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Everything posted by Giraffe

  1. Don't forget detergents, soaps, shampoos, and fabric softeners can all trigger eczema. I have to use a "Free and Clear" detergent, and only the blue cap Aveeno baby wash for DD, even now at almost 6. DD and DH both have to wear mostly, if not 100%, cotton next to their skin or they get rashes. For real. I'll never forget the night DD toddled into my room crying in her new sleeper (pre washed in our detergent). Her torso was bright red and itchy. I checked the tag - polyester. I don't know why I hadn't looked in the store, but it never went on her again after I jerked it off her! For lotion, DD uses Triple Cream.
  2. I try to be mindful, but I know that a lot of people here simply forget there's a time difference at all. I know my housekeeper is always amazed when I Skype family back home and it's morning there and evening here.
  3. Yes, you can freak out now. Maybe have DH stay home tomorrow and pinch hit for you while you recover for a day?
  4. For those wondering "the child" appears to be a girl, based on pronoun slips in the original post. And this gifted girl was the same as her gifted girl, though I was a passive resister. I didn't fight, I just didn't do. And didn't care. And chocolate chips, $100, or a new car wasn't going to change me. I was bored with the method, with school, with everything. I did the bare minimum to get a B. that was it. I got straight As once, and my reward? "We'll, it's about time! Now let's see you keep that up!" I never repeated THAT mistake! You have to change what you're doing. Radically. Worksheets, rows of problems she already gets, boring assignments or curricula? Get rid of them. She chose something to do with volcanos, no? Try that first. NOT the curricula (boring!), the subject. Use the curricula as reference material, but have her research elsewhere and come up with a presentation on volcanos. Tell her you'd like her to find out everything she can about volcanos in history, in science, in modern times. Pompeii, Mt. St. Helens, Hawaii, etc. say you want all sides, all perspectives. Then turn her loose. And - she's 9. It's ok if she doesn't "keep up" with all her schooling right now. Once you get her going, she will more than catch up.
  5. Oh no! I just did that last week - five days later I can finally walk without tears. I hope your chiropractor can help!
  6. Me too! I was up until 4am printing planning pages off Donna Young! Everything you said, but no baby here :p
  7. Ultraviolet? It was a British miniseries about vampires, but I'm not sure they ever use that word the whole of the show. Really cool. ETA: available on Netflix last I checked.
  8. I don't have shelves at the moment, just a cupboard, but when I did have shelves and all my books out I did this: History & Literature together by time period - Ancients, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary. Art Reference Education DH (most of his books are sci-fi or technical and he likes them all to himself, thankyouverymuch! :tongue_smilie: )
  9. Good point. My break was as an adult and I did have it x-rayed - only to be told to splint it. But the growth plates and all... yeah, I'd take DD if it was her. OP - how is your DD doing today?
  10. Planning, planning, planning.

    1. Isabella


      My favourite activity!

  11. Skip the first four books. OK, skip books 2, 3, and 4. Maybe 5 too. Trust me!
  12. I used to as a child, but no more. Grosses me out now. In one house I had maps of the world and the US posted just outside the potty. As DD was learning she kept the door open and would talk about the states and countries. Books in the bathroom just would not go over well these days.
  13. Get a splint from the pharmacy - it will be more comfortable. No piano playing! Let it rest for a week or so. The only concern might be if it's impinging a nerve. It doesn't sound like there's any numbness, but keep an eye out for that. I broke mine in a car door. It hurts a whole lot for such a little thing, doesn't it?!
  14. I finished the blasted book!!!! Happy Dance! :party: :party: :party: As I told my reading buddy, The Histories by Herodotus would be greatly improved, IMNSHO, by the exclusion of the first four books. They are interesting, I reckon, and could be put into a separate work entitled "The Mythologies and Practices of the Known World". Once I got to Book Five I was better, and then did well once I hit Book Seven. I was interested in the events at Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis. I was interested in the back and forth between the Athenians and the Spartans (and the rest of the Greeks in general) over who was more important than the rest. I'm glad to be done with it, though. Now I'm going to give my brain a rest and read my Continental Challenge book "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. After that I have to go through a whole pile of education and parenting books that I need to read regarding Little Miss. She has to repeat Kindergarten and I need to ensure that we're doing right by her. ETA: Heck if I know how I'm doing on my challenges. I can't even remember what they were! I know I busted my no-new-books vow. I'm still plugging away on TBRs, though not as well as I should. I'm trying to keep up with the Continental Challenge. Beyond that - ???
  15. The sea was too loud on the Mediterranean? For crying out loud! That sea is so peaceful!
  16. Giraffe

    Reading ideas

    Stuart little? There are more but I have to look them up and can't right now. I'll come back to this when I find my list....
  17. Basket (two cute Spring-themed fabric pouches, actually) out on a chair, glass egg shaped ornaments hid throughout the living room. Sometimes you just do what you can: high rise apartment, Muslim country, no egg dyeing kits or plastic eggs. I was ecstatic to find the egg ornaments! And a stuffed bunny (she gets a bunny every year).
  18. Made, hid. But I will put it out in the morning front and center.
  19. Thank you! Especially for the samples. I'm sick and on pain killers and just missed them. DOH!
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