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Lightly Salted

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Everything posted by Lightly Salted

  1. Mixed bag here: My Mom is a retired PS teacher and is my number two HS supporter (after DH) My cousin (former PS teacher) is now homeschooling her own kids and supports me, of course Our aunt (current PS teacher) thinks it's abhorrent and wrong (and every other negative word you can think of) a friend at church (also current PS teacher) thinks the same but if you MUST HS, thinks you should use the online PS option
  2. Sonlight does most of my planning for me, but I like to type up a schedule each week. Sometimes I rearrange Sonlight's weekly schedule to suit our needs, and I always add in our non-scheduled subjects (math, LA, spelling and electives) and any extra supplemental stuff I've got planned.
  3. I just recently started drinking iced coffees (I put lots of other stuff in with the coffee and ice, though) and LOVE it!
  4. I just received my last order yesterday (Leading Little Ones to God, ETC 5) so we're all set ... but we're starting on July 19 so we need to be ready ...
  5. We lived in China for 6 years, but in the northwest in one of the poorer provinces. We loved our time there, and hope to return someday. It's radically different from 'home' but was truly amazing to experience!
  6. They're delicious! I like them with olive oil and garlic salt, and sometimes red pepper flakes. Or with parmesan cheese. Or with garlic and bell pepper slices spread among them. Really yummy - now I need some! :)
  7. I'm another Amy in GA, using SL. I've not used core 100, but just wanted to give you a friendly bump up ... we love Sonlight so far! :D
  8. I don't know much about the other programs, but in Sonlight, both of your kids are in the age range for Core K. I did it this past year with 5 and 7 year olds, and we loved it! I would definitely do FLL and WWE as I wasn't overly impressed with SL LA alone, but the history/geography/read-aloud literature was great! Science K is also nice if you don't have other science plans.
  9. I voted for never, which is not technically true since they've been to one movie in their entire lives. We're not anti-tv or anti-movie; it's just expensive, and for what we pay to get in and have snacks, we could have bought the DVD and cheaper snacks and the ability to pause/watch again.
  10. Oh, y'all are making me feel better tonight ... (and worry a little about the wisdom of moving on with DS next year ... this exact conversation recently, names changed ...) at least we're not alone! :tongue_smilie:
  11. We use MUS and MM, and don't mind it in b/w at all :)
  12. I've never used it, but it looks good ... interested in opinons :)
  13. ACK, what a choice! Of course, once upon a time, I didn't drink coffee OR use the internet. Just yesterday, DD was horrified to learn that we didn't even HAVE internet when Mommy was a little girl ... but I digress. I guess ... coffee. I *could* read a book or something, I guess ... :p
  14. :D glad to help - my kids will enjoy them this summer too!
  15. I appreciate this reminder - I'd forgotten that those were in the book. So I guess for us, since we've never done narration before and she's still working on basic spelling, WWE1 still makes the most sense ... but I can absolutely see her moving more quickly than little brother. Thanks!
  16. http://www.kellyskindergarten.com/math/math_activities.htm http://prekinders.com/pattern-blocks/ http://abcteach.com/directory/basics/math/geometry/pattern_blocks/ and these are cool, but more complicated http://www.patternblocktemplates.com/
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