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Everything posted by flobee76

  1. :grouphug: Keep the dialogue going about manners and appropriate behavior. Check out books on them. Our oldest DD, nearly 7, still has issues. ;) But, again, it's all about coaching them, coming along side them, and showing teaching them how to act appropriately in different settings. Find some character building books. Act out different situations, to help prepare him, etc. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN IN PUBLIC SCHOOL!!! NO WAY!
  2. We're paying a little over $4/gal. It's ridiculous. I have a Sienna which gets good gas mileage and I the kids and I barely leave the house during the wk. But, I filled the tank up last wk when we were at 1/4 of a tank. I paid WAY too much. :glare:
  3. I always pictured myself having 2 children. We have 3. I want more. I really do. Hubby does as well. I would like to lose weight, then get preggo. I need to be healthy again. Children are so hard, but SO MUCH MORE JOY! I can't imagine my life without these kids... but I can imagine our life with MORE kids. :D
  4. I think that there are a few things about EF,LF that are different from most low-carb diets. The diet is mainly focusing on nourishing the body in a traditional sense: -Raw milk, raw dairy, raw/pastured butter -coconut oil, coconut products -homemade bone broths -lacto-fermented vegetables and beverages -pastured meats, organs, eggs, raw meats as well. -Fermented Cod Liver Oil -High vitamin Butter Oil -Dessicated liver supplements -It does allow a little grain, but they MUSTt be sprouted to neutralize the phytic acid and make it more digestible. -NO SOY in this diet. -No refined vegetable oils. Putting all of the above into practice on a daily basis will encourage weight-loss, but overall gut healing, which will promote other healing for underlying ailments you might have.
  5. I own this book and have been following it pretty loosely. We follow a traditional diet, about 90% of the time. I suspect that I have some thyroid issues (hereditary) and have noticed that my core body temp has raised to normal after having lots of unrefined coconut oil and coconut products. :001_smile:
  6. I have this book as well. I use a lot of the recipes for our family as well. I loosely follow the Quick & Easy Weightloss plan. I do the same: coconut oil, just 1 tsp- 3/day, 1 dose of Fermented CLO/Highvitamin Butter oil combo. ALSO: I order my coconut oil from Mountain Rose Herbs. They sell an unrefined one. Good prices. If you have an Azure Standard drop near you, get on the list for great bulk items, including Coconut oil there. :D
  7. If you are looking for supps from food, look into Dr. Rons. http://www.drrons.com/ I also would recommend getting some fermented cod liver oil. That is food, not processed and no synthetics.
  8. yaayyyy!! We have 8 altogether. Love those silly girls.
  9. I use UNREFINED coconut oil for almost everything: cooking, baking, dry skin, deodorant, diaper cream (dont worry, I have little jars all over the house). Be careful of the refined coconut oil... that's the bad stuff. :(
  10. We put this on our school wall. We hang artwork and maps when needed. :D http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/20079342
  11. I am so glad the OP asked this question. I've been wanting an iPhone but didn't know what kind of deal per month I could get. We're currently AT&T customers as well.
  12. and DRINK that water! So good for you!
  13. Flat-head screw driver and a hammer ;)
  14. We eat together as a family every single night. If my DH has to work late, I still sit with the kids and eat with them. My family ate together when I was growing up. My husband's family ate together every night as well. Even when the kids got older in his family, they still made a point to keep their dinner time for family.
  15. Oh... :grouphug: Just move on from this, dear. Drink a bunch of water or have some peppermint tea to help your tummy. I am on my 4th WW Journey, just re-joined last week. Weight-loss is so hard for some people, especially if they are emotional eaters. I will commend you on the wonderful breakfast you ate. Just have a good, REAL dinner!
  16. Yes, Hard White wheat is best for bread making. :001_smile: ALSO: purchase a bag of Vital Wheat Gluten... I use a few tbs in my batches of bread for a better "crumb".
  17. I usually make double or triple batches of muffins, pancakes, or waffles to keep in the freezer. Other wise, I do cook breakfast everyday. I don't use mixes or cold cereals. I make my own granola for homemade yogurt or milk. breakfasts that we have frequently: homemade yogurt + fruit sauce or honey and granola eggs steel cut oats baked oatmeal eggs muffins pancakes waffles french toast more eggs...
  18. I would looking to a phonics program, like Spell to Write and Read. We are using this. It's quite intensive, but it is an amazing program. Teaches phonics, spelling rules, gives spelling lists, the whys and hows, etc.
  19. I always have a bag of white whole wheat flour on hand. We love baking for others here :D If I am baking for us, I only use WW or Sprouted Wheat flour.
  20. :iagree: We do this. I used to suffer from allergies as a teen, but not anymore. We buy local raw honey from our farmers market. We don't take it on a daily basis, but a few times a week. I never gave it to my kids as babies, because I figured they were getting something from nursing. You can also help flush the sinuses with a simple saline nasal spray, not medicated, just plain saline spray. A neti pot is a good, natural solution as well.
  21. i haven't read all the posts here, but I would suggest lower carbs, more raw fruit and veggies, good proteins, milk, and unrefined coconut oil. :)
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