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Everything posted by Giraffe

  1. Giraffe


    I really have missed you! Welcome back, and good luck with the undead turtle. I think he's dead, but I know nothing about turtles. :)
  2. Yes! I'm married to an IT guy and you nailed it!
  3. Personally I would prefer something more along the lines of Georges Seurat. Love me some pointillism.
  4. I never disputed that. But bringing my shoes issues up in a public forum and not accepting my choices is just too much. I'm going to make vodka shot cupcakes and scan the internet for Sean Connery kilt pictures while I prep my crockpot for oatmeal in the morning. AND I left my shopping cart in an empty parking space at the grocery store today. :p :p :p
  5. I really liked that book. I sort of saw the ending coming, but I was a nice read regardless.
  6. Well, for me it was a bad reading week. Too many unfriendly reading conditions and too many demands on my time. Grumble. I'm hoping that this week will be more productive, but I seem to have more on my plate than I realized or anticipated. Still working on Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard. I find it incredibly practical and useful. Kinda wishing it wasn't a library book on my Kindle. Finished: The Handmaid's Tale, Atwood The Song of Achilles, Miller Alias Grace, Atwood Book Was There: Reading In Electronic Times, Piper In Process: The Iliad, Homer The Histories, Herodotus Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard. Heath AggieAmy, would you mind horribly if I co-opted your rating system?
  7. I am up at 5:00 am right now. It's miserable. I want to be sleeping, I wish I was sleeping, I need to be sleeping. DD is awake too. She's going to be miserable at school today. (Jet lag, can't seem to get past it. Gonna have to do this the hard way by pushing through.)
  8. By any chance has anyone gone through the CELTA certification to teach English as a second language? I'm considering it and thought I'd take a chance to see if someone had any advice, tips, etc. CELTA is the certification that seems to be the most accepted here (as opposed to TEFL). Thanks!
  9. This was our experience too. DDwent to Montessori for two years and was miserable. Now that she's in a traditional structured kindergarten program she's thriving. (This is also why I afterschool and don't homeschool.)
  10. This sounds divine! Yes, I'm very glad that you didn't sign up for the challenge. (I did, and it's already busted. I barely lasted a month. Sigh....)
  11. I love my Kindle. Love it. I also love real paper books. I've found that fiction is easily read on the Kindle, while reference (e.g., TWTM) is best read on paper. Non-fiction is somewhere in between. But what I love the best about the Kindle is that I can travel with hundreds of books in my purse. Since we are constantly going back and forth across the Atlantic, this is a critical feature. AND I can get new books anytime from Amazon.com, which is also critical as there are almost no English language books here. The e-ink technology is also a big win for me. My eyes are starting to get "old" and I had to increase the font on the Kindle recently. My eyes don't get tired with the Kindle. That's huge.
  12. Jet lag stinks

    1. Reflections


      Especially if going to a place that's ahead in hours...or days!

    2. Giraffe
  13. I'm supposed to be getting up but jet lag is killing me. Gonna sleep just a little.....
  14. Ah ha! You're it! Seriously, I have the same thing. We can only see our own warning points, whatever they are.
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