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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. I don't know if this is your cup of tea but the creation museum in KY is only about an hour and 45 minutes from there.
  2. This is not px90 specific but some suggestions I've tried that work for dh and I when we do the Insanity workout which is similar in the amount of calories burned etc. DH is not overweight so when he works out he is hungry all day. Make ahead crustless quiche for breakfast which is high in protein and very filling. We also sometimes eat it for a snack or lunch. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/crustless-spinach-quiche-2/detail.aspx Almonds and lots of fruit and vegetables. We normally keep Cutie oranges, apples, cut up cucumbers and carrots on hand for snacking. Greek yogurt instead of regular for the protein. Cheese. DH also almost always ends up supplementing with protein powder because he's busy and doesn't want to eat 10 times a day. He puts the protein powder in oatmeal or just mixes it with milk. ETA: We also eat a lot of dry Kashi cereal as a snack.
  3. We spend anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The time fluctuates greatly depending on whether I'm sitting there watching her do it or whether I'm distracted and doing other things. It also depends on whether she is in the mood to do it or daydreams. I always make her finish and when she takes too long she has less free time but that isn't a strong enough motivator. We use MUS so the lesson format is watch the dvd then work a few problems together on Monday. The rest of the week we do worksheets on the new concept and then a few systematic review lessons. We started a new lesson on figuring volume which dd found to be fun and easy after long division so she finished in about 20 minutes. Today the lesson included volume problems which she finished quickly and long division which she hates. I was also busy working on a project so math took basically all morning....almost 2 hours.
  4. I'm kind-of joining in too. Somehow I missed this thread until today but I pulled the juicer out of the back if the cabinet a few days ago. I am attempting to do juice only and then just eat a healthy but not necessarily raw dinner. Today breakfast and lunch were both carrot, celery, cucumber & apple juice. I'm going to pick up some Kale & Spinach tomorrow. I do have a question for those of you who have been doing this for a while. How to you keep the hunger under control if you exercise. I play basketball for an hour three times a week and usually lift weights or do some sort of workout on the days I don't play. I played for an hour this morning and then came home and juiced. I had more juice a few hours later but basically was tired and starving all afternoon. I ate a few oranges & a banana and a piece of cheese but that didn't really help with the hunger.
  5. I think you could use either song school Latin or prima Latina with a 6 year old but the song school Latin will be more fun. We did SSL then Prima Latina before starting Latin for Children. Neither program gets to deep in to grammar. In Prima Latina had more difficult vocabulary and includes derivatives. There are also references to parts of speech (for example the lesson intruction might say this week's words are nouns or verbs or prepositions) but it does not get in to complex grammar.
  6. Ideally in your situation I would use an ipad to occupy the little one while the others are doing school. You could download only phonics & educational type games so it wouldn't be a waste of screen time. I have a friend who just bought one for this purpose. If an ipad isn't an option then I would check out some blogs with ideas for folder games and other activities for keeping the toddler busy. The older kids would just have to understand that there are times when they have to do schoolwork even if their younger siblings are getting to play.
  7. If you have a savings account with an emergency fund then a Roth IRA would be a good option. Also, fyi, you should check your state laws to confirm but in a lot of states (including Texas where I live) you are intitled to half of your spouse's retirement even if you get divorced. It is usually based on the amount accumulated during the marriage. I used to work in HR and we often had to get signatures from ex-spouses before we could allow employees who were retiring to have access to their funds.
  8. I really like Jamie Grace. It's modern and upbeat and a little quirky but it makes me happy to listen to her album.
  9. After seeing them recommended by others here I bought a robot from www.superdroidrobots.com for us to put together but we haven't done it yet. It looks fun but we just haven't gotten to it yet. Also, I bought Snap Circuits for my 6 yo daughter for Christmas and she loves it. I bought a set from Amazon.com for about $30 and there are 300 projects in there.
  10. We're on lesson 26 or 27 in Delta which means we thankfully have a break from long division which was about to drive me nuts. Dd can do it but doesn't want to so I had to sit right next to her and supervise every step. Today's lesson was on volume and I don't know who was happier dd or I. Last week math took what seemed like all day. Today it was 15 minutes. On the issue of mental math I think your dh is probably right. Do you do the mental math in the instructor guides? That plus maybe using some of the systematic review questions as extra mental math will probably do it. If your son is anything like my dd long division might have just burned him out on th subject of math right now. You might try using mental math as an incentive. For example, I told dd she could do the problems in her head today by saying she didn't have to write the answers down if she got them right. She thought she was getting away with less work but I was actually working on her mental math.
  11. I think there is a suggested schedule on Satori Smiles blog for using the island level. We use it but I'm not near that organized. You might search previous posts.
  12. We did it last year without the DVD. We listened to the cd on Monday and read the lesson. T-fri we listened to cd again and did part of the worksheets. We just did a little every a day and by Friday we had the vocabulary down. We did one lesson per week.
  13. You can save apps in itunes on your computer and re-download them when/if you want to use them. I wish I had more storage but I make it work. DH and DD have 64gb on the one they share because he has A LOT of music. He has put at least 100 cd's on there and used 20 gb of storage for that. If I were purchasing again I would by the ipad2 32 gb refurbished from apple because it's the exact same price as buying a new one from the store. We bought our second ipad refurbished and there is absolutely no difference between the warranty or the product you get on a new one and the refurbished one.
  14. If you're looking for a fun supplement dd loved this: We bought a dvd with a collection of the schoolhouse rock songs from when we were growing up and this was included. We've had a ball listening to them.
  15. I have been using Kay Arthur Inductive Bible Study for kids which has been great. We started with How to Study the Bible for Yourself. We had to do that one together because dd wasn't quite ready to do it on her own but now we've moved on to another book and she does it independently. I also recently purchased Logos Bible software for my husband and I plan to use it to put together lessons also. I may end up using it more than him. ETA: I also really like Generations of Grace which can be ordered from www.generationsofgrace.org. We used this at the church we just left. It covers then entire Bible over a 3 year period and is designed for Sunday School so it might be more than you were looking to do.
  16. I've been doing FLL3 and MCT with my daughter who is working on about that same level. It seems to be going fine. We do FLL several days a week and MCT in spurts. When we first received the books she was very excited about them so she read all of Grammar Island and Sentence Island the first few days. We then went back through Grammar Island together doing the exercises about once a week. We finished that and have been doing the same. Due to time constraints and lots of time off during the holidays we haven't been keeping up with both but are now getting back in our routine. We are doing diagramming now in FLL and the 4 level analysis in Practice Island and she hasn't been confused. The MCT definately moves faster and is more advanced. If I had it to do over again I would probably have skipped to FLL4 to be more on the same level. I mentioned this on another thread a while back but I really like the MCT materials but can't see using it as a stand alone. It's not quite structured enough for my taste. FLL on the other hand is probably more structure and review than we need so it is a good balance for us.
  17. This isn't an answer to your question but I'm just curious. We are using MUS and haven't seen an issue with mental math. We've always done the extra problems in the teacher book to practice the concept but I've found dd goes through phases where she'll do problems in her head and then other phases where she rights them down. Is it possible he hasn't lost the ability but just stopped doing it. If you do the multi-step problems in teachers' book can he do those but just doesn't do multi-digit addition and subraction in his head?
  18. I like ETC. It was easy for dd but we just went through the books quickly. It also is very expensive and doesn't take a lot of time.
  19. This is not 3 sentences but here is some information from a book 131 Christians Everyone Should Know. The introduction to the section on Augustine says that he was important because he answered attacks from internal and external heretics with wisdom that is still studied today. It also states that he is one of the few theologians considered equally important by Catholics and Protestants. Here's an excert from the book: Orthodox champion for a millennium Guarding the church from internal and external challenges topped the new bishop’s agenda. The church in North Africa was in turmoil. Though Manichaeism was already on its way out, it still had a sizable following. Augustine, who knew its strengths and weaknesses, dealt it a death blow. At the public baths, Augustine debated Fortunatus, a former schoolmate from Carthage and a leading Manichaean. The bishop made quick work of the heretic, and Fortunatus left town in shame. Less easily handled was Donatism, a schismatic and separatist North African church. They believed the Catholic church had been compromised and that Catholic leaders had betrayed the church during earlier persecutions. Augustine argued that Catholicism was the valid continuation of the apostolic church. He wrote scathingly, "The clouds roll with thunder, that the house of the Lord shall be built throughout the earth; and these frogs sit in their marsh and croak ‘We are the only Christians!’ " In 411 the controversy came to a head as the imperial commissioner convened a debate in Carthage to decide the dispute once and for all. Augustine’s rhetoric destroyed the Donatist appeal, and the commissioner pronounced against the group, beginning a campaign against them. It was not, however, a time of rejoicing for the church. The year before the Carthage conference, the barbarian general Alaric and his troops sacked Rome. Many upper-class Romans fled for their lives to North Africa, one of the few safe havens left in the empire. And now Augustine was left with a new challenge—defending Christianity against claims that it had caused the empire’s downfall by turning eyes away from Roman gods. Augustine’s response to the widespread criticism came in 22 volumes over 12 years, in The City of God. He argued that Rome was punished for past sins, not new faith. His lifelong obsession with original sin was fleshed out, and his work formed the basis of the medieval mind. "Mankind is divided into two sorts," he wrote. "Such as live according to man, and such as live according to God. These we call the two cities.… The Heavenly City outshines Rome. There, instead of victory, is truth." One other front Augustine had to fight to defend Christianity was Pelagianism. Pelagius, a British monk, gained popularity just as the Donatist controversy ended. Pelagius rejected the idea of original sin, insisting instead that the tendency to sin is humankind’s own free choice. Following this reasoning, there is no need for divine grace; individuals must simply make up their minds to do the will of God. The church excommunicated Pelagius in 417, but his banner was carried on by young Julian of Eclanum. Julian took potshots at Augustine’s character as well as his theology. With Roman snobbery, he argued that Augustine and his other low-class African friends had taken over Roman Christianity. Augustine argued with the former bishop for the last ten years of his life. In the summer of 429, the Vandals invaded North Africa, meeting almost no resistance along the way. Hippo, one of the few fortified cities, was overwhelmed with refugees. In the third month of the siege, the 76-year-old Augustine died, not from an arrow but from a fever. Miraculously, his writings survived the Vandal takeover, and his theology became one of the main pillars on which the church of the next 1,000 years was built.
  20. If I read your post correctly you are going to do Minimus and then start French. I don't think that's too much at all if your child wants to do it. We are learning Latin and Greek and plan to add a modern language in a few years. DD wanted to do Greek for an entire year before I let her start. I thought it would be too much. It turns out it's not a problem at all for her. I have to look at the teacher book a lot because my mommy brain isn't as good at remembering things as hers but other than that it's gone very smoothly.
  21. Math Bingo on the ipad. Also Krues Tafel is a little different but good for practicing multiplication. Spy Car recommended it and dd like it.
  22. I go through phases where I force myself to get up earlier and then fall back in to a later schedule. I am back on the getting up early as of today. I will be tired for a week at least and then begin to adjust. The same thing happens when I start eating healthy after a holiday full of junk food. I'm hungry and tired and grumpy. After 1 to 2 weeks, if I exercise, then I begin to feel more energetic during the day. I then wonder why I ever fall off the getting up early, eating healthy, exercise bandwagon. Unfortunately that wonder doesn't last because I end up having to start again. One thing I've had to just live with is the fact that I'm not going to feel like jumping out of bed when I first wake up no matter how energetic I get. I just don't like mornings so I have to force myself to get out of the bed. After the first couple of weeks I find that once I force myself out of the bed I begin feeling better and less sluggish in about 5 minutes.
  23. My daughter happens to be in a really honest phase right now so she admits that she can do it she just doesn't want to. If I don't sit with her she doesn't get it done. Unfortunately dh didn't know she could do it so he felt the need to help. I recently starts added some living math books to our curriculum and it is improving her attitude some. She is very accelerated in everything but just hates math. She 's a very compliant and obedient child...except when it comes to completing her math.
  24. I don't think it's impossible to make this work. You can hang out at Disney and have a great time together while eating food you brought and staying at different places.
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