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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. I have to be intentional with exercise in the summer for it to get done. I either work out in the morning or in the late evening (walking then), and this year I've added my twice-weekly training sessions.
  2. Ha, our boys are the same age then! We did the same thing :lol:
  3. --garden before it gets too hot (pick, weed, water some plants) --check blueberries (may need to cover them this weekend) --daily things --Friday tasks --work on one of the syllabi for next year --exercise: bodyweight indoors or a walk during the late evening --prep two new recipes for dinner
  4. Last night I went for a 3 mile walk before dark :) Not sure what I'll do today. It will be too hot and humid to do anything outside until late evening. Maybe some bodyweight exercises? Or another late walk?
  5. Workout with trainer followed by 40 min on the bike I got my gardening in this morning before 10 am :)
  6. Dd15: 10 days visiting her best friend who now lives in Texas, 4 weeks at Arabic immersion camp at Concordia Language Villages It will be very strange not having her home for most of the summer! When she's at camp, she won't be able to text/email/talk on the phone. Dd20: working, working, working; prepping for the play she will direct in the fall; staying fresh with French Ds22: working and preparing to move to CA in early August for his real job Me: gardening, planning next year's school things (I have to write a series of AP syllabi for approval by the College Board), going through boxes of things from my parents (I try to do this each summer; perhaps this year I'll be able to do it without crying and sadness), taking a much-planned and -anticipated trip to Alaska with dh :D
  7. Best wishes! I'll be thinking of you :grouphug:
  8. Our favorite brewpub uses fresh jalapenos on their nachos. Dd20 asks for extras :D
  9. Humid today. Poor night's sleep :( I may drive to the gym and use a machine after training instead of walking. --exercise --make gf/df vanilla rhubarb muffins for the girls --gardening: pick whatever needs picking, weed as needed --check ripening fruit :) --some Alaska trip things :) --daily and Thursday tasks
  10. I don't remember the last time I posted--oops! Nothing organized since Monday's walk and training session. I've done a lot of weeding, planting, trimming, and mulching in the yard and fruit/veg gardens. Lots of flights-of-stairs equivalents from walking up and down the hill :D My shoulder is sore. Range of motion has increased, thankfully, in two directions (raising my arm in front over my head and raising my arm straight out to the side). I hope to get back to physical therapy next week----dd's appointments have been messing with my schedule! Tomorrow I hope to walk to the gym for training. The humidity level will be much higher than today's lovely 45%.
  11. I was given the Cuisinart immersion blender as a gift---love it, but I have no basis of comparison :lol:
  12. Today's plans, always subject to change ;) --make a gluten-free, dairy-free cake w strawberries for breakfast (trying to pinpoint the girls' pain sources) --trim those blackberry canes --pick lettuce? --weed as necessary --mulch blueberries w last of the peat moss --make strawberry jam before it gets hot --daily and Wednesday things --lunch out w dh and a friend who will be going next week on the same China trip we did last summer :) --send a thank-you note --hopefully talk to dd's dr today --dd ballet 6-8
  13. I second easywdw.com! Absolutely free :) Start with the crowd calendars (right column of home page) so you can get an idea of how crowds ebb and flow throughout the year. But yes, we need details :D Budget? Number of people? Ages? Thrill riders? Flying or driving? On site or off site? Disney only or adding Universal/Sea World/the beach?
  14. I am so happy for your family :party:
  15. Oh, Lisa :grouphug: I am waiting for yet another phone call from dd's GI :(
  16. The picking was excellent! I got 14 lb of strawberries in 45 min :D The girls fell upon the box like a pack of starved animals :lol:
  17. Start here http://www.easywdw.comwith the October crowd calendar and the Cheat Sheets for each park (right column). Stay for the pictures and the snark ;) It's totally free and very accurate. We've been following his recommendations since the website launched.
  18. I may go pick strawberries this morning (waiting for some rain to pass). If not, I'll go for a walk later.
  19. I really want to go pick strawberries this morning. It's sprinkling here right now--not sure how it is at the starwberry farm. Plus it poured last night. Hmmmmmmm Other than that: --freeze strawberries should I pick --daily and Tuesday things --schedule an appointment --trim out-of-control blackberry canes (thornless, thank goodness!) --check ripening blueberries to see if I need to cover them now --pick lettuce --shopping w dd?
  20. If she lives in a neighborhood, she could try walking mailbox-to-mailbox or house-to-house, increasing by one each day. I know someone who started running this way :)
  21. Hmmmmmm --hope these clouds go away (and it just started to rain :eek:) --walk to/from gym for training session --help ds and dh move furniture back into place from party --help ds move into his summer sublet just off-campus (where he can walk to his summer job) --plan meals for this week --plan week --quick weed of veggie, fruit, and perennial gardens --maybe pick up some more annuals to fill space in the bed I doubled in size --almost forgot, regular daily things
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