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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Mainly that I think my girls are too young for much of "It's perfectly Normal," I'm not comfortable with them talking to a church group about most of the topics listed in the table of contents, and they really just aren't ready. They are very young for their grade and pretty naive for their age. We also have a unique situation which I can't get into on here that makes this not so black and white for us. Our 6-8 grade OWL group had a lock in (we don't even do real sleepovers yet) and they watched Juno, which would not be NOT ok with us. Hmm. So maybe it's just our personal situation. I think we may just be too conservative (in this area) for the program, and possibly the church.
  2. It sounds like here they are incorporating it into the regular Sunday RE classes. Is this what your church did? Were your kids the only ones who didn't participate? Was it a big deal? What did they do instead?
  3. Will you tell me about your experience with the OWL program? To say I'm concerned would be an understatement.
  4. I know that there are marriages where the expectation is submissiveness from the wife, but that is so far from my reality, it's hard to even know where you are coming from. If you were my friend and you told me your husband said that, I'd encourage you to get counseling. Or leave. I'm sorry and I hope it's not as bad as it sounds (I know it rarely is...) I think either way is fine for the Super Bowl, but if the family time is important, make him stay home.
  5. Taxes? What month is it?? We are still waiting for one more form, then my hubby will take everything to the accountant. We have a rental property in another state and have been dealing with the adoption tax credit for the last several years. We haven't done our own taxes since before our adoption. It's just not worth it for us.
  6. Well, sorry! We sent our squares in right away, but, not being a quilter or anything of the sort, I had no idea there was a certain kind of fabric to be used. Lisa let me know that she was going to alter them. We did our best. I agree, just send the defective squares as cards.
  7. My 10 year old 5th grader is doing it. We have had tears. We took a break after about week 4. We are back at it now. The child just need to learn to follow directions. She's always been a good writer, so it's hard for her to have to receive critique and actually have to change things. It is good for her though. It's really the only part of her curriculum she struggles with. Her twin sister is not ready for it and probably won't be for a while. After hearing Susan talk, I am all about slowing down and giving help when needed. She really helped me ease up.
  8. Beginning of August-mid May with several weeks off for trips. This year we are doing 30 official, full weeks of school, meaning I divided all our curriculum into 30 weeks. During the summer we keep going with math and spelling.
  9. Hmm. I don't think it is silly at all. The couples I know who have done it haven't done it because of a rocky marriage, but because of a life that didn't turn out exactly as they had planned, or a struggle they had gone through together. We've considered it for two reasons. 1. We were married in a Mormon temple and most of my family was not allowed into the ceremony. We are no longer Mormon. 2. We've had a really long and painful battle with infertility and adoption and we are completely different people now. We love each other in new ways and our commitments seem very different than when we were young and naive. That said, it wouldn't be a party! Just something simple with whatever family wanted to come. It would mainly be for us and our girls. Life doesn't always work out the way you think it will. Sometimes a vow renewal is a way of recognizing that fact and moving past those old expectations. Some people want/need the symbolism, others don't. I don't think it is silly and I don't think people who do it must have something wrong with their marriage.
  10. Black beans, brown rice, diced tomatoes, all mixed together with salt and pepper.
  11. Omg, I don't know, but I never get it right with my girls! They are always too big and saggy and by the time the butt fits, they are too small!
  12. Yep, I agree. He is still young. Just help him and model it like you would anything else. He'll get there.
  13. My dd10 is so dramatic. She has a stuffy nose. Oh the horror! She woke me up at 5AM to tell me her throat was scratchy. Not sore, mind you. She keeps exaggerating her "stuffy talk," reminding me she is sick, and telling me about the last time she we sick (almost a year ago, thank goodness). All this while playing and doing schoolwork all day. I'm glad she reminds me she is sick though. I might forget. ;)
  14. No, but I set my privacy settings super high. It's either that or nobody's interested. ;)
  15. Also, if you end up dropping your license, I would write a very detailed letter to the higher ups explaining why being a foster parent is no longer safe for YOUR children.
  16. I'm so sorry!!! I would report the CPS worker for anything remotely out of line. Our dds are adopted from foster care and in Utah you aren't allowed to spank ANY children in your home while you are a licensed foster parent, no matter if they are bios, adopted, or foster. Is this also the rule in Texas? I dealt with CPS as a teacher in L.A., but it was for bruises and welts from extension cords and belts. :( Kids that age are usually very honest about exactly what happened. I'm so surprised this was handled so poorly. My heart brakes for your kids.
  17. I love no gift parties. I think it might depend on where you live though. These were not popular at all in Utah and they are very popular here in VA.
  18. You'd be so proud. No more toys in the bedroom. I made it work. It turns out they didn't have that many actual toys to save, just a whole lot of junk to throw away!! Everything is in the basement in a box now, so they are welcome to bring toys upstairs to play, but then they need to get put away. This was the result of walking in on my daughter playing in her PJs when I thought she had already showered and was getting dressed. She's just too easily distracted.
  19. I don't mind when people ASK us about homeschooling, at all. It's the "it would be good for her" comment that this woman made that bugs me. There is a difference. Most people I meet are genuinely curious, just like they are about our adoption. Others are just plain rude.
  20. You should follow Charlottesville's FB page. The pictures are enough to get you here. :) WA is gloomy!! We have sun!!! I should work for the city...
  21. Rice and beans (brown rice, black beans, canned tomatoes all together) Black bean tacos Pasta with tuna and peas Salmon, rice, veggie Whole roasted chicken with pasta/rice and veggies Spinach, black bean, corn tortilla casserole (not sure how to make it dairy free though) We eat pretty simple, so most of our meals are four ingredients or less. But we love cheese. ;)
  22. Central Virginia- a blue dot in a sea of red Wineries galore. Laid back, educated people Big local music scene Unbelievably gorgeous. Seriously. Every time I leave my house I am in awe and we've been here 18 months. Four seasons with a mild winter. FALL SPRING Abundant wildlife. That's good and bad. Bears. In my driveway. Blue Ridge mountains Farms, vineyards, orchards Local food everywhere Farmers markets almost year round Amazing day trips 2 hours from DC without having to live in a suburb Historical sites everywhere Fairly low cost of living, especially if you are a few miles out of the city Lots of random graveyards... I love it here.
  23. Wow. I'm kinda surprised at the judgmental comments, especially about you being lazy??? We all have battles to pick. Of course you think it's important and you are obviously frustrated. Does she own The Care and Keeping of You? That is an excellent book for preadolescent girls with lots of self-care tips. What about taking her to get her hair cut and getting some advice on shampooing from the stylist? Or you could just do a once a week spa night with all the kids- baths, hair-do's, nail polish, etc. You could use it as a time to teach and reteach those skills. Someone mentioned her swimming, which could actually totally explain the "urine" smell- maybe it's old wet towels and clothes? Could she use a reminder to shower after swimming, then a good waterproof bag for any wet items? Flip flops instead of sneakers are essential. She could even wear the slipper style with socks if it is cold. Good luck. Mine are only 10 and I already know I'm going to be helping one for a lonnnnnng time. I have to keep her on a strict routine and constantly remind her what brushed hair actually looks like. Tea Tree Oil Shampoo from Trader Joe's helps when she's going through an especially greasy time!
  24. Yeah, I don't get why they can't just open it up and get in there. They must be worried about him hurting the boy.
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