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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. This is such a good book! We read it when dd was in seventh grade as part of US history. Very powerful and challenging to her.
  2. Dd met some peers at language immersion camp this summer. She returned transformed. I have no idea about their IQs (or dd's for that matter as she hasn't been tested). But these high schoolers were learning their third or fourth languages, had passionate interests in studying abroad, politics, and international relations----topics that induce blank stares from the local "intellectual peers" who are STEM-minded and focused on studying engineering in college. She's been feeling very much alone since dropping her single-minded math pursuit. Now she has friends all over the country to text and skype with :)
  3. Good morning :) First day of university Arabic for dd---she alternates between excitement and freaking out :lol: My day: --daily and Tuesday things --bio w dd --drop dd at campus --work out at gym --schedule next sessions w trainer --pick her up (she'll be staying on campus most days in the future) --shower, late lunch --calc w dd --emails --finish paperwork for allergist --prep bio lab for Thursday; look over bio and calc for tomorrow Today is dh's birthday so dinner is his choice :)
  4. Sigh. It's a tie between the basement shelves housing all kinds of kid toys and games and the 25-30 boxes of things from my parents' house stacked in the garage since we sold their house. Three years ago. I have bad dreams after I go through a box :(
  5. Add me to the stress-eating group. I gained 20 lbs between my mom's cancer diagnosis in June 2008 and the day I finally settled my parents' estate in June 2012. I also stress-weed, which is a bit more useful ;)
  6. Dd20 moved into her dorm yesterday :) It's a small, older building in a great location for her (she and her roommate chose it)----very near to the English building, adjacent to a brand-new dining hall, and across the street from the student center where her theatre group has its offices and rehearsal space.
  7. Good morning :) Today dd will begin her fall semester work, with the exception of university Arabic which starts tomorrow. So: --overview of classes w dd --usual daily and Monday things --exercise --physical therapy 4pm --more volunteer emails --text trainer to set up times for new sessions --paperwork for dd15's allergist appointment Thursday --subscribe to The Economist (yes, this has been on my list for days...) --check calculus billing --prep for tomorrow's bio --get on dh's laptop to update my WTM signature lol
  8. Well, she's all settled in her dorm :) Also done today: --farmers' market for the veg I don't grow plus meat --natural foods store for some dairy-free items for dd15 --grocery store for all other things plus 10 lbs of freshly-roasted Hatch chiles :D --lunch lol --planned week Still to do: --freeze all those gorgeous chiles --water seeds planted earlier --subscribe to The Economist --print September's bio calendar for dd --go over all the calculus for this week (me, not dd)
  9. Off to move dd20 into the dorm for junior year :party:
  10. I'm enjoying the quiet this morning---dd20 is at work (goes back to school tomorrow), dh is volunteering, dd15 is still asleep :) My day: --lots of gardening and yardwork --usual daily things --subscribe to The Economist (easier than reading at the library--part of dd's AP Comp Government) --do some calculus (working ahead of dd, as usual) --attend good friend's 50th birthday party, being held at the chef's table at a new-to-us restaurant :)
  11. Good morning! I ignored my alarm again this morning :rolleyes: I'll have to exercise this afternoon or evening. My day: --go BTS shopping w the girls (college dd needs a rug for her room plus storage crates and random things; dd15 needs a 5 subject notebook for one class and a gift for a friend) --finish updating dd15's transcript (!!!!! It's been a very long process, to say the least.) --daily and Thursday things --gardening --emails o' the day --prep all the veg for dinner Have a great day :)
  12. Unlikely but not impossible--just ask my mother-in-law :eek:
  13. There is one for the southeastern states----be back with a link... The Academic Common Market http://www.sreb.org/page/1304/academic_common_market.html
  14. Hmmmm --physical therapy at 9 --daily and Wednesday things --gardening --continue ds room project --finish writing course descriptions!!!!! --more emails --library? --decide how many Hatch chiles to order for pickup Sunday I think the girls are going to campus today to find dd15's classrooms (the recitation section is in a different building than the "lecture" sections---lol, there are 9 registered for the class) and to get her student id. Move-in for freshman is Saturday, Sunday for others, including dd20.
  15. Thank you! I finished English, maths, and Arabic today, with history/social science and science to go. Doing two years was hard enough, i cannot imagine leaving this job to the summer before college applications!
  16. This is so much fun :rolleyes: Do you include the title/author of the main text(s) only? Publisher or edition for science etc? Do you list the instructor's name for an outside course? Thanks :)
  17. I managed to ignore my alarm this morning :rolleyes: Done: --physical therapy --Costco run --grocery store for handwipes --Tuesday things --half of the daily things --gathered paper goods for work shindig tonight --paid dd15's university tuition bill, gulp! To do: --finish daily things --continue working in ds's old room (he left some momentos that need to be packed for storage; I need to turn the room into a guest room) --emails du jour --continue w transcript and course descriptions --gardening Tonight is dh's office's annual crab feast :D We meet on the grounds of the local orchard (one coworker's wife is a member of that family) and eat ourselves silly on Maryland crabs :party:
  18. Dd would have done (and actually did!) assignments like that orally when she was 10 and 11. Have your youngers do it orally---their arguments may be more developed than if they were forced to write them down.
  19. I'm walking to/from training at the gym this am :)
  20. Amy, I like your new picture! My day: --usual daily and Monday things --walk to gym for training session though it will be hot (dd20 had an early shift at work and took my car) --make baguettes for dinner (gluten, how I have missed you!) --order a gift for a friend's 50th --pay dd15's university class tuition :eek: --call the dr --loads of gardening --run to local orchard for more peaches and early apples --continue working on administration-type paperwork for school
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