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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. First, is it Armor or Armour? :) I keep mixing it up! I am switching to this from synthroid, and am looking for any tips/experience. Pretty sure several of you here take this type of thyroid med? I read a little bit online, and was surprised to read that we should take it twice daily to keep the levels consistent throughout the day, and one article said to chew the pills before swallowing. My doc and pharmacist didn't mention any of that! So, do you split your pills and take in the am and pm? Do you chew them or swallow them whole? And if you switched from synthetic, what changes (if any) did you notice?
  2. Why not toss it and pick up some other type of ice cream? I wouldn't risk it.
  3. I've never tried any other type of chalk paint, but purple painted lady's shipping has always been very fast. :)
  4. I don't know about bugs, but I'll just throw this out there again: food in the classrooms can be problematic for more reasons than bugs. I completely support feeding kids, and I'm all for breakfast. I fully support feeding kids. But I don't think it should be in the classroom itself - it's too easy for crumbs, smears, and trace amounts to be left behind and impact kids with allergies. For kids with life threatening allergies, it's important to have a few safe zones, where they don't have to feel anxiety. Home should be one, obviously. A classroom seems like it should be another. Unfortunately, it's not - as food in classrooms is pretty common already.
  5. I love using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. :) It's easy to use, I wipe things down to be sure they are clean first, but not sanding or priming. If you want to distress it afterward, it's super easy. My favorite site for how-to advice for ASCP is the Purple Painted Lady. I don't have a link handy, but just google her and she'll pop right up. I've ordered paint from her as well. You can order samples, too - a sample pot will cover a dining chair - so it's fairly large. I often get samples for small projects.
  6. Parent of a child with multiple LTFAs here, and I still think a healthy breakfast is a good idea. Not donut sticks, of course. I do, however, think it needs to be in a cafeteria. Not the classrooms. For kids with severe food allergies, keeping classrooms free of food in general goes a long way toward safety. But then, what do I know? We chose to HS rather than send a child with LTFAs to a school that didn't think it even necessary to create the very basic peanut-free classroom, or keep prescribed epipens accessible to teachers in classrooms with allergic kids. Clearly, I'm out of step here.
  7. Goodness, just reading this makes me hurt. :( None of my cysts have dissolved nicely, that I know of. They've all ruptured, and it's been agonizing. I've had multiple cysts. Never fun. OP, definitely go on and schedule your appt for the first day your insurance takes effect. And if the pain becomes intense, please go to the ER. :grouphug:
  8. Take florastor 2 hours apart from the ceftin, along with the usual probiotics. It will help prevent c diff and other GI issues. Drink lots of water, sit up for 30 minutes after your meds. Feel better soon!
  9. Immune compromised family members here. Ugh. Elderberry, vit D3, vit C. My doc has me take andrographis and engystol as well, not sure on kid dosages for those.
  10. That's awesome! Congrats!!!
  11. Another inappropriate vote. I'm not a Christian, and not conservative, but did grow up in youth groups - this isn't the way things work. OP, if this church isn't the best fit, can you explore other options?
  12. Thanks to this thread, I ordered 2 new suits from ModCloth last night. :lol: These shopping threads with links are dangerous late at night. It was way past time to replace my very old Land's End suits, so... very excited. Thanks for the link, whoever posted that one. I'd forgotten that ModCloth has suits! Can't wait for the package to arrive! :hurray:
  13. OP: I like the link you posted! Rabbit trail: Annie Sloan addict here. :) I've chalk painted our kitchen cabinets twice. Both times looked beautiful. The first time was duck egg blue, then we changed our walls so we have cream with duck egg blue peeking through where I distressed. The wax gives it a fabulous finish. It's been easy to keep clean. We have painted our kitchen chairs as well - a rainbow of different colors, very happy. I've done many other projects as well, but those are the favorites. No sanding, no prep, other than wiping down to be sure it's clean. The coverage is excellent. The colors are wonderful, and easy to mix and change if you need something else.
  14. It's the sugar. You might try experimenting with different coffees, you'd be surprised how different they taste. Good coffee is like wine, with undertones of other flavors. I drink black espresso, and can tell brands apart fairly easily. My favorites are the ones with chocolate undertones. :) Try ordering coffee online, that is freshly roasted - coffee that is stale is not as good, and will need sugar added. Freshly roasted beans will give a nice "crema" on top - sort of a frothy look. Mmmmm. To cut the sugar, go slow if you must, and work your way down to only cream. Once you find a bean that works for you, cutting out even the cream/milk is fairly easy to do. It's all about the bean! Or, if you want to give up coffee altogether because you feel it's better for you... that's okay, too! I have no input there, just best wishes!
  15. We've used a housesitter, and we've also used a dog care service. The dog care service comes over 3 times daily (or more), feeds, waters, plays, walks, hangs out - whatever we ask. They open/close blinds, get mail, water plants, feed our other critters. The dogs love them. We found the service when we were desperate - we just asked around for recommendations and then interviewed the owner. It's been a good experience, and they keep a key to our house now in case we need them on short notice. I know that's not what you asked exactly, but it's close, so it might help. :)
  16. A nasal rinse might help. Benadryl would be best. Keep the windows closed, use AC if you have to cool things off - don't let more allergens in the house. Wash your clothes/hands/hair after being outside. If you have dogs, wipe them down with a damp paper towel as they come inside, then wash your hands. Wash your bed linens, and if you have an air purifier - use it. At least in the room where you sleep. So sorry! Sounds miserable.
  17. She said poopetrator. :lol: Ok, I posted earlier about our rocks - and we just had our yard guy here yesterday to work on them. They really are high upkeep to keep clean and free of debris. He had to add more to keep it all level, too. But there is one advantage to rocks, which I failed to mention - another PP reminded me. One reason we put in rocks where we did (in paths, some of which border our yard) is that they are recommended for anti-tick landscaping. They get hot, and ticks don't cross them easily as ticks don't withstand heat well. Mulch is tick-friendly, rocks are not. So that was a factor in our choice for rocks. That said, I still wouldn't opt for rocks again. There are other ways to prevent ticks. Diomateous earth (spelling, sorry), damminix tick tubes, so on and so on...
  18. Cash. :) Gift cards - Starbucks, Chipotle, or gas. I like the small tool kit idea. Many many moons ago, mom gave me a copy of Illusions by Richard Bach. I loved it, back then. The Dr. Seuss book is everywhere here, and grads get many copies of that one (at least mine, did), so we're skipping that one these days.
  19. That's true. There are several meds I can't take at all, and the results are frightening - my liver doesn't process them. I don't know if guaifenisen is one, but I do have a hard time with sudafed. Hopefully you're starting to improve? I hope you are feeling better!
  20. Will you need the resume of the chickens you'll be eating? :) (Sorry, couldn't resist, Portlandia moment.)
  21. I couldn't wait to ditch the dedicated GPS in favor of an app. We did it a few years ago. I like Waze the best. It's free, too. Multiple route options, you can tell it you want to avoid or use HOV lanes or tolls, it reroutes for traffic. Love knowing when there are hazards on the road, too.
  22. I did, too! It did help a bit. It was hard to stay away from salicylates. ... Gabapentin made me very wobbly, but it's good for so many. Glad it helps you. :)
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