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Lara in Colo

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Everything posted by Lara in Colo

  1. Well, bless her heart! I'm sure she doesn't MEAN to be rude, insulting and poor mannered. **whatever**
  2. My mother used to do themed trees when I was growing up. Some of her themes: bird nests--- she had a tree with birds nests and little fake birds on the branches, the tree was wrapped in ribbon and springs of some type of frosted fake berries All red-- the ornaments and ribbons-- everything was red and the wrapping paper was red foil. teddy bear--- she had stuffed bears all over the tree. Honestly I hated them because we weren't allowed to help decorate or touch the tree afterwards--- but they were beautiful
  3. The grommet has good stuff http://www.thegrommet.com/tech-gadgets/zipbuds-juiced-twodotoh http://www.thegrommet.com/bakers-13-baking-mats
  4. There is this AMAZING product that they sell here in Colorado at the ski resorts. It is really expensive to buy (unless you get it from Amazon) the amount from Amazon is about three years worth for my family of six. It heals and protects the skin. I use it for lip, fingers and face. Great stuff Read the reviews. http://www.amazon.com/Melem-Skin-Lip-Balm-Large/dp/B00BFZZ8XI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1385175303&sr=8-2&keywords=melem
  5. I refuse to drive at night on two lane roads with no median. I will be blinded by passing cars an dI cannot judge distances (like curves). I do fine on freeways.
  6. inappropriate happy face unintended--- (how did that happen???-- weird)
  7. I do find that it is better to add some cold water or ice to the vegetables because a) it needs more liquid because of the pulp b) the blades warm the vegetables while making the smooth texture. happy blending
  8. Probably settling, but, like I said, the trade off is acceptable because I hated the amount of waste.
  9. It does have a texture-- sort of like the difference between orange juice with or without the pulp. I find that some of my old recipes from a juicer don't do well if left in the refrigerator overnight-- But I stopped juicing because of the cleanup and the waste so the trade off is acceptable to me.
  10. I cannot imagine just opening the door and tossing a pet out--- The few times I have lost a pet were guilt enough for this lifetime.
  11. I seriously doubt that--- this is just one of those odd things that keep you hanging in there (and stop you from drowning them)
  12. We got home late last night (after having to shut down school early yesterday) and I was too tired to do her TT pre-algebra lesson with her. I told her to go to bed. She sneaked into the classroom and found the paper version of the book and did her lesson. and got 91% :D We won't get into the fact that she is 6 months behind because she refused to do any lessons after a certain point (which is why I have to do them with her) :glare:
  13. I get severe ear pain whenever I have a mild sinus infection. I agree with the "real" sudafed and I also use campho-phenique http://www.campho.com/pain_liquid.html I either use a q-tip or buy a little eye dropper. It is amazing at relieving the pain. They gave my child some prescription for ear pain once and I tried it instead and this is so much better. (plus you can use it for other things as well) It is available almost anywhere-- Walmart, Kroger, Walgreens.....
  14. here is a great website that helped me decide (vitamix) http://www.blenderbabes.com/blender-babes-101/blender-reviews/blendtec-vs-vitamix/ I just (three weeks ago) got the vitamix 6300 at Costco - I like the pre-programed settings, but I also like having manual buttons (vs the electric buttons on the blendtec-- we have very bad luck with electric buttons)
  15. Well today must be a popular birthday for people I know DD11 (now 12) is today the same for her aunt (my sil) -- who shares her b-day with her father
  16. My dream house has a top layer of those glass blocks all around it so I can put lights in it and they'll be weather proof all year round. **sigh** dream house
  17. I prefer the hill country section of Texas-- less humidity so it feels cooler in the summer. That would be Austin, San Marcos, Fredericksburg, Mason, area.
  18. look on the side of the Hershey's cocoa can-- I modified that recipe--- you can add whole whipping cream (I used to do that before the coconut oil) and some vanilla
  19. Previously I made it on the stove in a pot with a whisk--- you need the whisk to incorporate the oils. The sugar amount is more-- I would say about 1-2 teaspoons per cup-- you would have to experiment. There is a recipe on the side of the Hersey's Cocoa can for hot cocoa--- just add the oils and whisk. I have only had the vitamix for a couple of weeks -- I still use my magic bullet for the bullet proof coffee-- its just easier to have the cup ready to drink out of and then put into the dishwasher.
  20. well cocoa has caffeine (not as much) but this works well when I am craving something sweet (like a cinnamon roll-- or a lat night desert) sometimes I do the coffee, sometimes I do the cocoa-- sometimes I do a mixture-- But with the vitamix I don't have to heat it on the stove and babysit it anymore!!!
  21. ratio: 1:1:1:1 1 Cup of milk 1 Tbsp cocoa 1 Tbsp coconut oil 1 Tbsp butter 1 tiny scoop of stevia (about 1/8t) turn to soup and forget about it! I usually make it on the stove, but--wow! was this easier. It foams a lot so don't make more than 4 cups at a time. I am looking for more warm things to make in my new blender.
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