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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. But I'd actually have to post a picture. Not much to show from a run in the dark next to a barren field. For the record I've been working out all break but everyone else quit posting so I just did my thing.
  2. I get it. Food or paints....well duh, paints.
  3. The birds that come to my feeder outside the living room window. A new candle I bought. I got new conditioner that smells good enough to eat. My 8yo dancing around last night so pleased she was allowed to stay up.
  4. Ridiculous- yes, likely to rebel anyway...yes. The email would do me in. For ME, just a check mark works better. YMMV
  5. Can I play without the website. Because if it's anything formal I will rebel. Always. Maybe I should work on that.😚 Seriously I put my plan to reduce to 3 cups of coffee a day in my phone calendar. I'm on day 3. Go me. Here's an alternate plan if you're rebellious like me. I used it earlier for other habits https://everydaysystems.com/habitcal/
  6. Plans changed. Dd's sleepover was cancelled because of her friend's fever. Dh fell asleep. The three youngest dd's and I went to their theater group's party. We came home and Happy New Yeared dh and ds. The kids did party poppers and we made it to bed buy 2am. I, however, woke up at 6 so here I sit with coffee. Not a bad start to the year.
  7. I remember. I found Wayne Rodgers fascinating because he went on to have a really successful investing career outside of acting. I'm always intrigued when people have success in such diverse fields.Another example is Peter Weller's Ph.D.
  8. DSS 21&20-went out so probably sleeping DD 17-work DS14,DDS12&8-sleep, do their laundry DH and I-go out to breakfast and enjoy that rare treat, then take a walk The afternoon will probably feature family games. Tomorrow everything resumes-work, sports, school planning, packing up the secular Christmas decorations. The nativities get left out until Epiphany. Much cleaning really needs to ensue.
  9. In reality it usually does involves dh bringing me coffee before he goes to work and some kids baking me a cake. We may get pizza ( something we very seldom do) so I don't cook. This year though dh took the Friday before my birthday off. My bday falls on MLK day this year so I'm giving the kids that Friday off instead. I booked a massage, then I'm going to the Indian buffet, browsing at the big city Goodwill and a bookstore. I have a Starbucks card so I can get something at the bookstore. All this involves an hour drive each way. I'm going to blast my loud music and no one will beg me to " turn it down". I haven't had a day like this in, oh, 24 years so I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. Watch out, it's the year of Lisa baby😲
  10. I am totally a minimalist but I need more than one coffee mug. I drink lots of coffee and may have occasionally (for only a short time) set a cup down and not exactly remembered where. We also need a throw for everyone because our house is cold.
  11. Today I have: gone for a run made homemade waffles cleaned out the cupboards in the laundry room/pantry and done laundry showered and cleaned out under my sink (see a theme?) gone to Goodwill searching for a sleeping bag...the search continues gone to Aldi and Kroger stopped at the bank I am now eating a late lunch Dinner is snacky stuff. Only one kiddo is staying home and at 14 he can fend for himself. I may go to a movie with dh or just stay home. It all depends on how tired he is after work. Such excitement. I did however book a massage for my birthday in Jan which makes me pretty happy.
  12. I like green smoothies but my favorite smoothie is this Carrot Cake Smoothie Ingredients 1/3 cup chopped carrots 1 Tbsp chopped pecans 1 tsp raisins 1/2 cup milk (or almond milk) 1/2 banana, frozen 1/8 tsp cinnamon 1/8 tsp nutmeg whirl it together. Now the big thing- I can make almond milk from almond butter and water! Really?
  13. Like everyone else has said up the veg and some fruits and you'll be ok. My daily amounts are something like 1/2 c berries at breakfast, a giant salad at lunch, a meat and say broccoli and zuchinni for dinner. MFP lists that as 20 g carbs. If you added a sweet potato or an apple you'd be even higher. Eat enough! When we're all gang ho we sometimes overshoot the mark.
  14. Our general rule is to say something like "Hey, that's my husband/wife you're talking to." In quieter moments we make sure to talk about the other spouse's awesome traits and why we love them. This does seem to eventually nip the attitude in the bud. Now I sound like Barney Fife 😛
  15. I think love is a little like medicine. It only works if it's taken.
  16. One change at a time and it has to be something I WANT to do not think I should. If I think I want to and don't then I examine what the old habit is giving me. Gretchen Rubin has some really interesting stuff she's written about habits and change. You might look at the library.
  17. Oohs! I got a Charge HR for Christmas. It doesn't count any steps when I do yoga or use the elliptical. Anyway to fix that. I apparently only sleep 5-6 hours/night. That is a surprise. I thought I got about 7. And I evidently roll around all night.
  18. OK~Now is the time! Let's get this back front and center. I made it through yesterday after a debauched Christmas :lol: . Anyone still interested?
  19. I've used MFP for something like 734 days straight. The best thing is the one you will use.
  20. Because she can. It will attract a whole group of people. I also have another take on it. She is an " every woman". She is hardly alone in her battles. I have empathy for that and I'm sure others will too.
  21. I have lots of good habits in place but I sort of always fear I will wake up one day and quit. I'm resolving to keep everything up. I also want to set up a help fund for my kids with a little money I'm getting from my dad's estate. Something where books or groceries doesn't send their precarious budgets into a spin. I need it to make some but be relatively safe. I also am resolving to try to do one nice thing for myself a quarter- a special yoga class, a concert, a massage...just a little something.
  22. The fitness club where I teach gave me a bag with a sweatshirt with my name, a coffee cup and some $$$. It was totally unexpected. My 21 yo got his little sisters gifts very suited to them each. I didn't know he had it in him We had a really nice holiday with my three grown kids with only good times. That must be a blessing.
  23. My brother and I are the first generation not to farm. I do live in rural Indiana so that was pretty much just what people did. Dh's grandparents immigrated and worked in steel mills. I don't know if they farmed before that or not. HIs dad worked in the mill too after a Navy career. I do garden and farms are everywhere around so it's pretty easy to get fresh things.
  24. I feel this way and I hate the pressure. I know it's stupid but I feel what I feel. The fact I dislike decorating and shopping doesn't help. It came off really well and all are happy and I just feel exhausted and worried next year won't measure up. To top it off getting gifts makes me feel awkward. Bring on Indelendence Day ;)
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