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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Today I did 50 min of mixed cardio at the gym while dd was at class :)
  2. Luckymama


    Oh sweetie :grouphug:
  3. Sunday: walked to the farmers' market and natural food store Today: some cardio, training session at gym
  4. 9: English (Blue Tent Online), Arabic 1 (TPS) Summer: essentially Arabic 2 (Concordia Language Villages) 10: AP English Language (Blue Tent), second- and third-semester Arabic (University of Our State) And take these w a big ol' grain of salt. Planning more than a semester in advance does not work well with dd ;) 11 (planned): English somewhere lol, foreign language(s) at the university (depends on what dd does over this summer--may be the fourth semester of Arabic plus another Arabic class, may be 2 higher-level Arabic classes; may add a second language) 12(???): Senior English (Blue Tent--for those who scored well on AP), foreign language(s) at the university (could finish all the possible Arabic classes and get to second year of second language, who knows?) When dd asked to continue homeschooling during high school, I agreed as long as I did not have to teach English and foreign language. Those subjects were the source of all my school-related stress during grades 5-8. We are lucky to live within walking/biking distance of the university. Unfortunately, we do have to pay full tuition for dd's classes, though we are in a position that we can without too much difficulty.
  5. Yay Monday. :lol: --dd Arabic 12:20-1:10 --gym while she's on campus --pick up PSAT booklet before 3 --attend webinar 4:30 --dh Chinese 5-6 --dd ballet 7:30-9 --daily and Monday things --state paperwork --register for an online event being held Saturday --make fruit-nut bars for dd --file papers from last week --make kefta and pita for dinner --all those emails I didn't send over the weekend...
  6. Continuing with my weekend list: --house: two loads of laundry, put clean slipcovers back on Ikea sectional, chair, and ottoman (a zillion cushions!) --food: make fruit-nut bars for dd, plan meals for week, write grocery list, finish making food for family Oktoberfest tomorrow --errands: farmers' market, natural foods store, liquor store --yard: trim broken limb off tree, weed, plant new perennials purchased yesterday --email: volunteers, state SO, K, group re AMC --personal: exercise twice, text dsis about dinner tomorrow --school: prep bio labs, file papers from this week, work on my portion of dd's application for a summer program
  7. Me: some metal atoms are kinda close to other types of atoms and sometimes it makes a difference
  8. Weekend list: --house: two loads of laundry, put clean slipcovers back on Ikea sectional, chair, and ottoman (a zillion cushions!) --food: make fruit-nut bars for dd, plan meals for week, write grocery list, finish making food for family Oktoberfest tomorrow --errands: farmers' market, natural foods store, liquor store --yard: trim broken limb off tree, weed, plant new perennials purchased yesterday --email: volunteers, state SO, K, group re AMC --personal: exercise twice once, text dsis about dinner tomorrow --school: prep bio labs, file papers from this week, work on my portion of dd's application for a summer program Yeah, right :lol:
  9. Dh does not have any paid time off. He is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and is paid either by planning fees, management fees, or commisions (depending on the clients' choices and needs). He can, and does, work remotely when we are on most vacations. For example, he'll work for a few hours in the afternoon while the kids and I hit the pool when at a Disney park or he'll get up early to find wifi when we're at a national park. The flexibility to take a random day "off" is a great part of his job :)
  10. Dh had always worked on every vacation we'd taken (on intenet days, that is). In June 2014 we went to China for two weeks with a local group. He didn't work then, though he came home with some new clients ;) Dh and I went *alone* to Alaska in August. He did not work at all for thirteen days---heaven!
  11. Last year three schools 45-75 minutes away appeared on the Course Ledger for Comp. I have no idea if they actually offered the exam or not. I sure hope so...
  12. Schools here tend to alternate World and Euro. I learned (too late) that the high school we're zoned for alternates Comparative Government and Politics with US GoPo. We are off-cycle :rolleyes: (Of course, I don't know if that high school allows outside students. I probably would have raised a stink at City Council and school board meetings if they didn't allow dd, considering how rare the exam is...)
  13. I am starting to call and email next week. Dd has one very uncommom test as well.
  14. Dd has has 24-48 hour turn-around, even for the papers she emailed on Friday afternoons.
  15. They really need to change those dates OR require schools and districts to accept homeschooler registration according to that timetable. I would never have found a seat for dd if I had waited until March!
  16. Thanks, Jewel :) Mary, pm me your email address and I'll send you the syllabus.
  17. Today: session w the trainer; yardwork this evening
  18. And I thought yesterday was busy... --Arabic 12:20-1:10 --training sessio at gym while she's on campus --physical therapy 4 --dh Chinese class 5 --dd Model UN carpool pickup 5:30 --get kids at Model UN at 8 --daily and Wednesday things --score FRQ w dd; go over material/assignments/expectations for next Comp GoPo unit --dd English chat 10 am --wash next batch of slipcovers --print bio test --prep next part of calculus --emails... --prep dinner before leaving for PT so dd can eat before MUN --pick garden; water young plants as needed --weed out front Dd's been having a bad time with food the past week. Allergy testing is next Thursday. Once that is done she can see the ped GI to determine if surgery is the next step. She is so ready for this to be over.
  19. Today: 50 or so minutes of mixed cardio (elliptical, bike, rowing machine) at the gym while dd's on campus for Arabic
  20. Soooooooo --Arabic 12:30-1:20 --gym while she's on campus --ballet 6-9 --dh men's group 7-9 --enjoy the quiet, empty house :D --daily and Tuesday things --today's emails --pick tomatoes --weed --wash more slipcovers (this is going to take all week since they need to be line-dried) --write bio test for Thurs --grade GoPo exam --look for PSAT study materials --errands
  21. I don't know how old your kids are nor what their activities are. My kids all had drop-off activities (or Scouts, with a parent there) so I didn't have to stay at an activity with a sick sibling. We lived close enough to everything that I could run back and forth without a problem.
  22. We've "done" science daily since fifth grade. It's just part of who we are. Now the "doing" varied greatly from day-to-day, that's for sure :)
  23. The New Rules of Lifting for Women http://www.amazon.com/New-Rules-Lifting-Women-Goddess/dp/1583333398/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1442245288&sr=1-1
  24. You can do whatever works best for your student, her schedule, and her interests. There is no right or wrong :) My dd is studying Comparative Government in a year-long class. Some schools offer it as a one-semester class while others have it the whole year. Next year she will study American Government, US History, and macroeconomics simultaneously over the academic year.
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