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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Agree with this completely. Call a regional manager, call their corporate office. Go outside of this particular location and speak to their management. Do it quickly, as the iPad, and your personal info on it, may disappear soon.
  2. My whinge: NO. No, I will not babysit your kids. No, I will not provide cheap full day daycare for your kid next year. No. Just. NO.
  3. Yes. Thinking the same thing here. Feeling so outraged for you!!!!
  4. I can't seem to get multiquote working today, but wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who's responded! It's so helpful to read about your experiences.
  5. Thanks for sharing all of this! And congrats on being officially post-menopausal! I think this is a good start. I'm using a compounded progesterone only cream, but I see the doc in a few weeks and she'll do more testing to see where we are. It's been... not quite a week since I started the cream. I didn't see any results, really, till yesterday. I'm not sure how to articulate it, but there was a difference overall in my mood. More steady, stable. I'm hopeful this is a good choice. Going to check out your links and books today, too. :)
  6. Congrats! (belatedly) What a happy side effect! for you! Did it help with any other symptoms? Getting pregnant's not going to happen here, as I lack the necessary parts. :)
  7. I couldn't do that. I hope you find a better fit for your entire family soon.
  8. Gaaaah! I think I read somewhere that progesterone uses the same receptor sites as cortisol? Does that ring a bell for anyone? I could have that wrong. If that's the case, I might need to take it in the pm only, as I take cortisol in the am and at noon... Craziness.
  9. To the bolded: No kidding! Jeepers says it all. :) I hit my saturation limit for becoming a medical "semi-expert" a few years ago, and a few conditions ago. We think the Hashimoto's and Addison's are end results of having had undiagnosed chronic infections for 20+ years. They are my souvenirs. But the PCOS and endometriosis and other stuff, I've always had those. Hmmmm, actually the could be "souvenirs" too, I guess. It's like hitting the medical jackpot. UGH! Thanks for sharing your application strategy. I'm reading and reading, and it's good to hear how you've applied everything Dr Google says to do. The compounding pharmacist just said to put it on inner arms, but I read that we should change locations. I didn't even think to ask about am and pm, or just pm. She suggested pm, but am and pm looks like one would get more consistent coverage, with the half-life.
  10. Thanks, redsquirrel! I'm hoping to have results like yours. :) Fingers crossed. Just started a few days ago. I postponed starting, was feeling nervous about it for some reason, but after a ton of reading it seems like a great option. I've got hormonal issues, for sure. I'm 44, and have no idea what my ovaries are doing as I'm also post-hysterectomy, but they are definitely up to something. Insomnia, weight gain despite serious dieting and exercise, mood swings, fuzzy headed, hot flashes, and ooooh, the list goes on. I've also got PCOS, and a ton of other issues that look like might benefit from this as well. There's a cortisol connection to progesterone, and my body doesn't produce cortisol at all - thinking there must be some connection to low progesterone there, too. Feeling like I'm undergoing a major tune up here. :D I just switched to Armour Thyroid a month or so ago, and that's been helpful, but not enough. Do you switch the locations where you apply the cream periodically? And do you do it once per day or twice?
  11. Yikes! Glad you stopped, and haven't had issues since. Was your progesterone low, or were you just trying it? My doc Rx'd it from a compounding pharmacy. We are hopeful it will help some issues, but I'm glad to be aware of watching for those issues. Eek. ETA: Needless to say, that was a sympathetic like, not that that I liked what you must have experienced. Thank you for sharing your experience with me.
  12. Anyone try it? What kind of results, if any, did you see? Any drawbacks, side effects? Thanks for any info!
  13. All of the above is rotten. But the bolded made me feel physically ill.
  14. Taste of the Wild dogs here, too. Does Kirkland's make a grain free? I didn't realize that.
  15. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  16. Ooooh, ouch. I hope it goes away soon. Is it a cluster headache? Those tend to start in the night. Painful. :(
  17. Plaquenil was excellent for me. :) Get a baseline eye exam, and stay on top of checking. Overall, it was a huge help.
  18. Wait. Chocolate won't help me lose weight?!?!? [so disappointed]
  19. I'm married to an Inbox Zero guy, so with his good influence - I aspire to inbox zero. In reality, I stay around 70, consistently. Folders are my friend. :)
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