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Lightly Salted

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Everything posted by Lightly Salted

  1. Oh wow, I googled the Barcelona Bar ... this site has it, AND they have chocolate-dipped almonds rolled in sea salt. http://www.vosgeschocolate.com/product/barcelona_bombalina_almonds :001_wub: I NEED some! :D
  2. That IS the best chocolate! :iagree: Although, the sea salt kind intrigues me ...
  3. I don't know, but I came here tonight to ask a similar question about my 7.5 year old - who is finishing ETC 3 but cannot spell those words reliably. I was looking into All About Spelling ... not sure if I should finish ETC or not ... hoping someone knowledgeable chimes in!
  4. I don't know but would really like to see some good answers!
  5. :grouphug: I understand money being tight, but the penalty would be $95 or 1% of income, whichever is greater. That penalty would rise to $695 or 2.5% of income by 2016. And there are subsidies being offered to households earning less than $88,000 a year.
  6. We've done: Sonlight core K (history, geography, read-alouds) Sonlight Science K Sonlight LA K Sonlight Readers K/Readers 1 HWT K ETC 1-1.5 random art/music/sports and Singapore Earlybird, MUS Primer, A Beka K Math and Singapore Essentials :p (I swear I didn't plan to do this - I seriously though Earlybird and part of MUS Primer would get us through the year but he LOVES math and thinks it's a game)
  7. But as I understand it, people have every right to refuse to purchase it and pay the fine instead
  8. And now that I HAVE tried it, WOW, new favorite snack! Having some right now with bell peppers and celery! :Big Grin:
  9. yeah, we're almost loners, too we have: one hs family with 2 elementary schoolers one hs family that uses GVA two families who technically hs but do so through extensive M-F co-op options, one elementary, one high school (no slam, they're just not as available for get-togethers or support as other hs'ers) We have about 350 in morning service, and several public school teachers. Homeschool is misunderstood, not necessarily maligned. To complicate matters, I left my teaching position at our church's Christian school (where DH is headmaster) and withdrew our children so we could homeschool! :tongue_smilie:
  10. CBS news has a cheat sheet detailing the bill - but of course, it now has to go to the Senate and possibly back to the House, and may see further change ...
  11. oooh, I love Vegemite, but have never tried it with cream cheese! :tongue_smilie:
  12. Growing With Grammar Artistic Pursuits (assuming you have the art supplies)
  13. echoing Heather (siloam) I like SL's LA, I like the idea of it (coordinated with readers, all-in-one, relaxed grammar) but it didn't work for my kids and it became necessary to do so much adaptation that next year we'll go to WTM recommendations instead.
  14. GA isn't too bad: submit a letter of intent to school district superintendent each year, declaring all students over age 6 school year of 180 4.5 hour days; turn in monthly attendance records via email write a yearly progress report - but don't turn it in, just keep on file for 3 years standardized testing every 3 years starting in 3rd grade
  15. I've been supplementing with Singapore but am looking into Math Mammoth for next year. They sell stand-alone modules on specific subjects that would make it easy to supplement (in addition to carrying full curricula packages).
  16. Sonlight for Bible Reading Language Arts (but not in the future - want to do FLL/WWE or R&S) History/Literature Science We also use ETC Growing With Grammar MUS Singapore (switching to Math Mammoth next year) Artistic Pursuits Handwriting Without Tears A Beka cursive
  17. You might also look at Sonlight's Core 3 and Core 4 or combo Core 3/4 - also literature based. I went to an A Beka school and well remember how BORING it was! :hug:
  18. "School" takes about 2.5 hours. We spend the afternoon in an unschooly manner and since I have to log 180 days consisting of 4.5 hours each, I figure it all counts. After seatwork and read-alouds, people are free to: go outside, of course practice an instrument play age-appropriate games, view youtube videos, or look up internet links from the Usborne books play board games prepare snacks read anything do arts and crafts watch educational tv play educational Leapster games play Wii (sports, it's p.e. right?!) engage in creative play with toys Our "official" schedule is as follows (we're not rigid on times, it's more of a routine, but it works out roughly this way each day): prior to 10 am: Magic School Bus video, breakfast, chores 10 am Circle Time (Bible, patriotic songs and pledge, Bible songs, Bible story, literature, science and history readings) 10:45 am Language Arts/Handwriting/reading 12:00 pm Lunch, recess outside 1:00 pm Math Afternoons science experiments, art/music, unschooly activities (we're doing Kindergarten and First Grade)
  19. THAT! Though I'd research your philosophy on homeschool methodologies before fully committing. We love Sonlight, but read through their 27 Reasons not to Buy before buying! :tongue_smilie: I would NOT recommend A Beka - we left the private school BECAUSE of A Beka!
  20. Yes ... although we restrict soda to VERY occasionally (1-2x a month). We've also taught about the food pyramid and try to encourage healthy, varied snacking. My kids could eat a bunch of bananas, bag of apples and half a bag of grapes in one day - which is healthy, but expensive, and not as filling or balanced as a diet adding in dairy, veggies, protein and starches. We try to suggest they rotate food groups whenever they want a snack; if you had dairy last time, what about fruit? If you had starch, how about some protein? or vegetables?
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