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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. We're home now. The dr will call me as soon as pathology reports (polyps were removed and the EoE biopsies were taken). Colonoscopy on Tuesday to see if any polyps are present there. And then more testing. Chance of a genetic disorder or various cancers. Or it could be related to the meds she takes. The polyps themselves are almost always benign; they can be a sign of many diseases. We've only told her that the dr needs to check for and remove any other polyps, and that it could be the genetic thing or related to her stomach meds. I promised dh that I would not google until after we talk with the doctor. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. Knowing that you were thinking of us kept me calm in the waiting room. :grouphug:
  2. So dd is having a simple scope this am to check some GI things. The surgeon just told me she found some polyps where they shouldn't be, signs of some really awful things. Hold us in thought please. I am a wreck and will need to wait another hour.
  3. I'm not sure if I'll be able to squeeze anything in today. We'll be at the children's hospital the rest of the morning for dd's endoscopy.
  4. Dd has her endoscopy this morning. Fingers are crossed that the doctor sees the issue and/or the biopsy cells show signs of eosinophils. I have physical therapy at 1:30 and a haircut at 5pm. I would like to do a load of laundry, do my regular daily things, and do some gardening between those three events.
  5. I know one of those guys! He went to high school with ds :)
  6. I walked to/from the gym for my training session. He upped my weights again :D I want to buy more racer-style tanks to show off my arms :lol:
  7. Did 45 min on the bike at the gym while dh was with the trainer
  8. Rosemary won't work for zone 4. Even in a protected and warm microclimate, it does not survive some of our zone 6b/7a winters :( You'd need to keep it in a pot and bring it indoors for the winter.
  9. My list is longer than the day :eek: --gym w dh --school w dd --physical therapy 10:30 --daily things --Tuesday-specific tasks --garden: weed, water seedlings (it's going to be 89F) --yard: neaten border edge of perennial bed farthest from house, mulch that bed w pinestraw --errands: grocery store for rolls, library --watch endoscopy video w dd (link from hospital) --make faux Kind bars for dd --box rental textbooks for Amazon return --book something for Alaska trip --dd ballet 5:30-7:30
  10. I second easywdw.com! Josh is a bit snarky so don't be surprised. Read his blog posts in which he follows his touring plans, complete with timing and pictures. Here's http://www.easywdw.com/uncategorized/magic-kingdom-rope-drop-1-day-cheat-sheet-touring-plan-in-practice-may-20-2015/the latest Magic Kingdom in one day post (warning: picture heavy!)
  11. It is always best to fund your retirement as fully as possible :) Aid varies crazily from school to school. Seriously, you can get whiplash when comparing offers!
  12. I can walk to the edge of the campus of the University of Our State in 10 minutes :D We have two community colleges (2 different states) within a short drive. We have a college 20 minutes away and a small university about 30 minutes away (traffic).
  13. Day off today, just light gardening and yardwork. For giggles today I tried on my size 8 shorts. One style fit :party: And they didn't get caught up on my thighs when I walked quickly through a grocery store :party: The other style zipped and buttoned, but the pockets aren't flat yet. I am so excited because I have not been able to wear these shorts since the summer of 2011! I gained 10 lbs when my mom was sick (2008-09) and another 10 lbs after my dad died in the fall of 2011. I have only lost 7 lbs from my high weight. I am so much more muscular than I was before, thanks to the weight training and all those miles I walk each week. For reference, I am 5'2" when I stand really straight. I would love to be able to wear those other size 8 shorts (I have 3 different colors) this summer :) (And I hope that the size 6s will be in style when they fit :lol:)
  14. Dh and I are going for a drive on the convertible to meet friends for coffee. Our friends moved to NYC earlier this year. I have a load of wash in and will hang it out before we leave. Also: ---water and weed --love on my plants :) --plan meals for week --write to-do list for week --usual Monday things :D
  15. Laura, did you get the job for which you interviewed?
  16. You can book directly through owners by using vrbo.com or homeaway.com That's what we do when we stay in a villa with extended family. I'd link but I'm mobile right now :)
  17. Dh and I walked to the farmers' market for our veg and meat, walked a few block to have lunch on the patio at a restaurant (I had grilled mahi mahi tacos--in love!), and then walked home. I'm at almost 5 miles for the day.
  18. We started dd's clothing replenishment with a stop at Plato's Closet (a resale place) for 2 pr shorts and 2 tops ($25) and then she found a few things at Old Navy. We were going to head to Target but she started to feel unwell (she has an endoscopy scheduled for Thursday), so we'll continue the shopping this week. I forced dh to buy new polos and workout clothes at Old Navy. I can now discard (textile recycling bin) 15 yo shirts :lol: I bought a summer pullover hoodie and a cute 3/4 sleeve cardigan. Both will be handy for our Alaska trip :) We used a Christmas present gift card to get carryout for dinner one night (plus $16).
  19. Or kilts ;) Kilts in yurts!!!
  20. I fence in the veggies and the fruit gardens. I have 6' tall cages around young trees that are considered to be tasty. The cage is removed once the tree's growing tip is too high for the deer to reach. I follow the recommendations on this list https://njaes.rutgers.edu/deerresistance/for items that cannot be fenced. That beingsaid, dd loves sunflowers something fierce, so we have a netting fence around that bed (it's against the house--not enough room for deer to jump over the fence).
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