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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. This situation is about the only negative of living in a low- (practically non-) regulation state. The schools and districts can do whatever they want. i checked with private schools. All but one do not allow outside students. APs are just so popular that they literally do not have any extra space. The one school that does allow outside students is only offering 2 of dd's 5 exams this year. I found a school that will be giving 4 of dd's 5 exams. Strangely, they are not doing Environmental this year but they are doing the rare Comparative Government! Environmental is scheduled for the same day as Psych, so I need a school reasonably close by in order for dd to be able to take both. I called the other high school in that downstate district yesterday but missed the AP coordinator. Dh, bless him, will try her this morning. Fingers crossed! (And yes, I had that first site set up in December. Until the district changed the policy. Grr. Last year was so smooth :()
  2. So upset. The school we used last year and were going to use this year (for all but Comp Govt) just informed me that no outside students are allowed this year throughout their entire district. Dh has volunteered to help with calls. I may take him up on that. The local high school has only 3 of what she needs. The other two in the district only have 2. I am waiting for responses from a school 30 min away and one an hour away. Only *2 schools* in our state are offering Comp Govt this year. I fear we will be driving through Philly or Baltimore traffic for that exam.
  3. What exactly are you looking for? A sample syllabus? Or other approved syllabi for ideas? The AP Course Audit site is down for the month of February as it is every year.
  4. She's had algebra-based physics, chemistry, biology, and AP Environmental Science so far. Next year she'll do geology and/or astronomy. (She's not a STEM student. Her private-schooled older brother, now working for a major Silicon Valley corporation, had bio, chemistry, both AP Physics C courses, and AP Environmental.)
  5. Are you on the hs2coll yahoo group? I swear there's a UC discussion every week :lol:
  6. I was a bad a** today and walked during the snow :D I was only one minute slower than usual despite the slippery sidewalks, thanks to my lowrise hiking boots!
  7. I can let you know in a few weeks ;) Dd is taking a storm-delayed subject test a week from Saturday.
  8. Ahem, Stephanie, I live in Newark ;) You can take a train from the Newark DE station (it's just south of the main portion of the UD campus) to DC but I don't know how the times would work. Check Amtrak if interested. We have lots of commuters both south and north in town. What day of the week? You need to be concerned about Baltimore and DC rush hours. We either leave here before 5:30 am or at/after 8:30 am to drive to DC. I like to be out of DC proper and onto the Beltway by 3:30 or after 7. You will have one toll southbound at the tunnel in Baltimore ($4?) and that plus the bridge over the Susquehanna north of Havre de Grace northbound. That assumes you enter 95 in Maryland, not in Delaware. Pm me for specifics re driving :)
  9. Someone coming out of AP Bio would probably take M. Someone like my dd, who has been studying environmental science literally since fifth grade, would go for E.
  10. Your weighting scale should be part of the documents you provide when she applies to college. Once you choose a scale, stick with it for everything :)
  11. There is a single curve/scoring for Bio. It doesn't matter if the E or M subsection was taken. For those who don't know, the Bio Subject test has 100 questions. Questions 1-60 are answered by everyone. Questions 61-80 are chosen by those taking the 'E' option, while questions 81-100 are chosen by those taking the 'M' option. I would let your ds make his decision after he's covered most of biology. And he can change his pick at the very last minute, literally when he turns the page on the test booklet. One does not register for E or M, just Bio.
  12. Do you normally eat all the ingredients in the granola? My older dd developed a severe intolerance to rice last winter (she also has a soy allergy). My younger dd became coconut-intolerant a few years ago.
  13. Dd will be graduating next year, a year earlier than we had planned :eek: We are also waiting to hear if she has been accepted for a free, language-immersion, study-abroad program for this summer. Edited to share link since I first learned about the program here: http://www.nsliforyouth.org So together we are: --talking about course choices for next year --coming up with Plans B and C for this summer --trying to figure out when/if she'll be able to take free drivers ed through the state this summer --working through ACT/SAT/SAT subject test date planning and prep --creating a college list --researching merit aid and scholarships --visiting colleges (another one on Monday!) --obsessing on the new PSAT National Merit Semifinalist cutoff for our state (oh wait, that's just me ;)) and still working on her classes with me, her outsourced online English class, and the university Arabic class. You know, we're keeping busy :D
  14. Bio is dd's least favorite science. After seeing Campbell when her older sister took AP Bio, I chose M-L (iBooks version) for her. Easy choice for our situation!
  15. We used Trail Guide but as only a guide. For each region or country, dd would do the mapping activitied and answer the questions. We watched Globe Trekker videos together (our library has almost all) and read/listened to current NPR and BBC World pieces. Dd was in seventh grade. We used the high school level Trail Guide. The middle school level was too simplistic because she had competed in Geography Bee.
  16. Sunday: day off, completely off :D Monday: training session at gym followed by a frantic 15 min on an elliptical until dd texted that she was out of Arabic class, 3 mile walk before cooking dinner
  17. I am rocking yoga pants (no flare, just straight leg) and hoodie so I can go to the gym in half an hour.
  18. We drove 35 minutes south to purchase just-butchered chickens from the farm that was our half-pig source. In farmers' market season I would just buy one at a time, but that's still 2.5 months away. Five chickens, three people, 2.5 months... Dh didn't even blink at the cost. Whew! In other large (and very mindful) payments, we paid for dd's university Arabic class for this semester. There is no free or reduced dual-enrollment tuition in our state.
  19. I live about half a mile north of a Mason-Dixon marker so you'll need to help me out :D How much is a "mess" of greens? A bundle like I see at the grocery store?
  20. j Well yeah, the CC classes would be a problem. I was thinking more of non-CC classes. (And thinking of our situation with dd graduating a year early, too!)
  21. Donna, psych would fall under social science, not physical/natural science.
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