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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. No, if I walked up and someone else was already looking, I'd look with my eyes and let them turn it when they wanted, then I'd take over when they left.
  2. That was my thought, especially since they mentioned it a million times.
  3. Oh I'm glad you understand. After I posted this I got worried that some would be offended, thinking I'm judging others' parenting choices. That's not it at all. Quite the opposite.
  4. I would hold her back if you are going to put her in school. My dd is similar. An extra year of maturity can do wonders for a kid in high school. I wish I had been held back (I was super young). I would not worry about the math at all. I know many will not agree, but pushing algebra early is not always the best thing. It will not hurt her to wait.
  5. Sometimes I wonder if all the work that goes into trying to make the right choices for my kids is worth it. I see other parents making different decisions that make their lives easier (in the short term, at least) and wonder, in the end, is it really going to matter? Good people come out of all sorts of homes, right? Sigh. I'm just tired.
  6. My little obsessed monsters say no, but they've only read the first four.
  7. Do you follow 100 days of Real Food on FB? I LOVE what she packs her kids for lunch. That would give you lots of ideas. I think what they eat now is great. What about homemade granola? Adding peanut butter with the apples? Carrots and hummus?
  8. It is an overnight? I wouldn't let him go overnight without me, period. C would be my first choice. B if I could go on the bus. B without me if there isn't an overnight. A if there was no overnight and the coach was a good family friend who I trusted completely. *** I do not let other adults drive my children that far only because *i* know I would have a really, really hard time forgiving the driver (and myself) if something bad were to happen. It's just how I operate.
  9. Just for you- Sarah's Key. It's about the Jews in France being rounded up and taken to Auschwitz.
  10. Weird. I just happened to come across this blog today. Not sure if it will help, I just remembered you had asked... http://www.blogher.com/frame.php?url=http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/CorasStory/~3/MbLXfBXPEnU/
  11. Yes, I have everyone on FB. It's how we keep on touch. I'm on Google + but I don't really get it. ;)
  12. I'm sure he'll get lots of job offers! I'd hire someone like that!
  13. We don't set certain time limits and our kids don't earn TV, kind of like they don't earn food- I want them to learn healthy habits, not see it as something they constantly strive to get. We just don't make a lot of TV watching part of our rhythm. Sometimes we'll watch an episode of something (usually food network) in the evening, but when it's time to turn it off, it goes off. We enjoy documentaries as part of school a few times a week. My girls are 10, too. I think it's plenty old enough to understand that there are times to unwind with the TV, but it doesn't have to be constant. If you say no, it's no. If they are asking all the time, make a rule that the TV only gets turned on on the weekends and leave it that way until they develop better habits.
  14. Exactly. You can eat at Chipotle if all else fails. ;)
  15. Absolutely! From Penn Station, everything is accessible! Walk to the Empire State Building, take the subway either north to Central Park/Rockafeller center, etc or south to the 911 Memorial and Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty. You can do a LOT in one day from that location!
  16. Talk to the oral surgeon or dentist and see if they have a hardship plan, if you qualify. Also, if you don't already see a pedodontist, you might want to, just for this procedure. An office who deals with only kids will have lots of tricks and will be able to advise the best way to handle it. They are also usually more understanding about finances.
  17. Our property manager said that 50% of their applicants have pets, so it helps if you really want to rent your house. However, we had four applicants within 24 hours, so we decided against pets. We'll continue to take it on a case by case basis. Also, our PM said he has way more problems with small dogs (accidents) than big dogs, so he doesn't recommend a specific weight limit. Our HOA doesn't allow more than two pets, total, and pit bulls and Rottweilers are illegal in our city, so it makes it easy...
  18. We are 20-25 min from town. It's ok. We have a gorgeous view and it is so quiet, so that is the trade off. Some things to think about: Babysitters- we haven't had one since we moved here almost two years ago. It's so far for someone to drive, then it takes us so long to get anywhere and adds to the hours ($) we are gone. Food- we can't get anything delivered and there is no last minute trip to town for a lemon or a needed ingredient. We are in town about 5/7 days a week. It's a lot of gas and wear on our car.
  19. I wouldn't try sightseeing alone without them!
  20. This is also SWB's complaint about conferences. She blogged about it awhile ago.
  21. I'm not like you in any of those ways, but I agree. I would also enjoy teaching sessions by people who weren't trying to sell something.
  22. We could live for about a year on cash. I suppose if we were desperate, we have other liquid assets we could cash in, but things would have to be really bad- like, living with family and no shoes on our kids bad.
  23. I agree no emails. You don't owe anyone an explanation.
  24. While I appreciate your balanced approach, my statement was obviously very tongue in cheek. Of course I know what she meant. It was in response to advice I had given to someone else who asked about homeschooling. It was followed with the entire socialization argument. It was a very typical, ignorant remark about homeschooling.
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