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Everything posted by flobee76

  1. We live in Ca where food is SO DANG EXPENSIVE! (1/2 gallon of raw milk is $7) We live on a budget of about $6-700/month for our family of 5. It's not that much $$, but we don't eat processed/boxed MEALS. I make everything from scratch: cookies, cakes, muffins, bread, crackers. on occasion, I will be organic sprouted wheat grain products (bagels, bread, tortillas). When you cut out a lot to make room for real food, it's do-able on a smaller budget.
  2. We eat pastured meats, raw milk, cultured dairy, and lacto-fermented veggies. Each week, we have beef 2-3 nights, poultry 2 nights, wild-caught seafood. We eat local organic fruit and veggies from the farmers market. I also use a lot of pastured butter (like Kerrygold)!! I sautee our food in butter, ghee, or coconut oil. I include fruits and veggies in smoothies each day as well. As for grains, we prepare them "traditionally" (soak them), to reduce/neutralize phytic acid. We do use supplements, the main one being fermented cod liver oil.
  3. Does Nieman Ranch have "natural flavors"? You can always try US Wellness Meats.
  4. I voted "once a year". I really only go for my annual exam with my OB/GYN. I really should go in for an annual check-up with my primary care phys.
  5. Unfortunately, this is what conventional dentists are taught. Yes, there is sugar in breastmilk, but there is actually antimicrobial and antibacterial properties IN breastmilk that were designed to fight bacteria and keep it from sticking to teeth. Dental decay in infants and toddlers who are breastfeed is a result from genetics, poor nutrition from the mother during pregnancy, trauma to the mouth, and even antibiotics in mom or baby. My convention dentist has even told me that breastfeeding at night does not cause tooth decay in babies. There is a lot of research done and even more results of dental healing and remineraliztion, something that most dentist do not tell their patients.
  6. The cell salts #1 & #2 are for dental health. Fermented Cod liver oil is for Vitamin A &D :D
  7. I bought a Scotch brand laminator from Target a couple of years ago. It was about $25 and has held up nicely!:)
  8. Our kids, (almost)7, 3.5, 2 take the following daily: 500mg Vitamin C Cell Salts #1 & #1, 6x/day 1 does of Fermented Cod Liver Oil by Green Pastures Probioitic or 1tbs. home-cultured dairy kefir Starting next month, they'll be taking, in addition to the above: Kids Multi by Trace Minerals High Vitamin Butter Oil by Green Pastures
  9. There ARE things you can do to remineralize and heal her caries. I have a 2 yo who has a cavity on her front tooth. I took her to a dentist and he said that he wouldn't do anything to it, except offer ozone. We tried, but she screamed and was sCARED. After doing a LOT of research, I found people on other message boards who were actually able to get their own or their kids' caries healed. This was thru a good diet, supplements, etc. I did a google search "heal tooth decay" and there were some posts on Mothering.com I am wanting to get my hands on Cure Tooth Decay.
  10. My favorite freezer bfasts are: baked oatmeal homemade pancakes homemade waffles home made muffins homemade turkey sausage patties, or ground sausage homemade poptarts or handpies we don't eat cold cereals here either, unless it's homemade granola. other bfast ideas: french toast ALL types of eggs homemade baked doughnuts yogurt & granola with a touch of honey (it's easy to make yogurt at home too) yogurt smoothies
  11. I loved my Hopp or Girasol wrap for my newbies. But the ERGO was/is our fave carrier! FC or BC... AWESOME! :D
  12. I make our crackers here. I make graham crackers, cheese, and wheat thins. We only use whole wheat flour, preferably freshly ground or sprouted. We also don't use refined sugars, only rapadura, sucanat, honey, or maple syrup.
  13. :iagree: Is she merely acting out of emotion? I understand how difficult it can be to be nursing for so long. I've been breastfeeding for over 3 years straight, I even tandem nursed! She needs to consider many factors, even beyond the bonding aspect of breastfeeding. Breastmilk is made specifically for her baby! Formula costs a lot of $$!!!! Formula takes time and energy to make and prep. Breastfeeding just requires a baby and a momma. ;) Is she willing to take the risk of more Formula Recalls?:confused:
  14. I haven't read all the posts, but I just got a Mac a few days ago. I will NEVER EVER go back to PC. NO WAY.
  15. :iagree: Also, if you have dairy, don't eat it WITH an iron rich food, since calcium inhibits iron absorption. to maximize iron absorption, make sure there is vitamin C. For example, marinara sauce with ground beef is an awesome combo for iron and vit. C. Maybe wait an hr before you have a glass of milk. ;) I have heard of desiccated liver that you can put on your food. I would definitely looking into real food for iron sources. I am not sure that boxed cereal would be the very best choice. Floradix Iron+Herbs is pricey, not bad tasting AT ALL, and VERY easy on the tummy. :D
  16. I don't have any advice as we are going thru this same thing with our DS who is 3. I am so thankful for this thread. I am encouraged. to the OP, I'll be praying for you and your husband as you try to find Grace-filled and gentle ways to Disciple the blessing God has given to you. :grouphug:
  17. our 2nd didn't start talking until about 2 yrs old. His vocab exploded a few months after that. Also, he is our more emotional one. When he gets frustrated, he goes from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds. That's just the way he is... Our 3rd just started REALLY wanting to talk and she is 20 mos. :001_smile: I agree with the posters who said to wait it out till your LO is 3.
  18. We used a brand called Snap-Ez. I bought them online from the website. They were SUPER absorbent, one style even came with a waterproof outerlayer that was breathable. The company is going out of business, so their prices are slashed. They have snaps on the sides for easy cleanup, but when snapped, they can be pulled up and down like regular undies.
  19. I definitely appreciate this one the MOST. It's more "to the book". However, I LOOOOVE the Kiera Knightly version... it's beautiful, but not true to the book.
  20. I love planning and hosting parties. However, the theme that your daughter chose would drive me to drink. Chocolate for anyone who is NOT PMS-ing?! eeeeeeesh. However, since your daughter requested, I think you could do a few of things in advanced. Chocolate dipped strawberries. Chocolate cookies. White chocolate dipped pretzel rods. Prebake chocolate cupcakes and have the kids decorate them. And yes... CUT the guest list down. 5 kids is a good #. Really... it is. Also, for that age group, 1.5-2 hr party is perfect. Anything longer than that, and you risk a tantrum from someone in that group. Decorating the cupcakes, and maybe some kind of game like "pin the tail on the donkey" would be good. However, you could take a Hershey's chocolate bar wrapper and "pin" it to a giant blown up picture of your daughter! They could try and pin it to her mouth. hahahahaha!! Decorate with pink, brown, and cream. Mmmmmm... chocolatey good!
  21. can you marinate them overnight to sorta tenderize them? or, you can probably put them in the oven?
  22. :D yes... we are in contact with a local farmer. We buy from them about 2-3 times a year. We :heart: our beef. heheehehe
  23. I am going to watch this thread... DS is 3 and has no interest. His oldest sister was trained by 20 mos. His younger sister is asking to go potty. She even pooped in the toilet 2 days in a row... :lurk5:
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