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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. This hits close to home for me. Our local neighborhood had an issue with a man in a van pulling up and talking to kids who were walking dogs, etc. The kids ran away, but this would happen sporadically for months, and it was discussed on our local groups frequently. It was reported. It culminated in a similar van pulling up to a bus stop and grabbing a girl. She ran away, and there were a lot of kid witnesses (the kids at the bus stop). We received emails about this from our local sheriff's office, and a letter went home from school. FWIW, the kids were middle schoolers so maybe not 15. I don't remember if they caught the man who tried to grab the girl, it's been a year or two, but after that the reports about the man in a van approaching kids stopped. We are not the types to see danger in every stranger, but my kids know not to talk to random people who pull up in cars while they are outside playing. If a driver needs directions or help finding a lost dog, they can ask an adult just as easily as a child outside. I'm not comfortable with teaching kids it's ok to engage with men who pull up in vans, in what sounds like a roadway (not a parking space), even if it makes a man somewhere sad that he can't just pull his van up to say hello to teenage girls and/or their dogs. Sorry, SKL's Dad, you'll have wait till a more socially appropriate moment to talk to my kids, at which point they will smile and talk and probably joke around.
  2. I read this yesterday, and found it fascinating.
  3. Glad she is feeling better today. DS (11 yrs) hates when he reacts to meds that way - such an out of control feeling, he says it feels like someone else in his body. :( He sends sympathy to your DD.
  4. Poor baby. It's not how she wants to feel. Poor you, too! My DS does not react that way to inhalers, but I have read that it's possibe. You might call the doc to see if there's an alternative inhaler option. I feel your pain. DS reacts similarly to other meds, so I've seen the havoc. Not fun. For any of you! In fact, we are waiting on a scrip for antibiotic as they try to find one sans red dye (why oh why is there red dye in white pills?)... Because red dye is one of DS's triggers (confirmed via allergist, not just anecdotal here). Hopefully your doc can call in an alternative!
  5. I gave you an extra vote there, m was looking like it needed another vote. Mysterious, this poll. M. :)
  6. The trigger point therapy workbook was good (years ago, hope I got the name right), a theracane, biofreeze gel. What helped me was figuring out the cause, which would be different for everyone. My cause was undiagnosed chronic infection. Treated that and no more trigger points. Good luck!
  7. 80! Aaaack! Your poor mom! That is just. not. fair. SKL, hope you got good news.
  8. Hope you are well. FWIW, I have a friend who didn't have a period for years. Years. And then started having some very heavy flow. They asked her to come in for an appt right away (not ER though), and it's all okay. Part of the menopause process. She's 46. Fingers crossed that it's the same for you.
  9. Do you get the Kindle First books? Helen of Sparta was quick and entertaining this month. And free. :)
  10. You know, I can't stop thinking about this. I would strongly suggest that everyone in the family take Florastor. Or some other brand of S. Boulardii. (Florastor has been tested though, so I tend to gravitate to that brand.) S. Boulardii is a beneficial yeast, not to be confused with candida. It is not in your usual probiotics, and isn't in yogurt, kefir, etc. But it can help prevent C Diff. It's important to take it whenever one is on antibiotics (oh, and for the baby - taking it when on antibiotics will be crucial, for always). But, here, it could help prevent other family members from a C Diff infection. It's expensive, but worth every penny. CVS or Walgreens will have it, but shop around on the internet for a better deal. Costco just had a special on it, mine arrived today, but I'm not sure if they still offer the same deal. I still take it almost daily, and absolutely whenever on antibiotics. I think there is a powder version for kids, to sprinkle on food, if they can't take capsules.
  11. Keep us posted? Hopefully it's a quick and easy recovery!
  12. Thanks. Pepper spray. That makes sense. When I was in college, my house was broken into while I was home alone, and I didn't have pepper spray - but I locked myself in the bedroom with oven cleaner while I called 911. I know - oven cleaner. It's weird. But it was all I could think of quickly. (And, yes, the police were there within 4 minutes because there had been other reports in our neighborhood, so I was fine ... and the guy ran out into the back alley, after breaking down my back door and getting into the house. Scary!)
  13. I think she could have gotten it at the hospital, although [shudder] I supposed it could have come from daycare. Or, honestly, just having been on abx, she might have been a carrier for some spores, and the abx may have knocked her gut flora out of balance enough to let the C Diff grow - but I think that's unlikely in a 3 month old.. It sounds like her doctor isn't terribly familiar with treating C Diff, if he (she?) thought it was a false positive. I'm surprised they weren't immediately treating. I would, gently, suggest a pediatric GI doctor asap. I would want a specialist opinion on C Diff in a 3 month old. Don't underestimate the seriousness of this. For me, I cannot tolerate flagyl, so we use vancomycin. I have (had?) recurring C Diff and I've spent years battling it, and frankly - I have feared for my life more than once. Thus the suggestion to see a specialist. What finally helped me was a protocol by a specialist elsewhere, that my doc followed - I can't recall the specialist's name, sorry - but it was a 6 month treatment. I had to do it twice. There is a new antibiotic for C Diff, and there are also fecal transplant options. If I relapse again, my choice will be fecal transplant. But I don't know about how those work or if they are approved for infants. Use caution with changing diapers. This is the time to become a bit OCD about cleaning, especially after diapers. Bleach kills C Diff. Keep diaper changing to one area, to keep it easier to clean. And, wow, could this rip through a daycare if the workers are not careful. I hope they've been warned. Is baby staying hydrated? Yes, absolute yes to probiotics, s. boulardii (florastor), yogurt, kefir. But I don't know how to get those into a 3 month old... I also eat lots of garlic, and use oil of oregano and some other things that are meant to help. But again, I would not recommend them for an infant. I'm so sorry. :( This was a huge fear for me, as we had an infant in the house (DD) while I battled C Diff for the third time.
  14. Yikes. Glad she's okay. Thanks for the heads up. I had no idea! I'm curious about how she handled having the house broken into while she was home alone. You said her dad prepared her well. What did she do? How did she protect herself? Looking for tips. I had not thought to prepare the kiddos for something like this, honestly.
  15. Oops! Just apologize. It happens. I could see myself doing that. Since you're looking to hear you're not the only one who does stuff like that... Here's what I did today, it's not the same, but still... I put my contacts in, and poured out the used saline solution, washing it down the drain like I always do. Looked up, and thought, hmmmm, I can't see. Oops! I put one contact in and washed the other one down the drain. Gaaaah! It was my last pair, too, so I'm wearing glasses till I see the eye doc to get a new scrip on Monday. :o
  16. Jean, I liked your post because it sounded so familiar. Not because I like that you are falling apart. It just resonated. Misery loves company, right? :) Not that we are miserable.
  17. I can't help with products, but rather than a razor - try a pumice stone, if you haven't. Obviously that wouldn't work for a fiberglass tub, but that doesn't sound like an issue if you're using a razor. :) It will be safer. The stone won't scratch your toilet, but will make a paste of scrubby stuff to help clean the gunk off.
  18. That one makes me twitch. Are you in the south, by any chance?
  19. I think there is a juniors maxi dress going on lightning sale at amazon today - at 5:30. If she could swing a 0 in juniors, it might work with a cardigan. It's black, but looked cute. I'm eyeing it for myself, or I wouldn't have had any ideas! :lol:
  20. I have a non-sleeper who takes melatonin regularly at the suggestion of his pediatrician. Our family doc (an integrated med doc) also suggests this.
  21. This is basically what I'd have posted. Increasing liquids, aiming for 10,000 steps a day (I don't always get there), and meditation. I am also focused on getting enough sleep (for me). I have found that using a jawbone up24 has been very helpful and inspiring. :) It's probably similar to a fitbit? It monitors sleep as well, which has been excellent at getting me to hit the bed on time (it has an alarm to remind me to get ready for bed, and it adjusts to my schedule as it changes, kind of cool!). Those are the most recent changes - the ones in the last 2 months.
  22. It sounds like they are asking how low you are willing to go on the item (I think that's what they mean by "last price") and if they can meet at your home tomorrow. I wouldn't instantly think scam, I'd think English isn't their first language. If it feels uncomfortable, don't respond. And don't sell from your home!
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