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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. I have a second-hand review, so take it for what is worth :) An acquaintance (our daughters have been in an activity together for years) is using Calvert for ninth grade. They were perfectly happy...until Calvert did not tell her that she had to find a seat for her dd's AP test on her own :eek: In April she asked Calvert about the testing--they had no idea. She was not able to find a seat :( I expect that's a mistake that will only be made once!
  2. Dd gets today off from academics :). We only have chem to finish and to prep for the SAT Math 2 subject test (so loads of practice tests over the next few weeks to get faster). My day: --workout w trainer; will either walk to/from or drive and use a cardio machine (really humid right now and my allergies are bad) --physical therapy this afternoon --daily things --Monday-specific tasks --garden: weed, thin carrots; water; plant cuke seeds, another row of beans, golden zucc, parsley plant; dd plant flowers --continue weeding perennial beds --freeze chicken purchased yesterday --pehaps some shopping with dd (she needs everything, from flipflops to bras, except for tshirts) --continue working on AP Comparative Government syllabus It's almost like a summer day for me :party:
  3. Yesterday was on-and-off rainy so we didn't get to walk to the farmers' market like we usually do. I just did house and basic garden things and went grocery shopping. Today I have training. I'm not sure about walking to/from because it feels like 857% humidity right now and I'm dealing w some seasonal allergies which make my chest tight. If I don't walk, I'll use a cardio machine at the gym. I also have PT this afternoon.
  4. We mindfully purchased a car on Friday. :lol: But with cash (well, check) :party: And it's a convertible :D We kept saving once the van was paid off (it was at 0% so there was no rush) seven years ago. This is it, except a 2012 instead of a 2013 http://images.newcars.com/images/car-pictures/original/2013-Chrysler-200-Convertible-Touring-2dr-Convertible-Photo-1.pngIt's a hardtop convertible, which is what dh had wanted. We are giving our old 2004 (2003?) Corolla to ds as a college graduation present. He is thrilled :)
  5. Human Geography https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_human_geography.pdf
  6. Latin https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_latin.pdf
  7. And now the final FRQs from Friday! Microeconomics https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_microeconomics.pdf
  8. Both my parents were great cooks and bakers. My dad baked bread every week from the mid1970s until his death in 2011. They were both from California and grew up eating fresh and varied foods. I remember my grandmother shipping boxes of canned green chiles to us because they weren't available in NJ and PA during the 70s and early 80s :lol: We didn't eat any tofu or edamame. We didn't have much fresh fish because it wasn't always available where we lived.
  9. But why can I see the world one? Different browsers? On safari mobile now.
  10. Rainy day so we'll have to drive to the farmers' market instead of walking, which is a bummer. Plan meals for the week Write grocery list Go grocery shopping (might as well since I can't garden much today :() Clean up some school things Plan what we'll do for chemistry and math (prep for the SAT Math 2 subject test in June) this week Laundry? Go for a walk once the rain clears? Shoulder exercises 3x
  11. I have three years until dd graduates (:eek:) We are in the position, between dh's income and my portion of my parents' estate, that I will not have to return to paid employment once she is in college. I'll increase the horticulture-related volunteering that I do. I am also interested in math-literacy volunteering. I will garden. I will garden some more :D I may take some language classes at the university (a woman down the street is in dd20's French lit (in French) class this semester). I will continue to exercise because it has become an enjoyable part of my daily routine. Dh and I have started to attack our Places to Travel list :)
  12. And Italian FRQs https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_italian_language.pdf Audio scripts https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_italian_language_scripts.pdf Speaking audio prompts http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/exam/exam_information/228200.html
  13. Macroeconomics https://secure-media.collegeboard.org//digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_macroeconomics.pdf
  14. World History https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_world_history.pdf
  15. Comparative Government and Politics https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_comp_gopo.pdf
  16. We bought a new-to-us car last night :D Today dh and I will go for a drive...with the top down, baby :party: Ds is receiving our old 2003 Corolla as a graduation gift. He couldn't believe it, though we had discussed the idea for the last month. It took driving the Corolla to his off-campus house and handing him the keys for him to believe us :D Other things today: --dd ballet 11-4 --library for pick-up --garden: water seedlings, weed, obsessively count the number of set tomatoes --other yard things: weed perennial beds, check on and tend fruit garden --laundry on the clothesline --plan meals for coming week --clean up some of the school things (only math and chem for the next few weeks) --check Amazon to see if any of dd20's textbooks from this semester are eligible for buy-back --dh is cooking tonight :) --go for a walk with dh :)
  17. AP English Language and Composition https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_english_language.pdf
  18. AP Statistics https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap15_frq_statistics.pdf
  19. I was a wreck; she was calm :lol: She said she killed one FRQ (she wrote a practice one on the same topic earlier in the week!), one was a bit tricky, and the third was the topic that I has been saying since last summer would be an FRQ :D
  20. Yes, she did! She only read the US-specific volumes during our US history run-through last year (8th grade). She'll be using some other volumes next year when studying Comparative Government and Politics (am writing that syllabus now lol).
  21. redsquirrel, she took AP Human Geography. I planned the course and had the syllabus approved by the College Board, so it can be listed as AP on her transcript. She was one relieved kid after! I gardened while she was testing, did some weeding etc. Having an injured non-dominant shoulder doesn't hinder most dsily activities :) I may walk this evening. If dh and I don't hit a happy hour someplace while dd is at ballet, that is :lol:
  22. We started with English, the subject that stressed me out the most, in eighth grade. We added foreign language, the subject that stressed me out second most, this year in ninth grade. Sense a theme? ;)
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