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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. @Harriet Vane Ugh, I’m so sorry. I hope you feel better soon, and wish we could send you soup! One supplement that I take daily, and have heard that others feel is beneficial if one has Covid and for a period afterwards: Boluoke. My doc insists on it. You can buy it on Amazon, or from Researched Nutritionals, probably some other places as well. I have “sludgy blood” (a tendency to clot), and this helps. I double up when sick. Something like that might help prevent clot issues later. Nattokinase may have a similar action. ETA: it’s expensive. You could probably find a different brand of lumbrokinase, this is just the one I trust, and have taken for the last ten years or so with good results.
  2. I’m so sorry for her loss. Your DD is a good Dog Mommy, and gave wonderful care to her pup. I hope he will come visit her in her dreams, and that that might bring her some comfort.
  3. If flowers are your thing, this might help: https://www.nps.gov/shen/learn/nature/wildflowers.htm I am partial to rhododendrons and mountain laurel, but those are more May/early June, IIRC. I think early April you would see redbuds and serviceberries in bloom, probably. Shenandoah is always beautiful, so you can’t really go wrong.
  4. No. Not for this. And I’m very pro-therapy. I’ve had great experiences with therapy! For me, hard workouts — the getting sweaty for 45 mins to an hour cardio kind, eating in a way that works for my body (my doc helped me determine), and taking the supplements that my doc recommended helped. Also, to be frank, lots of intimate time with DH. I did other things — projects, learning new things, but those first 3-4 were the physical components that helped the most. I also lost 25 lbs as a result but the weight loss was a happy side effect. It has stayed off for maybe 8 years now. I also mentioned that I had a group of accountability friends. We checked in with each other. When I started making changes, I was feeling very down. I made the commitment to my friends that if I didn’t see noticeable improvement in how I was feeling within three weeks, I would talk to my doc about anti-depressants.
  5. I was coming to post my small story from a few years ago, when I had a minor crisis, and how I managed it with making some changes and a commitment to stay accountable to friends and call my doc about meds if I didn’t see changes by a certain date. But @BakersDozen, your post took my breath away. I hope you will call someone tomorrow — even your GP — and talk to them honestly, mention the near trip to the ER. That is a lot to bear alone, and you need support. Would you consider meds? Therapy? An inpatient stay could be transformative — and it’s the quickest way to get on meds and get them adjusted, if you’re up for that. I don’t push meds, but I do think they are an amazing coping tool — a crutch we need at some points in life. And it does sound like you need coping tools right now. If we lived close, I’d be inviting you for coffee and hanging out, or helping you make phone calls or whatever you need. Please know that we all care for you.
  6. I just ordered the Gold Bond body lotion — thank you! Have also been using the sunscreen, which is by far my favorite ever. I love this thread. I was at urgent care yesterday and had to pull down my mask for a moment and the nurse complimented my skin. You could have knocked me over, and maybe she was just being nice, but it made me feel like the last 18 mos or so of changes have really made a difference.
  7. @Harriet Vane How frustrating! I am hopeful that you can get through with masking and ventilation. Are you comfortable with any of the nose sprays? You could use them yourself. We have been using Nozzin (not a spray, but applied with a qtip) after potential exposures. I’m sure I read about it in this thread somewhere. I hope everyone stays healthy. Anecdotally, I was just in urgent care for another reason, and the nurse was just back to work after 6 weeks of illness — three different illnesses, with a Covid chaser at the end. She said it’s been this way for the last year or so, she’s always sick these days. I feel like pre-Covid I didn’t hear stories like that as often. I am that way — a cold will turn into a six week odyssey of illness — and so I feel like I’d always have taken note of anyone similar. It really feels like there’s an immune component to living post Covid.
  8. @HomeAgain Forced Family Fun Night made me snort coffee. And thank you for the idea of texting pics — what a great, neutral idea. We use text, but pics would make it more impersonal, possibly. Love it.
  9. So sorry for this loss, and terribly sad today. We, too, loved the Quark Chronicles.
  10. Fun! I am not good at it, but make attempts and laugh. However, if you want to really learn — lots of local, small coffee shops have lessons. I just discovered a new one, and they had a valentine latte art class. So maybe ask around! Or YouTube, of course.
  11. I want to change my vote. My initial vote was yes. In addition to DH, I was thinking of at least one local friend to whom I can tell anything I want (anything I want because I don’t necessarily want to share every detail in my head and bore someone to tears). There’s also a college bestie out there, and we pick up where we left off whenever we are together, even if it’s in the phone. I can tell her anything, and vice versa. DH goes without saying. But other than DH and my college bestie — who is awesome and a forever person, but not local — I want to switch to Nah. I don’t have any local friends with whom I can share anything at all. A few years ago — yes. But not anymore. Our area has really shifted in the last few years (not just in my head, we often make national news for the divisiveness here), and there is a level of distrust here now, even among former close friends. Upon reflection, I really do need to keep the filter on locally IRL these days, except with DH.
  12. Possibly too late, but here are three non-plastic favors I recall giving that were well received. After a Cupcake Wars party — kids took home decorated (by them) cupcakes in cardboard boxes, plus a wooden spoon on which we had stamped their name and tied a cupcake recipe card. Bonus to that is that we kept the wood stamps and they get a lot of use! After a Mythbusters party — kids took home a handmade folder of easy to do “experiments” and myths to bust at home. Nothing more involved than household items and a microwave. I can’t recall what else was sent home with that, but am pretty sure it was a paper gift bag with a few of the necessary items. These were not messy or explosive science projects. We did that type *at* the party! Pretty sure someone here will object to that, but it was in keeping with all the attendees’ family cultures, and really stuff kids could do without adult help. After a Rube Goldberg party — everyone took home colorful sets of wooden dominos to make domino runs. Escape Room party attendees all received a variant of puzzle — the type that needs to be manipulated to be solved, I can’t think what they are called. Usually metal or wood, trying to unlock or separate pieces.
  13. Yep, even now there are a few cases every year in the SW. Rodents have fleas that carry it (prairie dogs, rabbits, mice, and more). A few other rare, nasty diseases, too. Yuck. Back when I did field work in the SW, we would talk about making a t-shirt with all the bizarre ways to die in the SW, and plague was on the list.
  14. Donate. Don’t mess with coordinating freecycle or whatever. Seriously. That’s a huge headache, they may or may not show and your frustration isn’t worth the time spent. Call Habitat or whoever will come pick it up, donate, and take the receipt or not.
  15. We just celebrated ours. We are low key. We went to the place where we got married and took the kids. It’s also the place we hung out together as teens, and revisted when we were dating in our 20s. It’s a dynamic, fun, beautiful little location. We went for a nice walk, and just spent a beautiful afternoon together. We exchanged small gifts (small from me, bigger from DH this time). We go to NYC every ten years, and those tend to be bigger celebrations.
  16. I am so sorry for your family’s loss. That is just heartbreaking, and feels unnecessary. Our most vulnerable people are in hospitals. I have a friend who works in a local hospital, and masking is optional. She says she’s the only one masking, even while there’s a nasty bug going around — which she caught despite masking, and yep, tested positive for Covid immediately. It’s sad to think how many already-ill patients also caught it.
  17. Oh, that is so cool! Please keep us updated if you see him again — maybe he will stay in your area and be a frequent flyer at your feeder!
  18. Oh my goodness, so sorry this is happening. Thinking of you!
  19. Basically, yes. I sometimes wait a few minutes, but usually I don’t have time. My dermatologist had me start by mixing some tretinoin with the moisturizer in my palm, when I started the tretinoin, so I imagine it’s fine.
  20. I use an Rx tretinoin, and my insurance doesn’t cover it but the dermatologist has a compounding pharmacy that delivers it for a reasonable price so I pay $40 OOP every few months. The Vit C serum I started with from the derm was Obaji and pricey. Someone here mentioned a different brand on Amazon that looks good, though, and was much less. I may try that if I can find the brand again. When I turned 50, I asked the derm what I should be doing and those were the two recommendations. I also use a rosacea cream from the dermatologist. And sunscreen. I am not big into doing a skin care routine, but this has made a big difference. Following along to see if there’s anything else that might help!
  21. Following along, but for now I’ve been happy with this routine (started a year+ ago, can see a difference): Tretinoin at night, Vit C serum in the morning. I use an inexpensive collagen cream am and pm, and also — sunscreen daily. For make up, I love Jones Road. I’ve switched over last year and have tossed most of my former products (Clinique, mostly). I use a very small bit of the WTF foundation (it’s very light and moisturizing, not a lot of coverage — I really like that it feels more like moisturizer), a face pencil if needed. I use their miracle balm very sparingly, and if you wait for a sale you can get smaller tubs to try different shades. I am not in love with their mascara, but everything else has been a winner on my skin. I do wish they had a satin or matte cream eye product.
  22. So sorry you are sick. When I had something similar (drug induced liver injury hepatitis, from a Rx medication), DH and I watched Schitt’s Creek. IIRC, the first few episodes were just ok, but once we got through those — that show. Be still my heart. It was light, and funny, and just what I needed. Take it easy, and rest a lot. I hope you feel better soon!
  23. Thank you for this. You said just what I needed to hear, at this moment. Just — thank you. OP, I don’t have answers. I’m reading along, though.
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