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Everything posted by Giraffe

  1. Reading, writing, math As she got older we would read &write about history & science, still do math, and add fine arts
  2. TWTM. Seriously. It really does help explain what to do when with what, but also gives you the TOOLS to teach however works for your family. Can you check it out from the library and review it? Can you get your hands on a 1st edition, which I'm told is better at recommending a wider variety of curricula?
  3. I hadn't thought about books etc that we're done with. Hmmmm.... I usually go to the US with fairly empty suitcases. I could bring them to the US and sell them there. I know the English teachers here are always looking for books, so that's a possibility. Plus I am going to start giving English lessons so maybe I can use them there. But with space at a premium.... Hmmmm. The experience is definitely worth it. I love living here!
  4. It's the complete lack of library and bookstore that does me in. The curriculum isn't all that bad, considering we're just starting out. It's the books that get me. I love to read, DH loves to read - I want to encourage that same love in DD. To do that we need, you know, BOOKS! The Currclick (Clickbinder in Europe) is to bind some of these PDF books so they are more book-like for her. Oh I worry too much!
  5. Do keep an eye on the FAQs for the Exhibit Hall. I seem to recall that stroller HAVE been banned from the Exhibit Hall in the past while they were allowed in the Used Curriculum Sale. Different halls, different rules. But I may be remembering my home convention in another state so double check.
  6. No library here. Well, there's a library, but it's in Turkish and I'm pretty sure it doesn't carry The Great Courses. ;)
  7. I got an email offer for The Great Courses - their history courses are on sale. I'd like to get one, at most two, focusing on the Middle Ages. What would you recommend? I like the looks of Prof. Daileader's courses, but there are three on the period. If you had to pick, which would you pick? Or is there another one you would recommend? Thanks!!
  8. Me three. I've been told I come across as conceited when the truth is I'm so shy that casual conversation can leave me hyperventilating. OP, :grouphug:
  9. Texas!! I have lived all over the US and found TX to be one of the most pleasant places. Homeschool friendly, no income taxes, low COL, hot as hades in summer, but mild winters. I've heard good things about Austin, but I was/am in Dallas when I'm in the US and love it there.
  10. :blush: I got every single Level A, B, and C reader listed on the Teacher Express $1 sale. Plus a few others. No kidding - I spent about $75 on ONE DOLLAR books! My justification is that I'm teaching DD to read now and needed readers asap. We aren't going to be in the US until late summer and won't be able to get them otherwise. I didn't want DD ready to read and no readers available. :blush: Of course, after I bought them I found out about I See Sam on the internet and I believe there are others. Free. Like I said - I need to be cut off. :leaving:
  11. Yes, it helps. I just can't believe I actually did it. It's hard with no library, you know? Everything has to be purchased and either delivered, carried over in a suitcase once or twice a year, or downloaded and printed (unless I can convince DD to do her coloring and other activities on the iPad...). I'm hoping (hoping!) we can do science as a unit study with just the Animal encyclopedia, the internet, the bird sanctuary, and the zoo. And I'm only doing science for "fun" because she wants to study animals/zoology. They cover science quite well in her B&M school. Gulp!
  12. Don't even get me started on the paper and ink I've purchased and will purchase!!!
  13. Yes, she's a first grader, plus we're overseas, plus she's repeating Kindergarten in her private school and we're doing summer school to get her up to speed over the summer. For those following at home - we're paying private school tuition plus homeschool curriculum. :blush:
  14. Yeah - I've lost my mind. DH is going to have a heart attack. In the past couple of weeks I have purchased: WWE 1 Instructor Text and Student Workbook (PDFs) FLL 1&2 combined text from PHP's "scratch & dent" section (US delivery for transport in DH's suitcase) SOTW 1 Activity Guide (PDF) Miquon Lab Annotations, Teacher's Notes, and Orange book (PDFs) 14 books to go with SOTW 1 from Amazon US (US delivery for transport in DH's suitcase) ProClick & combs from Amazon UK (Turkey delivery) Spalding WRTR, Phonogram Cards, Spelling Assessment Manual (Turkey delivery) Kingfisher History & Smithsonian Animal Encyclopedias (Turkey delivery) Cuisenaire rods (Turkey delivery) History Scribe packages for US history, World history, Geography (PDFs) Scholastic Readers (PDFs) Visual Latin 1 Lessons 1-30 (Downloads) and for me: Learning Teaching and Practical English Usage for my CELTA course next month (Turkey Delivery) The Workbox Program Planning PDFs from CurrClick (99 cent sale) And an external hard drive to hold all these downloads! Freezing the credit card won't work. I've memorized the number, the expiration date, and the CVC code. This doesn't include all the free curriculum guides and things I've downloaded for Ancients, Opera, reading, etc. I think I need to spend more time teaching and less time planning to teach! :leaving:
  15. And if you buy the first 30 lessons in the 10 set increments it's cheaper than buying the 30 set package. Plus you get the sale discount. This board is really really bad for my budget.... :leaving:
  16. Too much, apparently. Fraud protection just flagged my card. I don't understand - I'm only in Turkey and placed orders with Peace Hill Press, Amazon UK, Amazon US, & Book Depository this evening. And Awesome Books and a British company that sells Cuisenaire rods last week. What could be odd about that?! ;)
  17. Got it. And they ship here! Incredibly hard to find shippable combs, but I found them! Thank you and congrats on yours!
  18. Are you in Britain? From where did you order the pro-clck?
  19. I think we wait too long in the US to start foreign languages. DD is 5 and her school is teaching English and a second foreign language (we picked French) starting in K. DD is already fluent in English so she coasts through those 14 hours a week, but all the rest of her instruction is in Turkish. Apparently it really does make a difference in brain development according to MIL (who's in the field). The brain can learn a foreign language more easily when it is young. By middle school those neural pathways are set and it's much harder. After a year here DD is nearly fluent in Turkish.
  20. You need an MRI or CAT scan. X-rays will only show bone problems. Since it's to the left of the spine it could be muscular. It sounds like something is impinging on a nerve. I feel your pain, literally. I'm in so much pain right now that I can't lie down, which is weird. Left leg burns and tingles, not in a good way. Back is screaming at me. I just want to sleep (it's 11:30pm)!
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