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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Tomorrow morning the stars will align: dh will be at his office (he works from home half-time), dd20 will be at work 10-4, and dd15 is away at camp for two more weeks. I will be alone in the house :party:
  2. We had a box of cords and random computer parts (from ds22's projects). We placed it at the curb with a 'free' sign----some things disappeared the first day, some more the second day, and the whole box was taken by the morning of the third day :D
  3. Today: --gym: training and cardio --water garden; pick --daily and Thursday things --freeze peaches (have a bushel sitting on the dining room table!) --KonMari my side of the closet --order dd's English books --finish my new book :D
  4. Shoulder PT is both progessing and stalled. My forward overhead motion is almost back. I can now bend my arm and point my hand down without pain. However, I cannot lift my arm to the side above horizontal nor can I hook my bra :( I am frustrated. My therapist is attacking the abduction------and I was so sore last night after yesterday's session. Off to the gym for training and a cardio session! I always feel so good after lifting :D
  5. Totally on their own, not as an assigned chore? When home from college on breaks.
  6. According to the AP Course Ledger https://apcourseaudit.epiconline.org/ledger/search.phpPine Creek High School offered the course this last year. Caveat---that just means that the school re-upped their approved syllabus, not necessarily that they actually had students take the course and then take the exam, but it's a start :) We have threads each year on the high school board about contacting schools to find seats for AP exams. I think the 2014-15 main thread was titled something like 'annual commiseration thread'. I found a seat for dd for an uncommon exam by (1) checking the course ledger first (the course was listed for six schools in our state!), (2) finding guidance counselor (or AP coordinator) contact information on the schools' websites, and (3) emailing the personnel, asking if they (a) were actually giving the exam that year and (b) if they allowed outside students to test. I did not identify dd as a homeschooler at first because homeschooling is uncommon here, plus I was also looking for a seat for dnephew who is a public school student. In my email I also asked what the fee would be. As it's still July, email the school (look for either the head guidance counselor or someone listed as the AP coordinator or such). They might not be in the building yet full-time, or they might be swamped with seniors talking about colleges (that's what's going on here now in most schools). I would axtually wait until late September once everything calms down a bit :)
  7. After finishing the last syllabus for the next school year, I KonMari'd the heck out of my dresser! Such beautifulness :D Tomorrow-----the closet! bwahahahahaha
  8. No Shakespeare for us tonight--dd20 is reacting to something :( We'll go Sunday, the last night. The syllabus has been submitted :party: I did my daily chores and picked the veggies. Yay me :lol: The Boy is coming over tonight to pack more of his crap belongings. He has two weeks until he moves to California :eek: <crying emoticon for which I don't know the code>
  9. AP exams can definitely be taken before 9th grade. Now you cannot list the course as AP on a transcript but you can list the course as 'Advanced BlahBlaBlah with AP exam'.This is commonly done for homeschooled high school students who don't take an official AP-designated course for whatever reason. It may be more difficult to find an online provider or B&M school that will let a younger student into an AP class. I'm not sure about that because dd has done and will be doing all of her APs with me at home :) And to fit with the OP's topic, dd is transitioning into taking classes at the University of Our State while remaining a high school student. Like Laura said upthread, dd could get into a good college at 15. She wants to get into a great college a bit older :D
  10. No freaking way! It would be fabulous if you could come :)
  11. Common foods (octopus is not common--we don't eat sushi because of a soy allergy): olives anything with dill processed "cheese" coconut canned tuna chard kale quinoa
  12. I did have too much on yesterday's list :( Must-dos for today: --proofread and submit that %#!@$ AP psych syllabus --post office again to mail dd her camera (I found it in her room---she forgot to move it when changing suitcases when packing for camp. I don't know if she wants it, but since she cannot talk to us until Sunday...) --physical therapy at 11 --grill whole chicken intended for dinner yesterday (plans changed) --see The Taming of the Shrew at the state Shakespeare festival :D outdoors with 978% humidity
  13. :party: Thursdays would be easiest for me, but I could handle almost every day with enough notice :)
  14. It should be possible as long as the student covers all the topics as laid out in the various documents on the CB's course websites and regularly does FRQ-style problems :) After all, pretty much the same topics were covered in Physics B before Physics 1 and 2 were created. For those who don't know, here are the topics covered (from the CB course description document): Students will cultivate their understanding of physics and science practices as they explore the following topics: AP Physics 1 • Kinematics • Dynamics: Newton’s laws • Circular motion and universal law of gravitation • Simple harmonic motion: simple pendulum and mass-spring systems • Impulse, linear momentum, and conservation of linear momentum: collisions • Work, energy, and conservation of energy • Rotational motion: torque, rotational kinematics and energy, rotational dynamics, and conservation of angular momentum • Electrostatics: electric charge and electric force • DC circuits: resistors only • Mechanical waves and sound AP Physics 2 • Thermodynamics: laws of thermodynamics, ideal gases, and kinetic theory • Fluid statics and dynamics • Electrostatics: electric force, electric field and electric potential • DC circuits and RC circuits (steady-state only) • Magnetism and electromagnetic induction • Geometric and physical optics • Quantum physics, atomic, and nuclear physics
  15. That almost makes one want to carry colored duct tape and sharpies around to correct signs as a public service ;)
  16. I get this way, too. Right now I'm tackling the time-sensitive projects, like finishing up the syllabi for school this coming year.
  17. That poor baby needs a new GI. Do they live anywhere near a children's hospital? Dd15 had to see a ped GI at the children's hospital for someone to take her symptoms seriously.
  18. I think I have too much on my list... --physical therapy at 9 am (sucks up 2 hours of my time) --errands on the way home: post office, library, grocery store --finish psych syllabus --proofread said syllabus --submit said syllabus to College Board for approval --vacation-related paperwork --clean up dd15's room like I said I would (left from packing--have to take out recycling and remove other suitcases, etc) --email dd --weed --exercise Dd20's roommate will be staying here tonight. She's in town to meet with her advisor and do some other stuff :)
  19. Seconding Julie James! I buy her books on the release days :D No one writes humorous dialogue the way she does. Her female characters are all strong, competent adults. Her books, except for the first few written, contain some adult content :) Just mentioning it because some don't care for that.
  20. My college kids use our home address for medical things, with their cell phone number as the contact (for reminder calls etc). Just have him do that going forward.
  21. I've been thinking about this since Saturday morning. The main goal: to pinpoint dd15's health issues and to determine a way forward. Surgery is extremely likely. If so, I want to schedule it during January to minimize disruptions during the (potentially long) recovery----the university where she'll be studying Arabic has a winter session during January, plus ballet will be between Nutcracker and the April ballet performances. We need to stay flexible with our schooling schedule. Dd will have university classes four times a week in the mid-morning (:eek:). She'll find a place either on- or off-campus (a favorite coffee place) where she can work on other subjects either before or after the classes. Extracurriculars begin between 5:30 and 6:30 and end between 9 and 10 four weeks during the week. I need to manage my stress, which means maintaining by five-days-per-week exercise schedule (including working with a personal trainer twice weekly).
  22. Not exactly sure, but it looks like --daily and Monday things --drive to gym for training and cardio (humidity has returned :() --errands: post office, groceries, library --continue working on AP Psych syllabus (goal: to finish and submit by tomorrow night) --paperwork --garden: pick when more dry --weeding in the front
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