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Lightly Salted

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Everything posted by Lightly Salted

  1. Because after watching the Demo cd, *I* could understand it. Seriously, I was in tears for the little girl I was so long ago who was completely lost in math ... this makes SO much sense now! Because it's non-traditional in scope, I chose to supplement with Singapore this year. We liked it, but are moving to Math Mammoth next year since it's set up a little better for homeschoolers. You can do the light blue series which is a full curriculum or just their individual study units to supplement MUS. Or not ... we just like it!
  2. We love Sonlight here - the IG makes it very easy to plan my week and add in supplements. One question for you, though, before you order: have you considered combining your two into one Core? Since they are under 18 months apart, they would probably be easy to combine, if you want, but in that case, I'd seriously consider starting them in Core K, rather than Core 1. K is NOT a traditional kindergarten program, despite its name. It is designed for kids ages 5-7, and gives an introduction to world cultures which provides a wonderful framework for understanding world history as presented in Cores 1 and 2. Core 1 is for kids ages 6-8, so your not-quite-five-year-old would probably struggle to grasp some of the deeper emotional content of Core 1 next year, but they'd both fit perfectly into Core K, and be set to progress together through the years. Lots of Moms find they like to go with one core below grade level, for better retention and understanding. And of course, combining is only for the Core (history, literature, geography), not for their academic subjects, but it sure makes life easier for Mom! We've done Core K this year as first grade and kindergarten, and my first grader definitely got more out of it - it was in no way too easy for first grade! Just wanted to throw that out there as food for thought before you purchase. Definitely check out Sonlight's choosing forum if you're interested in other perspectives. I hope you love Sonlight no matter which core you choose!
  3. I don't normally recommend Core K for anyone under age 5, but think it's really wonderful as a first grade curriculum for a 6-7 year old. In your case, I would probably do core 5 and core K (neat combinations of world history cores there,) and just see how it goes for your 4 year old. If it's advanced for her (and it might be) you can always repeat it next year - at least you wouldn't get into 3 cores until next year when you have a year of SL under your belt. If it works, great but it would be gravy since a 4 year old doesn't really 'need' a lot of formal schooling yet. I hope you enjoy it; I did Core K this year with my 5 and 7 year olds and we've enjoyed it a great deal!
  4. this blog post has several options listed http://triviumacademy.blogspot.com/2007/09/skip-counting-resources.html
  5. Someone on the SL forums recommended these, and blogged about it: http://afullheart.blogspot.com/2009/...love-thee.html (pictures are at the bottom of the post) http://www.containerstore.com/shop/collections/hobby/toolBoxes?productId=10023584
  6. We're enjoying Artistic Pursuits so far, but thanks for sharing this - my DD's birthday is coming up and I think she would LOVE this! :D
  7. I'm using both of those, actually! :tongue_smilie:
  8. I have Grammar Writing Spelling Math Science I need (and have waiting in my shopping cart for next month) Readers Bible History/Geography
  9. For first grade, we've used: Sonlight Core K (not a K program; covers literature, history and geography) Sonlight LA 1, ETC 1-4, Growing With Grammar Sonlight Readers 1-2 Sonlight Science K Math U See Primer/Alpha Singapore 1A/B Artistic Pursuits Handwriting Without Tears 1, A Beka K4 Cursive Next year, my DS will use most of the same stuff for first grade, with a few substitutions: Sonlight Core K (literature, history and geography) WWE 1, ETC 3-4, Growing With Grammar 1, AAS Sonlight Readers 2 Sonlight Science 1 Math U See Alpha Math Mammoth 1A/B Artistic Pursuits Handwriting Without Tears 1, A Beka K4 Cursive
  10. You can use SL 1 and 2 with SOTW instead of their history spines ... several people on the SL forums do that.
  11. I've been doing Atkins for almost a year, and have lost 45 lbs :D I suppose what I do has morphed into a South-Beachy-Atkins since I can't do dairy and prefer to limit red meat and heavy fats. I've kept my carb count in the 25-30 range but now that I'm within 15 lbs of a healthy BMI, I'm experimenting with upping that range. I did 'cheat' at Thanksgiving - no bread but did have mashed potatoes and banana pudding - and still lost (just plateaued for a week afterwards until I got back into my carb range). I 'cheated' at Christmas BIG time, including bread and cinnamon rolls, and plateaued for longer. I don't cheat often, though, because it causes my IBS to flare up. Even when I'm done losing weight, I'll probably always eat a similar diet, just at a higher carb count.
  12. We're using Sonlight's Core K, and have really enjoyed a lot of the read-alouds. The ones with stars we also read the sequels: *Boxcar Children *Dr. Doolittle *Grandma's Attic *My Father's Dragon *Wizard of Oz Dolphin Adventure and Dolphin Treasure House at Pooh Corner
  13. I think A Beka may use all King James ...
  14. Thanks, Merry! SL was down and I couldn't remember what I decided to order! :D
  15. WONDERFUL - THANKS! A quick question - to get started with AAS, all I need is a teacher book/student book, tiles and magnets, right? I don't think I want/need the cd ...
  16. with epsom salts - and then if you can't get it off, call the peds :grouphug:
  17. Our church would be very likely to direct it to my DH (the Music and Student Minister) so that he could grab a couple of willing teenagers to help with stuff like that - just last week, they helped an elderly woman with furniture moving. No, the staff can't always do everything, but should be willing to help facilitate the church in being the body, serving one another. OP, I'm very sorry your pastor responded like that about your nursery service. You should be able to step back as needed, ESPECIALLY after working for two months straight! I'm truly not quick to say 'find a new church' but in this instance, if leadership is that hard-hearted, I can't see a better alternative. :grouphug:
  18. :hug: and thank you from one minister's wife to the next. This past weekend was the hardest for my DH (he's the Music and Student minister, who led the Easter cantata Sunday morning and preached when the pastor was gone to a missionary commissioning service on Sunday night). I completely understand your concerns and your DH's work schedule over this week :hug:
  19. I compile the IGs from everything we do with both kids (Sonlight core K, Science K, LA K, LA 1, Readers 1, Readers 2, and our math/art/music/PE and anything extra) into one master document each week.
  20. We had ours in the church school for K4/K5 and started homeschooling this year. To complicate matters, DH is not only a minister at the church, but the headmaster of the school, and I was the music teacher! My position was not renewed this year since they had to cut all elective subject staffers due to economic constraints. Our principal was very encouraging; she told me she has great respect for homeschooling and put me in touch with local homeschool co-ops. She's also been great about inviting us to chapel, to some of their extracurricular activities and to get pictures through the school (like Easter pictures). Every time we go back, there's always the friendly "when are you coming back?" digs, but it's not ugly and I'm grateful :)
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