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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Today my baby is 16 :) My day: --make her choices for breakfast --exercise --stuff to Goodwill (dh?) --make dd's choices for dinner and dessert --read :D Easy enough!
  2. Saucony, Excursion right now (they're almost dead so I need to go shopping) Merrill hiking boots for rougher terrain Keen sandals for summer
  3. I kinda felt weird about liking your post. All the best to you and your kids!
  4. I use a bullet journal. When I want to start something new, I include it on my list each day until it becomes an automatic habit. I also only work on one new thing at a time! Don't overwhelm yourself :)
  5. I just did the basics yesterday--oh well! So today: --exercise: probably a long walk during the late afternoon if the weather clears, otherwise I'll go to the gym for elliptical --daily and Tuesday things --electronically send requested family recipes to ds --take scrapple and bacon (from our half hog) out of freezer for dd's birthday breakfast tomorrow --check to see if we have all ingredients for the dinner and dessert she chose --errands: Costco (dh) and regular grocery store (me, once older dd is hom from work) --all those emails left from yesterday --write bio test (also from yesterday) --sell used textbooks to amazon; box
  6. I'm going to think about this a little more and return :)
  7. We always have to file with estimated numbers because we don't receive some paperwork until late March. No problem :)
  8. My college graduate son is here cooking dinner for us with The Girlfriend but he's solving a work problem (on-call today)
  9. Dd15 applied to a very competitive summer program this fall. No lie, it took me two freaking months to answer their essay questions for homeschooling parents. I looked at it as practice for next year's application cycle. I ate much chocolate. Some adult beverages may have been consumed ;)
  10. Best wishes, Jen! Such a nerve wracking time, I know. As for my day: --daily and Momday things --walk to/from gym for training session --plan meals for week --email check-ins with my high school and elementary teams --write the last bio test --register dd for the SAT bio subject test (today's the deadline, oops) --have dinner with ds and The Girlfriend :)
  11. Until she applies for college you don't need to have a set-in-stone transcript. Keep a running transcript with those half-credit classes if you need it for PA, but then rearrange everything as needed. For example, dd isn't taking an official for-credit fine arts class at one specific time. We're covering art as we come to it in her classes like ancient history, us history, and human geography and in our travels. I'll fold all those hours into a half- or full-credit class. Right now dd's trancript is written by subject instead of by year so I don't have to worry about where to place that course. Envirothon is an awesome extracurricular! Kuddos to her! Dd wanted to do it in high school (no junior high level here)--I even said I'd start a team--but she couldn't find the time.
  12. Doing some laundry Going to the gym w dh Figuring out what we're eating this week Reading Enjoying an adult beverage before dinner Spending time with all 3 kids this evening :)
  13. We spent more on Christmas food this year than usual because (1) I had to take dairy-free chicken piccata, roasted broccoli, and a dessert to dsil's Christmas Eve Italian feast (2) I had to make more for Christmas brunch than usual since we did not go to my sister's (they went out of town this year) and (3) I had to cook the entire Christmas dinner (see no sister; we usually split the dishes) for the five of us plus other dsis and her boyfriend (they live in CO) I bought 3 kindle books yesterday, just for enjoyment, totaling $6.97. I can't remember when I last posted. On Tuesday we saw Star Wars (bought tickets a long time ago) with the girls; dh treated them to popcorn. Yesterday dh and dd15 saw the last Hunger Games movie at a matinee; dh treated her to Starbucks for the movie. He also bought a pound of Sumatra coffee for me as a treat. Ahead this week---dd's 16th birthday! I purchased all her gifts already. She has to decide what she wants to eat that day (birthday person chooses all the meals). She and ds (he's home for until next Sunday) are going to see Star Wars again that day as her gift from him. Tomorow dh and I are going to a dinner cooked by ds and his girflfriend (she lives in an off-campus house; they met right before he graduated and moved across the country!) so I expect we'll take something as a hostess gift :) Add us to the leather repair/shoe resoling (ok, that word looks weird) crowd. We have a shoe repair place right downtown. I count it as a perk of living in a university town smack in the middle of east coast suburban sprawl. The dude is seriously cranky, so much so that every time dh and I say "that's it!", but we keep going back because he does beautiful work.
  14. We used punch cards in my first high school computer class (junior year). I remember being chosen to run down to the elementary school office to pick up the dittos fresh from the mimeo machine, all damp and purple-blue and smelly.
  15. Today is one of my annual "do whatever I want" days :) So I will --read my new cookbook (America's Test Kitchen vegetarian) --look for some kindle book deals --read --either go to the gym or for a long walk, weather depending (it's been rainy since freaking Monday) --read :D Dh and dd15 are seeing the last Hunger Games this morning. Dd20 has to work 1-10pm. We will eat from the fridge.
  16. We had a blue and white VW bus, a red Squareback, and a bright orange Rabbit----only 2 at a time, though. The squareback was their first car, purchased after my younger sister was born in 1969. My dad loved his VWs :)
  17. I did everything on my list except for wrapping dh's gifts. I'll squeeze that in tomorrow between baking and cooking :)
  18. Personal best today for deadlifts----140 lb :party: I am almost up to my bodyweight :D I only had time for the training session today, no extra cardio. I doubt I'll get anything in tomorrow as I'll be too busy cooking and baking before heading to dh's sister's for Christmas Eve dinner. Maybe, maybe, maybe Friday between brunch and when our guests arrive.
  19. I use these gloves http://www.amazon.com/Lifting-Washable-Workout-Crossfit-Turquoise/dp/B00XRL7XJ0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1450926551&sr=8-1&keywords=women+rimsports+gloves
  20. Nice new pic, Kelly! As for me: --dd20 work 6a-3pm --gym for training session --dd15 MUN 6-8:30 --dd20's bestie here for dinner --daily and Wednesday things --bake snowflake cookies --have dd take remaining tests for semester --a few emails --grocery errands --wrap dh's gifts (he does everything else, bless him)
  21. We just made that today. Had to run out for more Karo :eek:
  22. We haven't had problems with Amazon this year (I think I ordered 10+ things) but with Macy's. Dh apparently ordered two things for me on Dec 10----one came a week ago and the other has yet to arrive.
  23. Errands: --Costco (dh?) --cake decorating store for some premade dairy-free icing --return library books Life: --daily and Tuesday things --gym --mail cards --decide on Christmas dinner and brunch --oodles of different types of emails (half done!) --make moose munch w dd --bake snowflake cookies that the girls will decorate
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