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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. No because she sounds like a flake. That would be enough for me.
  2. I'd do whatever is best for my child and family. Personally, I can't see hoping in and out of school because wherever my child is, I want to do everything in my power to make is a positive and successful experience. However if your child is young, I could see putting him in for a year or two of elementary, hsing for jr high, then putting him back in for high school, so maybe that is what you are describing.
  3. Sigh. I just don't understand. I'm a little disappointed in Dr. Phil. A six year old? Really?
  4. TRaVEL!!! We are going to try to do this in a few years with our girls, who are very young for their grade. We'll probably only be able to afford an extended summer or six months, but we'll go as long and as far as we can afford.
  5. Also, another option is just doing monthly visits with an intense home program. That way you have someone keeping you on track and monitoring progress.
  6. My dd is 10 and we are going on 6 years of twice a week therapy (more when she was younger). It's so hard. I think about quitting every week. Last year we drove an hour each way. This year it's 30 min each way. Just remember that it's either now or never. So before you quit, be sure that these are things he can 100% learn at home. My dd doesn't do OT anymor, but when we see my OT friend, she will point out issues and give me exercises for things I would have never thought of. If it's going well and making a difference, stick it out as long as you can. He will thank you for it!
  7. *I'll also testify to the blessings of twins! Ours never fight and their relationship just seems more special to me as time goes on. I don't have other kids, so it's really a unique experience.
  8. We do "quiet time" after lunch and when my girls had separate room, this was their break from each other. They now share a room, but I've thought about having one go in my room... Our house is just so small. Anyhow, yes, I think it is important. Mine are like yours- always imaginatively playing. But, they do their fair share of independent activities as well. And one twin would definitely be with the other all the time, given the choice, while the other twin needs more breaks.
  9. I have a dd with ADHD and dyscalcula (and we've done vision therapy, OT, etc). I did not choose Singapore because she needs a very repetitive program. CLE has been a good fit (but I supplement). She really needed the daily drill to cement her facts. We toyed with MUS. I had her watch the introductory DVD about place value and it confused the heck out of her. She is very literal so the whole houses and neighbors thing (i forget now) threw her for a loop. I really, really wanted Singapore to work. I've had her take the placement test twice and almost bought it. Then I borrowed a book from a friend and in one sitting I knew it wasn't what she needed. The reason I like CLE and, as much as it pains me (because I hated teaching it in the classroom), Saxon, for kids like this is that they can learn something and do it in the moment, but that doesn't mean they've solidified any skill. The pencil to paper process is sooooooo much harder for them than it is for other kids. They need the repetition so that the processes become solidified. I still supplement a lot so that she is exposed to the concepts from lots of different angles. But the core of her math is CLE because, well, it works. 3 years of school with Math Their Way (which I loved) and Real Math and this child still couldn't tell me 2+3. One year with CLE and she knew all her add and sub facts. I hope that helps somewhat.
  10. I think it is hilarious that so few of us said we'd absolutely do it, but most of our spouses are all for it!
  11. Please do your research on Miralax first. We were all set to use it, per the pediatrician (who I hated), then I started reading and talking with some other doctors. We decided against it.
  12. Ugh, I thought of another one. Girl Scouts! I don't know why, but I can hardly get anything done on days get have Girl Scouts (I'm the leader). I don't know why. It's always fine. I just want it to be over.
  13. We LOVE these! We watch them on You Tube at lunch.
  14. I'm going to get this tattooed on my forehead! Ok, of maybe just print it off and put it on my wall for a while. Sometimes I get so bogged down thinking that I assign too much work (I don't) or that embracing the homeschooling lifestyle means it's ok to skip this and that and just cuddle. I never feel good about it and you pretty much summed up why. Ok, off the Internet and onto spelling! Thanks for the kick in the butt!
  15. Clean the kitchen Laundry Vacuum Pick up Lunch Spelling Girl Scouts Dinner- pork roast with apricot glaze, potatoes, and salad Read
  16. Yep. http://www.uuabookstore.org/productdetails.cfm?PC=719
  17. The UU church is very welcoming and I'm sure they'd be happy to have your child! Just email the religious director at your UU church and ask.
  18. Thank you! This is how I'm feeling. I guess we'll see.
  19. Oh, my!!! Yeah, high school will be a different story. Maybe we'll just wait until then.
  20. I agree 100%. I just am not comfortable with it happening outside our home. Yet!
  21. I found an old thread where Rivka talked a bit more about it. Maybe I'll buy the program, if I can, and then make a decision.
  22. I wouldn't go and it would irritate me.
  23. Not enough bathrooms for large groups of people. My family watches the ball drop on TV and all I can think of is, "what if one of those people needs to go to the bathroom?" Then I have anxiety and start looking for the nearest port-a-potties. Ridiculous, I know.
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