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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Roasted butternut: Cut the squash in half widthwise just above the bump-out. Cut both pieces into half lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds. Use a vegetable peeler to remove the skin. Cut into 1-2" chunks. Toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast at 425, stirring a couple times, until the edges have gotten brown and yummy :) Now I want some...
  2. Good morning :) It's odd with just dd20 here! On my list: --errands: groceries, library --daily and Wednesday things --physical therapy --a long walk with dh (we were going to hike but the trails are a muddy mess covered with downed trees :() --order a tshirt for dd --do one thing fron my "stuff to do while dd is away" list --any gardening I can do (the ground is like a squishy sponge right now!)
  3. I didn't get a walk in yesterday---storms. Today I have PT and then I will take a walk :)
  4. Uncertain what I'll do today. I could use gym machines (elliptical, bike, rowing) while dh has his training session this afternoon, or I could go for a walk this evening.
  5. This morning dh and I took dd to the airport for her first solo flight. She's partway to Dallas now (she's texting me right now from her layover--same plane). I may have cried just a little bit once she went down the jetway ;) Ahead: --breathe a sigh of relief once I know our friends have gotten dd at the airport! --usual daily things --plan meals for the next 11 days (we'll be following the FODMAP diet in hopes of narrowing down dh's and dd20's dietary issues) --plan what I wish to accomplish while dd is away --gardening as per usual. I picked my very first carrots, ever, yesterday! --exercise of some sort (may go to gym when dh meets with trainer or may walk later)
  6. Omg Tommy! Thanks for the memories :)
  7. Off to take dd to the airport for her first solo flight! Toss-up between who is more nervous lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gingersmom


      My daughter flies alone several times a year. She'll love it!

    3. swimmermom3


      Sailor Dude just did that. Hands-down, I was more nervous ;-) But I am sure you will much more calm and collected than I was.

    4. quark


      Safe travels! Looks like you need a good book and lots of chocolate! :D

  8. Today will be busy with the final bits of getting dd ready to leave tomorrow for her 10 day visit with her best friend. She admitted yesterday to being nervous. So I spent last night awake and nervous for her. Sheesh. So --load of laundry outside --check gardens; pick --walk to/from gym for training session --drugstore run for dd --locate one of the girls' usb kindle chargers so dd can take my wall plug charger with her --bake dd's favorite muffins so she can eat dairy-free safely on the plane --hostess gift for our friends --cash for dd --make sure she's packed the important things! and so on.
  9. Today will be a walk to the gym and a training session :)
  10. This morning dh and I --walked downtown --did our shopping at the farmers' market and natural food store --ate brunch outdoors at our new favorite cafe --walked home I put a load of wash in and will hang it out when finished. Dh and I will then go to --EMS for hiking boots for him --Cabela's for random things --Costco for a few things Once home I will --prep dinner (dh will grill) --plan what we're eating this week --with dh, talk with our TX friends who will be hosting dd for 10 days beginning Tuesday (!!!!)
  11. Dh and I walked downtown, bought our veggies and meat at the farmers' market, picked up a few things at the natural foods store, ate outdoors at our new favorite cafe, and walked home :)
  12. I have four baby squash set right now. I hope to be able to eat them before the borers find a way into my plants. I cover them, brush the stems and undersides of the leaves off, and so on...but the buggers find a way :( Otoh we've been eating our weight in lettuce for a few weeks :lol:
  13. Kids here take MegaBus to DC and NYC. There's a stop on the university campus :) It's so much less than Amtrak.
  14. Wow, that's awesome news for you PA people! You all would probably fall over if I told you how much we'll be paying for dd's Arabic classes at the U next year :eek:
  15. I spent my lunch time crying over pictures in my twitter feed :) All those happy people! Who have been waiting, in some cases, decades!
  16. It rained again yesterday afternoon and evening, so the weeding still awaits. Today will be an exercise rest day :) Just --the usual daily and Friday things --school planning --vacation daydreaming (dh and I have started a 'where to travel' list :D) --errands
  17. I hope you wake feeling better, Jean :grouphug: As for me: --exercise: walk to/from gym for training session --garden: pick, weed as needed, plant one more run of green beans --yard: weed front bed (didn't get to it yesterday) --school planning: work on one subject --vacation planning: some details with dh --errands if possible: post office, local garden supply store --daily and Thursday things The Boy will be here for dinner :)
  18. I'll be able to walk to/from the gym today :party:
  19. We have one kid at home, a rising tenth grader. A file called "D's education" on dh's laptop contains her running transcript, detailed plans for next year, and ideas for her last two years of high school. If anything happened to me, dh would outsource dd's classes to the university (Arabic and math, at a minimum) and to online providers. My life insurance would cover the tuition. The document also lists different homeschool-friendly college consultants who could help navigate the college process, since all that info is in my head right now. She could be graduated and start college early, but I think that would be too much to deal with in a loss situation. If something should happen to both of us, dd would go live with my sister's family across town until she finished high school. Dsis is cool with our homeschooling plans.
  20. Bought some textbooks on Amazon. Dh and I had an impromptu date night----we walked downtown (about 4 mi roundtrip) to a favorite restaurant and used a "mug club" reward for a good portion of our meal. (I love having teens/young adults at home!)
  21. Dh arrived home craving a specific food from one of our favorite restaurants downtown. So I made dinner for the girls (dd20 was working all day), and then dh and I walked to dinner :D. Almost 4 miles roundtrip.
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