. I have to go with the Pats from my favoriate state of MA. My dh used to be a big Tampa fan (20 + years) but lost interest once they won the superbowl. He said that goal had been met so he was moving on to better things. So if Green Bay isn't playing we usually just watch for the commercials and enjoy a day of snacking. Since the Pats are playing we will be monitoring the score as well. I would like to see them go with a perfect score, history in the making, ya know. I haven't kept up on the news about the cheating (to busy watching politics) but I feel that even if they did cheat and it did effect a few games, that doesn't take away from the fact that they had the skill and abilities to pull off the rest of the wins. They do deserve some credit for having some talent.
  16. I was a military wife for almost 15 years and now my dh is doing the road warrior thing as a computer consultant. Some things that I have found that help are: Make a list of projects that you can not handle on your own some that he can help with them when he is home. Try to plan and make meals and do the major shopping when he is home. Make use of convenience foods and take our if you can. Automate as many things as you can. Arrange to have some breaks by trading babysitting or using child care when you can. Plan down time for yourself everyday so that you can unwind and destress. When you are having a miserable day, don the p.j.s, pop some popcorn and plant the entire family on a blanket in front of a movie. Shut the house down with everyone in bed as early as possible. Have everyone sleep later as well if you can. Let the kids sleep in your room if it means everyone gets more sleep and it is easier on you. School from bed if you need to. Make the house as kids friendly and safe as you can so that they don't need as close and constant supervision. Forget about the messes while he is gone and clean really well before he gets home. And sometimes just allow yourself to have a good cry. It really relieves the stress. And of course, lean on as many support sources as you can. These are just a few things that I found helped me. Know that we are all thinking of you and wishing you the best.
  17. That's how I felt at the voting place yesterday. It really took everything that I had to not just take off my shirt right there in front of God and everybody. If I didn't think that would have ruined my chance to vote, I probably would have. I am in my early forties and I have been having hot flashes for a few years now. :(
  18. Perhaps it will help to focus on some of the positives and try to work out a well that will work for all. First of all, you are so incredibly blessed to have such a great stepmom who is still part of your life and still loves your dc so much. And then doubly blessed that her new husband is so involved as well. Perhaps they can do as someone else suggested and take turns taking the children. And then if you are really good at juggling the balls you can have your parents take the others or have the older ones stay with friends. Maybe your date nights will be even more precious because of this. I know I sometimes went years without date nights because I had no one to watch the kids. I think that who I would let go first would depend on how old they are and who it means the most too. If the littles ones are too young to really know or care, let the older ones go and if the older ones are so consumed with the idea then let the younger ones go first. I am sure that it will all work out in the end because it sounds like your family all really loves each other and it willing to work at it. Just know that I am thinking of you and hoping that it is not too hard on you emotionally as you go through this. :)
  19. The power kept periodically going off all night. We lost power momentarilly when Hurley was looking in the window at the cabin. Was there a face in the window? What happened? Also when Hurley was talking to Charlie. What did Charlie say? Who do you think the six were? And what was Jack afraid that Hurley would tell?
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