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Everything posted by flyingaway

  1. I finally decided on our main dish last night. Deli rolls. I just did not want to cook and realized I was dreading it. I polled the people and it turned out they have no specific food wishes for Easter and thought deli rolls sounded great. Yay, me. I also bought ice cream for dessert instead of the huge cheesecake I usually do.
  2. Did you buy this or get it through a school? I've wanted some of their books, but their website says they only sell to schools.
  3. I put it in my hummus.
  4. Why does it have to be hidden somewhere weird? We keep ours in the firebox.
  5. Rarely any paper plates here. After living in countries where dealing with trash was an ordeal because of all the ways of sorting, and the different days to put out different things, I have a strong aversion to generating trash. I still have nightmares about the sad-faced scary clown sticker put on my trash bag once when I sorted it wrong in Japan. I can't seem to escape the feeling that my trash is being judged.
  6. I really did put mine into school for the second semester of fifth grade. It was a revelation to her. She lost hordes of free time, was bored to death in the classroom, and had to spend time after school on assignments like worksheets, a diorama, which she thought was ridiculous, and a science rap song, which she loathed. She came home new and improved after that semester. She's in high school now, but I still threaten to assign her a diorama or a rap song if she's being a pain.
  7. No. I can't do it. Rags and the dog towels do not go with my kitchen or bath towels. Don't even like them in the same laundry basket. I'm totally prepared to accept that this is illogical, but it still won't change my mind.
  8. [quote name="meena" post="7489963" timestamp="1489252061 My only complaint is not even with the video but rather the comments that automatically assume the woman is the nanny and not the mom/wife. And you seem to be doing a little bit of assuming yourself about why people might have thought nanny instead of wife. I honestly thought teen baby sitter when I saw the wife.
  9. I felt much safer and had a much greater sense of freedom when I lived in Japan versus living here in the USA, my homeland. That actually makes me kind of angry at my own country.
  10. That stinks. We love Hank the Cowdog around here. My high schooler mentioned him just yesterday when we were talking about unreliable narrators. Our most recent Hank purchase was in Chinese. Because we love him so, we wanted to share him and some Texas culture with an exchange student friend we have.
  11. So glad to know that was his wife. I couldn't laugh at it because I was thinking, "there goes that nanny's job."
  12. Stargate SG1 Star Trek TNG Currently going through them again because my youngest is old enough to be introduced to these friends of mine.
  13. There are several videos on YouTube about modern slavery. I can't recommend a particular one because Im not sure which one it was my kids watched recently and they're not here for me to ask, but I was OK with it for my 12 year old.
  14. Do you want the dog to fly in the cabin? Maybe not since you're saying up to 35 pounds. But if so, that's too big. Your going to want to aim for something under 20 pounds and not too long-bodied or it'll be squished in the carrier and you'll totally be stressed wondering if it's going to be allowed onboard. Putting a dog in cargo is really not an emotionally supportive situation, at least it wasnt for me. It made me feel sick when I had to do it.
  15. I love the small size and simplicity of Aldi. I wish I could do all of my shopping there, but ours is very hit or miss with produce. Other grocery stores stress me out with all of the choices and all the time it takes to get through so much space.
  16. I remember being so horrified by how close together the houses were the first time we visited cousins who lived in a city. I was from a very rural area. I will also always remember the family who fed us turtle for dinner and the mother served tossed salad with her hands.
  17. I think I was too young at six for even the first books, which my mother read to me. I'm still nervous there might be a panther in the trees and I can't have my hand hang off the bed to sleep because of wolves that might circle the house at night and somehow inexplicably come into my bedroom.
  18. I just saw that Craftsy has a 50 percent off sale going on with crochet project kits. I've never ordered from there, but have friends who have and were happy.
  19. I've found a lot of free patterns I like through Pinterest, and I like that it's easy for me to group them by theme there. I'm no help with yarn. I dont generally do projects where I need a really nice yarn, so Walmart works for me.
  20. We kind of used Sonlight for years. I say kind of because we didn't use language arts or science because they both seemed scattered to me. We loved all the reading we did and it was great for years until my oldest got older and decided she didn't want anymore historical fiction. She felt a lot of the characters had a modern gloss and didn't represent their time period well. She wanted to stick with nonfiction for history. I quit with my youngest about the same time because she hated to sit still for read alouds and doesn't love reading and history like my oldest does.
  21. It's been my experience that it takes surprisingly little mental energy for people to believe a whole lot of head-tilting stuff.
  22. My husband's step-mother. She says the same things/stories over and over; she has the opinion of the last person who spoke to her; she voted for ick; she can talk the longest about nothing of anyone I've ever met; she drives my husband insane. I adore her. She has always been nothing but good, kind and supportive to me and the kids. That covers over all the rest for me.
  23. Just the other day I made my kids stand in front of someone's lighthouse collection at the thrift store, while I gave them the sermon about how this is where the stuff ends up. My grandparents things did not sell at auction last spring because no one wants that stuff. My mom was horrified at the prices the furniture was selling for, so she bought several pieces herself because "I just couldn't let it go at that price." It's now crammed into her already overstuffed house. And I actually have two pieces of it that I didn't want because my mom wouldn't stop breathing on me about it.
  24. I'm sorry. I understand the frustration and worry and fear. I live with someone like that. I believe he is slowly going blind in one eye, but he has refused to do any of the follow-up he was told to do. It got to where any prodding attempts by me to get this sorted out were met by fury. My last word on the subject was that I will not be inclined to be helpful to someone who willfully let himself go blind. It is crazy to me.
  25. ...You mistake yourself for one of your aunts in a recent photo.
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