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Lara in Colo

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Everything posted by Lara in Colo

  1. Math u see-- I can teach math but through watching Steve, I have learned some new techniques and he has made me a better teacher. He sort of gets you started and you finish the lesson -- I think it is a nice mix.
  2. Not really. DH takes one to work with him every Saturday and they have public school on Tuesdays so they get some relief. I may start having my neighbor take over some schooling. She is like a grandmother and loves to listen to them read to her, she also does projects with them (like making stuffed animals) Last Friday the boy spent three hours over there making cookies.
  3. Could you give me some of your recipes? I have been trying to use the same ones I used for juicing and so far they don't make the change well. I need them to be as low carb and high protein as I can get. I have been doing green juice with some protein powder. (kale, spinach, cucumber, celery, apples, lemon and ginger) I would also like to try and incorporate coconut oil-- do you think it would blend or just be gross (with cold stuff) I made my bullet proof coffee this morning and I was thinking of trying to make "warm" smoothies-- any ideas?
  4. I just bought one a couple of weeks ago. We bought mostly for green smoothies so I make smoothies for myself and DH every other day. We were juicing and DH was very happy with the results but I was unhappy with the cleaning and the waste. I don't have a lot of suggestions---- think back to when you bought it and what you "said" you were gonna do. If it was to make green smoothies-- buy a lot of vegetables and you will be forced to make things or they will go to waste.
  5. I think we have had too much "togetherness". Even I am fed up with the 8yo boy stuff and the 12/13yo pre teen girl stuff and the 10yo girl messy room issues. They do pretty good considering we share a smallish house and they share bedrooms and a classroom. But when the squabbling starts getting disrespectful and constant-- I feel the need to step in. Usually talk works, but not right now. I have a 13yo who is brilliant but absentminded a 12yo girl who is bossy and never absentminded and tends to be the "momma" a 10 yo girl who is clueless about almost everything and tends to leave things in little messes everywhere. an 8yo boy who is annoying and does his schoolwork at lightening speed, then proceeds to be bored (loudly) he also pushes things just a little bit too far.. Typical outing around here--- So the absentminded one makes us late because she gets involved in something and forgets to dress (but was reminded at least 5 times) The 10yo is "ready" to go wearing sandals in 10 degree weather and must change. The boy got ready first and went outside, but let the dog out and now we have to try and get it back inside the bossy one went around repeating everything I told everyone else in a slightly superior tone of voice. It is enough to drive a saint crazy Crazy is fine Disrespectful comments and actions = chore.
  6. My children have gotten out of control with the frequency and intensity of their attacks on each other. Lots of snide remarks and personal attacks. It was getting very annoying and no amount of talking about it has helped. Most of the time they get along--- but lately --- **sigh** Yesterday I instituted a new policy. Any disrespectful comment = a chore. Since yesterday I have had the the shoes in the closets found and mated. the bath tub cleaned under the couches cleaned the stairs vacuumed If they are disrespectful to a parent = 2 chores (this doesn't happen very often) Usually each incident = 2 chores since two children are involved together. For instance this morning DD3 said that she couldn't wait for DS to be gone for a day so she could have some time without his obnoxious self bothering everyone (his is an obnoxious 8yo boy-- but she didn't have to announce it in front of him-- or wish him "gone") She just cleaned the tub If nothing else my house will stay cleaned.
  7. Mine had a similar (but opposite) issue-- they would not say anything. So I started to discuss the summary-- how it is the "skeleton" of the story. Just the bare "facts' that hold the story together-- not the ears or the nose or the hair. just the skeleton. Then take a sample sentence. Bob went to the park. skeleton Bob went to the skate park. Bob went to the skate park in the daytime. We then started to identify bare facts that hold the story together vs extras. After that I discussion I would then weekly discuss the passage and do the summary together on the board-- I would write the summary, they would copy it. After about 15 weeks-- they were on their own.
  8. I just use the ones that came with the soap originally--- eventually i suppose I will have to purchase new ones--but not so far
  9. Flax seed (which you can grind up fine and put into smoothies avocados are a good fat coconut oil nutella (teehee)
  10. I use the foaming soap dispensers-- buy normal liquid soap and water it down to the ratio that I think works. Bar soap is messy for sinks (alright for showers and baths)
  11. Kingdom (with Stephen Fry) Rosemary and Thyme Murder in Suburbia (with Caroline Catz) William and Mary (with Martin Clunes) it is on youtube These are all quirky small town British dramadies There are a couple of Doc Martin movies as well.
  12. I am like this too-- I am a realist. I am overweight and if I say that I am a very good cook and that is why I am a size 16 (along with the fact that I am too lazy to exercise)--- is that depreciating myself -- or just not fooling myself?
  13. There are some Sunday school programs that really push children to bring new people to church with them-- some are more pushy than others. This child could be getting lots of pressure at home or at SS to save her friend's soul or just to up the church's numbers by bringing new people. Either way she needs to know when to stop. Your child needs to know how to deal with telling people to stop. Start with simple verbal responses "I like you and I know who Jesus is-- I just don't want to talk about God and stuff--so can we talk about other things?" if this persists-- talk to the mom and say that this is hurting the relationship and the child needs to let it go for the sake of the friendship. You will get a feel right then if this is something the parent is aware of and is encouraging -- then you and your child will have to make a decision about continuing the friendship.
  14. As I understand it -- people wanted the state out of their church, not necessarily the church out of their state.
  15. I have a very self depreciating sense of humor-- I think it helps to make me seem more approachable. For instance I KNOW I am a good mother and a good teacher-- but can have a conversation about how bad I am because my children eat hot dogs 3 days a week and they don't know how to tie their shoes. I find that it opens up the conversation for more people to join in. Some people just don't "get it" and it falls flat and the conversation goes nowhere. (usually with lawyers and psychologists and other peoples who have had their sense of humor surgically removed in college -(j/k --sorta) ) I also have a self esteem issue and I can really get bad around people I know--so DH will sometimes shake me and tell me to stop it and I will. But for instance today I met with some other homeschool moms and I brought yummy scones-- they were a huge hit and I preened and said thank you.
  16. These are pretty good--- they have them in my library has a main character 'Arizona Smith" and some children sidekicks and they go places http://www.multiculturalkids.com/series/ancient-civilizations-for-children-dvd-series-single-dvds/
  17. yeah -- -remember when the history channel was about history? Or--- The Learning Channel was about learning (gosh I remember shows about surgeries) or--- when MTV had music???
  18. I would do my best to appease them and report that you tried to fix things, but in the end they are gonna be either happy or not and you cannot make some people happy . I know this will sound trite-- but it has really worked for us in the past (and we are in a similar business) We pray for the person. Really--- if their life gets better, if they have more money or something good that lakes their focus off of us, then they leave us alone.
  19. Oh oh oh pick me! Pick me!! MAKE THIS : http://allrecipes.com/recipe/red-hot-applesauce-jell-o/ I had it once--- it was yummy!!
  20. Well................bless your God fearing, God honoring heart!
  21. well, perhaps a GOOD brand of applesauce. Sprouts (if you have one in your state) organic is the best I've had
  22. Rhodes-- in the freezer section---------- defrost and bake
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