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Everything posted by Giraffe

  1. The sea flooded my neighborhood. Learned a new word: Lodos. Thanks Wikipedia!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Giraffe


      No, but had to move the car before it flooded it.

    3. Starr
    4. Giraffe


      Every day is a new adventure!

  2. Here almost all girls and women wear bikinis (not me). There's a belief that we will get sick/chilled if we're lounging in a wet one piece. We change swimsuits after every dip in the sea (especially bottoms, for sanitary reasons). Bikinis are just plain easier. DD has at least three or four suits a season.
  3. Honestly, I would love an American History curriculum that worked like SOTW but was an adjunct to it. Something where we introduced it in the grammar stage, did more in the logic stage, and again in the rhetoric stage. I know it's US-centric, but I'm after schooling overseas and want DD to have as much exposure to American History as she'd get in the US, since if we ever go back to the US she'll be dropped into school there expecting to be fully up to speed with everyone else.
  4. I voted number three. Honestly, reading your descriptions I got the vibe that you were most excited about that one. It was the most detailed, the most fleshed out, and your writing sounded the most excited. Plus, I'm a sucker for a good museum. Runner up is number two.
  5. What is the difference between social groups and the weekly threads? Please speak s.l.o.w.l.y as the concept of "social groups" has always befuddled and intimidated this introvert....
  6. DD gets about 9 hours a night. I'd like her to get more, but she's a night owl and simply will not go to sleep early. Weekends she can sleep 12 hours, but only from late at night to late in the morning.
  7. Honestly, you're better off buying a curling iron in Europe, or finding an alternate way to do your hair (like leave in curlers or pull it back in a ponytail). Most converters will NOT work with a heating appliance like a curling iron and by the time you spend the money to get a converter that will, you could have just bought a European curling iron. Just my 2 cents.
  8. Mind like a steel sieve, I tell you!

  9. What about those of us across The Pond?! It will be morning here when the board goes down! My wake up routine is shot through! Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! ETA: blasted auto correct
  10. I need to stop reading posts that are triggers. Hugging my girl extra tight tonight.

  11. Go. Grab bank statements, important papers, treasures, and GO. I've been with a manipulator. It will not get better and is more than likely worse than you realize already.
  12. I did it. I ordered WRTR from a British reseller. It should be here in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed!
  13. The link doesn't work, but thank you for thinking of me! ETA: Sorted it out and found the link. And now I KNOW I was taught the Spalding method. "Her first nurse works early!" I thought I was imagining it!!
  14. As long as they show the phonograms, I'm totally fine with making my own. Thanks!!
  15. I need help. Does the WRTR 6th edition include the phonogram cards or must they be purchased separately? Trying to sort out the options and the phonogram cards are prohibitively expensive at the book resellers (and are all dated 1956?!). I've emailed Spalding directly to see if they ship to Turkey. Most places do not, though, so I'm trying to sort out alternatives.
  16. I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt! Yes, I envy you your village library, but seriously, the four of you read the most interesting books and have the most interesting posts, full of information and things that really get me thinking. And I simply love your book selections! Me, I just whine weekly about stupid Herodotus. With all the talk this week about life being too short to read bad books (esp. non-fiction), I'm seriously considering abandoning him to his ridiculous self. Is he EVER going to get to the war?!
  17. Thinking about Kalanmak

    1. Momof3littles


      Me too. All day.

  18. It's good you went. Now you know and can treat him without worrying about whether or not he's more seriously injured. Sounds scary!!
  19. OOOHH! Two more books to add to my ever-growing and never-ending wish list. This board is really bad for my reading goals (reading through history and literature in order) AND my budget. That being said, I want to be Eliana when I grow up. I always look forward to her posts and her reading list is so fascinating! If I can't be Eliana, can I be Stacia, Mumto2, or VioletCrown?
  20. Us too. I'm hoping to start at least a college fund for DD soon. I'm interviewing for a job teaching so I can be earning at least a little money while DD is in school. And no, neither public school nor private school is free (forgetting private school tuition for a moment). School uniforms, lunches, field trips, activities, bake sales, school supplies (here we are expected to provide everything, down to blank copy paper!) - it all adds up.
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