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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. So much could be going on here. This cat may have a urinary issue and if that is the case a new box isn't going to help. It could also be spraying if it is an un-neutered male (something that neutering can help). Since he isn't your cat, you wouldn't know his vet history or his dietary needs and that can be a problem too. It sounds like he wants to live with you. Maybe you should approach the neighbors to see if they would be open to letting you have him so that you can get him vetted and checked out. If you have other animals (particularly other cats), introducing another cat with unknown medical history can be very risky. Unless you want to adopt him, I would discourage his visits.
  2. We use Foerster's Alg 1 and I wouldn't agree with that statement either.
  3. My girls were in a gymnastics/dance school that did this sort of thing. It was really stressful on the kids who were made to feel that they wouldn't get good spots on the shows unless they sold sold sold. One of the last times we went, I watched the owner drill a student as to when she would be selling and how important it was and deadlines etc. It was very uncomfortable. She told me I had to have dh sell tickets too. Even though we weren't even in the show and I had made it clear we didn't want to be in it! I told her I had no intention of asking him to sell tickets as his job is to work for his company and not for HER. Needless to say that ended that extracurricular activity (which was a blessing).
  4. IMO most of the food the op described sounds unhealthy. We limit grains and dairy and to some extent fruit too because of the sugar. Fruit snacks are out and pizza is for special occasions. I think trying to make something better of school lunches may be a losing battle because there is so little to work with and many people in admin are still stuck on the old food pyramid. Personally, I think that the lunch as described would probably be better off uneaten. :) All that said, I would also have a problem with someone imposing their ideas of what is a proper lunch on my child. If there is a problem with the lunch system then the school needs to address that with the parents as a whole and come to decisions and agreements after everyone has been offered an opportunity to suggest remedies.
  5. My ragdoll boy is the floppiest thing! He is extremely mellow. He falls asleep when I give him his semi-annual Lion-cut shave. He lets the girls do anything to him and has been known to walk around in a tutu and boa. He had painted toenails just last week. He isn't completely a girly-man though because he's killed a few snakes that have invaded his lanai. :D
  6. Calvert School has a middle school civics that is easy to implement and very understandable. We used it a couple years ago and liked it. You can buy as a supplemental (don't have to buy the whole Calvert program). http://homeschool.calvertschool.org/why-calvert/homeschool-enrichments/history-courses/civics-in-america
  7. I've been called a control freak. I guess it is true. It isn't a bad thing. :D
  8. Check out Regis University in Denver (Jesuit). It has a very good reputation and their distance program is excellent. I have my degree from Regis. I took most of my courses on campus and finished up as a distance student when we moved. It was expensive but my work paid a portion of the tuition for awhile. It's a great school! It has been operating since 1877. :)
  9. We're in FL and my son was homeschool dual-enrolled from 10th (now graduated and in 3rd year college) and he has a Florida Academic Scholar Bright Futures scholarship. He got his award based on his ACT score. He had to also put in a min. of 75 hours volunteer work to qualify.
  10. I don't think that at this point you owe either of them any explanations or reasons for severely limiting or cutting them out of your life at this point. What you are describing is abusive. People that behave as extremely as your mother is already know what they are doing and count on family to continually excuse the behavior. Your sister has no business being involved and she may be only doing so because, if you leave, she will be more alone with the problem (your mother). One thing I have learned from my dysfunctional family is that misery loves company and getting out to save your sanity is looked upon with jealousy and lots of attempts to make you feel guilty. Sounds like you need distance and don't feel guilty for looking out for the emotional health of your family. :grouphug:
  11. Well, it is only funny ONCE. After that and to the degree you seem to be experiencing, it is rude and bordering on abusive. I think you need to call a family meeting and tell them how this is making you feel. This sort of thing can undermine your confidence and allowing them to continue would be to condone them disrespecting you. I'd nip it in the bud.
  12. We just finished up the US History course at OpenAccess. http://www.ucopenaccess.org/course/view.php?id=82 I picked up the text on Ebay for next to nothing. The girls (7th & 8th) enjoyed the text and the online slide shows. We used the text: The American Pageant by Bailey, Kennedy and Cohen. We supplemented with online videos too.
  13. I quit sugar cold turkey. It was difficult for the first few days as I had to get used to not having it in my system but after that I felt much better. I am also using Salba seeds (Chia) too. They help curb any cravings and are a good source of Omega vit.
  14. There are LOTS of Mystery Science Theater 3000 movies (MST3K) on instant view. We love them. So funny!
  15. It sounds like she was originally placed in your school because of the good that you could do for her based on your instincts. You were schooling her in a way that you felt would most motivate her and she was responding...then the dad steps in a decides that is not good enough. I have a real problem with people that as another poster has said, sit on their pedestals and issue orders. In changing your methods of schooling this girl, he has made the time you spend with her less satisfying and he sets you up for dealing with her blame, anger and frustration. He has put you in a very unfair and potentially dangerous situation (given her stability issues). Personally, I would tell him that your teaching methods and approach are not up for discussion and that if he wants to continue with the arrangement that there will be some changes. He needs to let you do the school AND he needs to get her to school consistently. I feel bad for this girl. I think the father is a big problem.:grouphug:
  16. :iagree: I really wonder if there is a lot more to this. If the crying is so bad that it is interfering with the learning opportunities for the other children then the child sounds like he is not ready for that environment. Maybe the parents need to explore other schools or ways to make the transition easier.
  17. This is what I was thinking. One of my cats just had a tooth extraction and according to the vet they do a lot of those (particularly in cats) so I bet you could get one pretty easy.
  18. That is a great update! Keeping your sis and the baby in my thoughts! Keep us posted. :grouphug::grouphug:
  19. We recently watched this too. Very interesting! :iagree:
  20. Times Of Your Life by Paul Anka...aka The Kodak Song and 'Where Do The Children Play' by Cat Stevens.
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