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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. We're grain free too. Just tell her that you cannot even take a taste because it would interfere with your diet requirements. Making exceptions on grain-free can easily lead to things getting out of control. If you make it a habit to tolerate exceptions then you'll never be able to say no to her.
  2. Both my children and myself have taken many online college courses. This is NOT normal. While I encourage letting the student work on the problems, there is a time when the parent needs to get involved. It looks like you need to shoot off an email to the instructor to question her protocol and depending on her response, take it from there. I'd intervene asap. Even if she is outside the drop time-frame, I'd push for an exception based on the misinformation and confusion created by the instructor.
  3. However well intentioned the baker may be, I would have to pitch it. We have a rule that nothing is consumed that is not factory sealed. If anything looks homemade, fruits, old, tampered with etc. it immediately goes. It is sad that parents have to do this but not everyone knows all their neighbors and precautions need to be taken. It isn't something that should be taken personally-it is just a fact these days. If you're looking for alternatives to junky candy, you might want to visit Oriental Trading. They have a lot of non-food trick or treat toys and gadgets that would appeal to the kids. Or you could buy coupons from some of the fast food outlets for small soft-serve ice creams or donuts (not really healthy but fun anyway).
  4. Alavert (the kind you need to get from the pharmacist) and the Neti Pot.
  5. I personally wouldn't add a lemon extract. It ends up tasting chemically IMO. I just get some fresh lemons and squeeze in some lemon juice until I achieve the taste I want. You can even add in a little zest too. :)
  6. I've been wheat free for about a month. I read Wheat Belly and thought it was worth a try. Oh my! What a difference it has made for me! My migraines are gone, have tons of energy and motivation, no cravings. Best of all, I've been fitting in clothes I haven't worn in years. I can't say enough good things about how going wheat free has helped me out. :D
  7. Our son dual enrolled at 10th grade and completed his AA at a local college and transferred to UCF and is living on campus and in the Digital Media Program. He scored very well on his ACT, has a full Bright Futures Scholarship and nobody ever questioned his transcripts that I provided. We had no problems whatsoever. Everyone at the colleges were very helpful and pleasant to work with. :D
  8. Well yes I got that and addressed it. I explained that he knows by her reaction that it is not cool and hopefully won't do it again. :)
  9. I know that is annoying to deal with this when you aren't feeling well but looking at it from ex's pov, maybe he thought he was helping you out? Giving you extra time to get better? It is probably easier for him to keep the kids overnite rather than returning them and picking them up again. Maybe this is one of those things you need to let go. Ex knows it is not cool now so hopefully this will be the last time it happens or at least he oks it through you beforehand.
  10. That thing is just some facebook app thing that went viral. It isn't a virus. Many people just get it from their other friends and without realizing it send it to their contacts. Just delete it so you don't pass it on.
  11. I picked 'eating the salad'. I'm not religious but my opinion is that if someone claims to be adhering to a belief then they don't or shouldn't pick and choose the situations that they practice it under. That said, it would have been nice if they had a pet or farmstock that could have eaten the salads. :)
  12. No. I'm kinda nervous about eating anything home canned anyway so that part did it for me.
  13. I'll just be quick and say that I think any requests for special food concerns should be made by the person who needs them and if possible in advance. I wonder if the HR person was just afraid that making a big deal about that would get the meeting off track. IMO, unless it is a life threatening condition, I think that HR was doing the right thing. The op's friend didn't seem very bothered and I would let her address if with hr if that is her desire. I wouldn't read anymore into it than this. Based on what the op described, there is IMO no reason to assume any kind of religious intolerance going on.
  14. Hummm...he thinks you need a hobby? I can think of a few you can have that he may enjoy...shopping (LOTS), interior design (redecorate the whole house), travel (plan some expensive vacations), culinary arts (you'll need lots of cool equipment and classes), sewing (new machine). Your dh clearly hasn't thought this out lol! :D Seriously-you are hsing and have lots of time for a hobby LATER. IF YOU WANT ONE. I would not be opposed to trying out one of the above 'hobbies' to give him a wake up call. ;)
  15. I've always awakened them at a specific time. If they sleep too late we won't get our work done at a reasonable hour and they also get headaches if they sleep too late. I really don't have to worry too much about them getting up after I tell them. One of our cats goes in and starts nipping them and pulling on their hair. That cat is my furry enforcer. :D
  16. Marshmallow fondant is super easy to make but may make more than you need. You can sculpt cake decorations out of the fruity Tootsie Rolls and Starburst candy just as easily and the color is already added. Just work the candy in your hands until you can easily shape it. It is a little sticky so you can use either corn starch or crisco to keep that under control. :001_smile:
  17. I sew and wouldn't want to deal with that. I'd pay someone whatever they want to take care of it. DON'T use the Stitch Witchery stuff! You'll see the iron marks and you'll risk puckering that will be ironed (cemented) in with the Stitch Witchery. You can't undo that stuff on that kind of material. The iron can also damage the material.
  18. I'm reading a very interesting and enlightening book about the benefits of cutting out wheat. It is called Wheat Belly by William Davis. Reading this book really makes the decision to go wheat free a lot easier. :)
  19. :iagree: Your mother has acted very irresponsibly in respect to the safety of others. :(
  20. You might check out the local Michael's or Joann's for their Wilton classes. My daughters and I took the entire series. The classes were quite good and covered torting, piping borders-letters-flowers (lots), fondant work, stacking and much more.
  21. Having worked for the courts and seen more than my fair share of stupid, lazy, loser judges I say to heck with the judge and who cares if the mom looks vindictive. The child is in a very dangerous situation and I'd call the police, the friend of the court or guardian ad litem if there is one and child protective services - in short - everyone I could get to ASAP. If the judge has any problems then maybe she would like to address the ruling in the media. Any retaliation from that judge and I'd call every media outlet and tell the story! Don't let that moronic judge intimidate and never be afraid to speak up in court and demand an explanation if a ruling is questionable!
  22. I think that health code regulations in this case would trump any misguided idea that the manager has that he cannot ask the man to remove the dog from the table. I believe the manager had a very erroneous interpretation of the ADA in this case. I have no problems whatsoever with service dogs but when it presents a health threat I do have problems.
  23. You have an awesome daughter!!! So happy there are young people like her in this world! :hurray:
  24. Hey! I have a lot of those shirts and some shorts and pants too! Maybe I need to get busy on Ebay. Or maybe just start wearing them outside the house. The other moms will be soooo jealous!! :lol: Seriously, who would pay $85 for a shirt like that??? :confused:
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