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Lara in Colo

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Everything posted by Lara in Colo

  1. We had Texas-style BBQ in a barn area in the mountains. I wore shorts, there was a snow cone machine. We are laid back as well. I think everyone had a good time. They talked about it for years.
  2. I had a good app this weekend mozzarella balls (about the size if a large marble, a basil leaf and a cherry tomato stabbed together on toothpick and drizzled with (reduced? sweetened?) balsamic vinegar here is a link to a recipehttp://iowagirleats.com/2012/02/02/caprese-skewers-with-balsamic-drizzle/
  3. I agree with this. A lot of times I have to get very specific (depending on the age of the child) Some children can handle-- clean the upstairs bathroom, some can handle vacuum the stairs. One needs-- pick up your clothes, then pick up the hangers in all the rooms, then put all the shoes away. .....
  4. This! Wishing I was near enough to help.
  5. This works for me when I get sick (and I don't do it on purpose-- I just get too sick to handle everything) but I break down and cry. My children jump up and turn into amazing helpers. Sometimes they just need to see that you are human and cannot. take. another. step. Someone else has got to get it done. I have a husband but he is never home, so it is usually me and the children that do all the household stuff (decorating, cleaning, cooking, shopping. BTW my tree isn't up yet -- I don't know if we will even decorate this year-- they will survive.
  6. I make blackberry cobbler-- I like it but it isn't the traditional biscuit type dough-- but it is easy. I use frozen, unsweetened blackberries (about 12-16 oz) and add 1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar and either microwave until the sugar is dissolved or let sit on the counter until warmed and dissolved) the goal is to have no more than 2 cups of liquid so if you need to add more water, do so. This is also where you can add or subtract sugar if you think it is too sweet or not sweet enough-- so if it is too sweet, next time reduce the sugar (or add more), the first time just taste at this point and see if the berries are to your liking in a separate bowl combine: 1C flour 1C sugar 3t baking powder 1/2 t salt stir in 1 cup of milk in a 9x13 pyrex dish, melt one stick of butter (yes real butter) until it gently bubbles pour batter into the butter (try to have the pan level so the butter is evenly distributed) pour the berries on top of the batter, the batter will rise during baking. Bake 45 minutes at 350 or until well browned I serve with a natural vanilla bean ice cream
  7. I have been told my banana bread is excellent by many people and I give out the recipe often makes two loaves 1 C butter (use real butter) 2 C sugar 4 eggs 2 C bananas (mushed) 2t soda 3 1/2 C flour (more for higher altitude) 1t salt 1C broken pecans Combine the bananas and soda together and let sit cream the butter and sugar until fluffy , then add eggs one at a time add banana mixture add flour mixture add pecans put into prepared loaf pans and bake at 300 for about an hour -- the bread should be firm in the center to gentle touch (sometimes this means another 10-15 minutes) what I really think makes a difference is that I don't butter and flour the pans, I butter and SUGAR the pans-- the edges are the more sought after part!! also when I remove the bread from the pans (after about 40 minutes of cooling), I put foil around the edges (where the pan was ) and let it continue to cool-- this keeps the bread from getting soggy but still keeps it moist inside. When you have that one lone banana that is getting old and needs to be tossed, I put it (peeled) into a quart size freezer bag and freeze (you can squish it once the bag is closed) then a few weeks later do it again (into the same bag). This is how I always have bananas ready for bread making. It usually takes about 7 bananas for a batch.
  8. Yeah, I can personally guarantee that Aubrey now has a van!
  9. Not for today, but since the size of your family will be an issue for a while, you might take these suggestions into consideration. to make the house seem larger- get beds that can be hidden -- trundle beds that hide under each other or the bunkbed/futon combo that looks like only one person sleeps in it. Containers that can be stuffed under other beds ( for toys, clothes, school supplies-- whatever )
  10. I tried these once at Costco and didn't think of them again until a friend mentioned apple pie wine. Then I remembered these cherries!! You all should seriously try some!! Yummmmmmy http://olesmokymoonshine.com/products/moonshine-cherries
  11. I lived near the Jolly Rancher plant and I could smell the flavor they were making that day!
  12. I think that it should be shared responsibility. You daughter will learn to "look into the future" and anticipate the worst and the friend will learn to be more careful around others things (and hopefully learn to anticipate the worst also). This is a simple case of being young and not having the skill (that comes from past disasters) of anticipating future outcomes.
  13. I have sort of the opposite issue. My dinosaur still works and my plan is great! They keep offering me upgrades and free phones to get me off my plan (which is grandfathered in). I want to have a newer phone that is still a dinosaur so I can fend off the invading hordes just a little while longer (I feel them at the door)
  14. I have the metal ones.-- don't like them to be super dark inside I don't recommend glass. I have always wondered about the stoneware
  15. hummus and veggies (gluten free) chunks of chicken (a chicken at Costco is $6 and should cover the whole group) with chunks of french bread with chunks of cheese with fruit (apples, or grapes or???) rice krispies treats!!!!
  16. good recipe and hominy do not belong in the same sentence
  17. Mechanics are also more expensive than tire places-- since this isn't really a mechanical issue-- I don't think you need a mechanic-- just a good tire/wheel company. - I would call Discount Tire (if you have one) and see what they say.
  18. off to look at it-- thanks for the suggestion (and the trial and error first!)
  19. I have a hamilton beach one that only has plastic on the base, handle and top, nothing that touches the water. It was around $30 at Costco a year ago. http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Liter-Stainless-Steel-Kettle/dp/B004XJWQZQ/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1387168421&sr=8-6&keywords=hamilton+beach+electric+kettle
  20. nope. and if the 'tude continues he won't see dinner either
  21. I enroll my children part time in an enrichment program and they go to "school" one day a week (usually unit studies and PE and art) The school (which is run by the county) has a library of curriculum that they lend us for 9 months (renewable) . They offer several choices and I am mostly happy with what they have-- but if they don't have what I want, I have to buy it my self. They also pay for testing and automatically file my NOI every year.
  22. light bleach? baking soda? hey--- I know!!! I will stay there for a few days and solve this problem for you!!
  23. I have the same daughter!!! She is 10-- third grade ( I held her back because she took WAY too long to read) She is doing MUS gamma (third grade) at this rate she will do Algebra at 15. I am alright with that--- however, I also have her scheduled in the summers and hope to have her lap a math grade around 7th grade.
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