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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. This is my hope and dream. Eight more years, eight more years...as to stimulation, is it people you are craving ( hey, I tend to extroversion too), raucous conversation and debate or a new intellectual challenge. I have taken to some volunteer/help others activities to satisfy my people needs. I also find I need to (as others said) find new interests that have nothing to do with my degree. Jack of many trades, master of none I guess. I'm still amazed at all you are doing. Eight years, eight years....
  2. That is my normal. When it gets about 85 I begin to get comfortable. The doc claims it's my low heart rate. Who knows if that is true but it's 70 and I'm wearing 2 shirts, a sweater and a blanket.
  3. I haven't even begun to read all this. I have become accustomed to being viewed as dim or somehow repressed or lazy. Not using my degree? Lazy, stupid woman! I had no dream of not working and would go back tomorrow if the carefully orchestrated schedule would bear it. It won't and I won't put them in school or stick the olders with running the house so here I am. If people not approving my choices mattered I wouldn't have married dh, had seven kids, homeschooled or dyed my hair.🤓
  4. I had read the heart rate formula stuff but I just run and don't worry about it. You know if you're working hard. This presumes good health of course. I got a Fitbit for Christmas that let me know I cruise along between 155-160 easily but my 70%-85% should only be 116-133 bpm. Bah to that.
  5. My #3 bought it for me when he graduated high school. We thought it was hilarious.
  6. My dd who is now 23 had the surgery at 15. It was quite an ordeal. She has two titanium rods. She had complications, blood filled her chest cavity and she needed a transfusion. All that is rare but did happen. Her recovery took time but she was pretty mobile and felt better after a month. She does still have a 15 degree curve even after the surgery but hers was severe and getting worse. She has some nerve issues from the surgery. I don't envy you the decision.
  7. 20 yo is working for an accountant. They might keep him on after tax season. 17 yo is a year round receptionist at a retirement center. 14 yo has lawns lined up to mow. 12 yo sells cookies and crafts at farmer's markets. The 8 yo needs to find something.
  8. My father, who died in September, specified quite vehemently no service/get together/ anything. It left me but especially my kids at a loss. It was like we just went on as if nothing happened. His reasons were he felt it was unnecessary. I disagreed but respected his wishes.
  9. This is our policy. We don't have dating or curfew rules. It's too dependent on the kids involved.
  10. I taught yoga Monday and Tuesday. I ran Wednesday and today. I am boring.
  11. I do eat breakfast but my usual window is about 9-6. I just don't snack much at night. I can totally skip breakfast sometimes and sometimes I have a couple eggs or a protein smoothie. I follow my own hunger which also makes me point out that a little bit of hunger never hurt anything. My mom (ok, and me) told kids that being hungry meant the next meal will taste good.
  12. If you think about it I don't think it was uncommon even 30 years ago. I grew up having meals and not snacking most of the time. It was way too much work to cook much and snack foods were not nearly as available and considered a luxury. At least among my family and friends. No microwave, no snacks everywhere, and habits of my farm dwelling depression era parents kept me pretty snack free as a kid. Even the snacks were a Dixie cup of Kool aid and 1 cookie at Bible school, etc. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  13. Some research I've read suggests that not only eating within a window but a good space between meals is helpful, at least in terms of blood sugar control. I usually have breakfast about 9 and seldom eat after 7. I try for 3 squares /no snacks (try!). I have been able to maintain a weight lists doing that and maintaining is an area we all need help with.
  14. He'll love it. He'd try it anyway so better safe.
  15. I didn't/don't phrase it as should but more my opinion. I also give other opinions. My big push is for maturity, responsibility, safety and relationship.
  16. I worked until #6 was born at which point working was costing me money. The actual housewife part I'm not thrilled with. The cleaning, shopping, etc. I don't mind kid care and now that mine are older I love the field trips, hanging out stuff. I also like the time to read, study my interests and work out. The money thing really bugs me. I hate feeling I'm not contributing.
  17. I use my electric kettle constantly for tea, etc. I found it at that fancy store....Big Lots 😄
  18. I was going to take them to Skyzone ( get it, leaping) but they are sick so we made pancakes instead which has zero to do with Leap Day.
  19. My 8 yo did all her work and then whined for 10 minutes when her sister asked for scratch paper..."What is that, I don't understand, no one taught me what that was, I can't find any...." 😡
  20. I've always done it this way, oops. I also turn it off the minute it boils. My grandmother taught me and she wouldn't have wasted any fuel heating up or continuing to cook with heat if she could help it. I guess in this case poverty was a good teacher.
  21. I had to buy new running shoes for 2 kids because 14 yo only had one pair of shoes and 17 yo was getting blisters because the cardboard had come through the material in the heel. His were on sale for $28. Hers were not! I had a 20% off coupon. I also bought a new yoga shirt and tights to teach in from the 75% off rack. It was more than I wanted to spend but a reasonable amount.
  22. Um. Yeah, because I figured out how many cm he had left, then read the answers and was like, oh, they just wanted the fraction.
  23. I wish my parents were alive to thank. Very honest, age appropriate mechanics and lots of talk about love, respect, safety, pregnancy, etc. My dad and my mom would answer anything.
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