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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. I remember a ton of stuff. I remember houses we lived in, events, pets, friends, etc. I have some memories from as early as two (getting stung by a bee on a slide and falling in a cactus). I remember a lot about elementary school- for sure all my teachers and very specific interactions with them. I remember a ton from jr high and high school. I totally agree with NPR but maybe it's not that we are depressed because we remember things, but because we dwell not things, like I do. I think about how I should have done things differently, etc. If I didn't have the memories, I couldn't have regrets.
  2. We are planning on doing the Iowa at home this year, too. It never occurred to me to test above grade level. Hmmm
  3. Hmm. So, last year I gave my dd the CAT and she missed one question. Obviously it's a waste of a test, but it does fulfill a state requirement. If she takes the Explore, she won't know everything, especially in science and some of the math. Will the test tell me what types of questions she missed? Are your younger kids overwhelmed with a test that is so challenging? Or do they enjoy the challenge? My dd could go either way. She is used to things coming easily to her, but she is a perfectionist who has a hard time attempting things she doesn't know well (which is something we are working on-WWS has been good for this).
  4. I just discovered this because of Halycon's update today. Do any of you have your kids take this? At what age? What is the benefit of having them take this before 8th grade?
  5. I don't know. Let me know when you figure it out. Sigh.
  6. Foster care too. Our girls were almost five when they came and it took 16 months to adopt. Foster care is not for the faint of heart or for anyone who wants privacy- what's that?!! Ha! It was a hellish experience and I'd do it all over in a heart beat. In fact, we are talking about doing it again, which we didn't think we would. Foster care will be hard for you if you like to plan, you expect people to do what they say, you show up on time and expect the same of others, etc. It was an extreme lesson in patience. It can also be a very sad experience. We don't have a shiny adoption story of a loving birth mom giving her children a better life. Quite the opposite. Feel free to pm me.
  7. People get really nervous with the truancy laws. Unless this family hasa a sketchy history and her kids have missed a TON of school, there should be no reason for her to worry. She should call the school and let them know though.
  8. Nebraska only requires notification (per the hslda site) so she should be fine. She sent it in and they can just be "absent" for the next few days until the district receives her info. Tell her not to think about it again. She is in an easy state.
  9. It's funny. I've had friends say to me (now) that they would have loved to have been homeschooled in high school. That was NEVER even a thought that crossed my mind! I knew only one homeschool family. I would never have wanted to leave school at the time. Now I have one daughter begging me to homeschool her forever and another that could go either way. It will be interesting to see what we do and what their experiences evoke in me.
  10. Loved it. This was required reading in my elementary education program. I think it's a great discussion starter.
  11. I had an....intense high school experience. I was drum major in the band and had a lot of friends. But I always felt really immature and frequently felt like there was a social "gene" I was missing. I was outgoing, but probably in a more obnoxious way than anything. I was the youngest in my grade and wonder if it would have been different had I been held back a year. I also went to a fairly large, very diverse high school, which had its pros and cons. I think I could have used a little more hand holding. Academically, what a waste. I was a smart student and used to things coming easily. So by high school, I was totally unmotivated and did the least amount of work possible to get a good grade. I just wish I would have had a little more direction and higher expectations. I'm still friends with some of my high school friends. But, it is interesting that the only lasting friendships I still maintain are those with the friends that were most like me, not the ones I was necessarily closest to. I also thought it was a great argument for homeschooling, although the ending kind of circled back and validated the high school experience. The only thing I did not agree with is that adulthood is like high school. Sure there is drama and sure there certain personalities, but the thing about adulthood is that we are adults. We have more perspective, more control, and we can choose who we want to have in our lives. I think it's very different.
  12. Very strange and I wouldn't go. Why woud you need "friends" at a party for a one year old??
  13. They also use "natural parent" on their website. I'll have to think of a tactful way to point out their error.
  14. I called Medicaid. They said it's not required and they've never heard of it!
  15. I don't know about the minimum age, but my kids are 10 so it wouldn't matter.
  16. Yeah, I just complied, but then it started bothering me because it seemed like such a bizarre request.
  17. But, why would a birth certificate prove that? It doesn't have their picture. I could just take any girl that looks the right age, right?
  18. They also asked me if I was their "natural mother" which was offensive because I'm their adoptive mother, but I'm their mother! I get the impression they see a ton of Medicaid patients, which is actually why we are going, so we can use their Medicaid (from being in foste care) for some expensive x-rays. We'll go back to our regular dentist after this.
  19. But what answer would they give that I wouldn't like? What would be a wrong reason? What should I be asking? It's a pain to bring the certificate, but what is the downside to them having a copy? I'm seriously asking, not disagreeing. Walk me through this. It caught me off guard. My mom is a hygienist and she said it is probably for insurance reasons, but that she has never seen it done.
  20. To our first appointment. Is this weird?? I've never heard of that. It's a huge pedodontist's office.
  21. I think people just deal with things differently. Dh has five brothers and sisters, so we don't call them, or all of them, when there is a crisis. I've had things that I just don't want to have to explain ten times, so it is easier to send an email or blog post. Sometimes FB is an "in the moment" kind of thing, too. It's not usually for super reflective, informative posts.
  22. http://nymag.com/news/features/high-school-2013-1/ I don't think this has been discussed here. It's long, but interesting. Do you feel lingering effects of hs still? Was anyone here homeschooled for high school? I wonder how those experiences differ in regards to effects in adulthood.
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