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Lightly Salted

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Everything posted by Lightly Salted

  1. That's what we did this year - it's a simple reader-level book that covered all the basics.
  2. 1. Why do you do it? Because bored people cause trouble :tongue_smilie: Because it's hot out in the afternoons Because we don't have big summer plans Our 'summer school' will only be 6 weeks, plus 2 more weeks at Grandma's house (4 wks summer school - 2 wks Grandma's - 2 weeks summer school) and then we'll start back in mid-July while it's oppressively hot here. That way we can be out of school next April or May ;) 2. What is a typical week like? Mine are only finishing K/1st grades, so we're keeping it simple. I set up a schedule blocking out times to play outside play inside together play alone quietly in their rooms do chores and a couple of blocks for electronic time (xbox, wii, leapster, tv or computer - pick one) I keep up with Bible and read-alouds through the summer, allowing art, crafts, board games, Rosetta Stone etc as desired. As far as 'school' I'm just requiring one academic subject per day, so our schooling is more to stave off boredom than to truly keep up with schoolwork. We do: Mon - spelling/phonics Tu - math Wed - handwriting Th - grammar/writing Fri - science As they get older, I'll probably require more in the summers 3. Do you just continue your regular curr. or do you do other things? Mostly just continue in regular stuff, but am going to introduce WWE over the summer to ease us in. We'll also start Rosetta Stone over the summer since I think it'll be a fun novelty for them. Last summer we did Sonlight Science K over the summer, and that was a big hit! :D
  3. Subbing ... my 8 year old will be a 2nd grader, but I'm planning to use WWE level one with both my 6 and 8 year olds this fall.
  4. I taught music at a small Christian school for 2 years. My children went to preschool/kindergarten there, and yes, it was that experience that cemented for me the desire to homeschool. I had actually researched in preparation to homeschool while we lived overseas, but once we moved back to the US, that flew out the window when we found a nice little Christian school. We loved the school but it was frustrating that there was no differentiation in the classroom (a class of 8, no less!) and we didn't want to skip grades, so we chose to come home and I'm SO glad we did! :)
  5. I've been lurking since late 2008 ... didn't join til January of 2010
  6. We loved Science K! I actually did just the experiments with them as an afterschooling/summer activity in the year before we started homeschooling (when DD was in CS kinder) and then we did the full program this past year. LOVED it! :)
  7. :D thanks - glad to hear it's not too difficult to juggle 2 levels!
  8. :tongue_smilie: that's good to know! Wow, bowing down to you! good, ok, no accelerating! :chillpill: for me! that's the plan, to do it orally. Glad to hear it works easily for you! Thanks! :D :tongue_smilie: good, reading we can do! thanks, that does help! :D Ok, y'all are really reassuring me here! I bought R&S 2 after researching, thinking that would be right ... but now that I'm really looking at it, I had second thoughts. I've used Sonlight's LA this year, and had to tweak it too much to work for us, but the thought of doing a more parent-directed program (alongside AAS) had me second-guessing myself! I really appreciate your thoughts here, all of you! :D
  9. Thank you - that helps! I don't want to rush my first grader, so I may just wait on formal grammar til next year, if I can do R&S 2 without preparatory work. FLL looks good, but I don't know how necessary it is if we'll be moving to R&S next year. Our reader program is covering some very basic concepts (nouns, verbs, etc.) that I suppose are enough for now. So you think R&S 2 is still the right program for my 2nd grader who has complete GWG 1? I know R&S is more than just grammar, so it should cover more even if the grammar covered is similar. Am I overthinking this? :tongue_smilie:
  10. otherwise titled, help me to stop worrying! This past year, my 1st grader completed Sonlight LA 1, Growing With Grammar 1 and ETC 1-4. My kindergartener completed Sonlight LA K and ETC 1-2. For next year, I'd like to start them both in WWE 1 and switch to Rod & Staff English with All About Spelling. I think both can do WWE 1 and AAS 1 together. I'm stuck at Rod and Staff, though. It looks like R&S 2 is very similar to GWG 1 in scope and sequence, but I don't want to miss anything, so ... * should I start DD in R&S 2 or 3? * Can I start DS in R&S 2 with no prior grammar? * will I go crazy trying to run 2 different grade levels of R&S? I have GWG 1 and R&S 2 on my shelf and would love to combine the kids as much as possible, but not if it means truly holding one back; I'd buy what I need to in that case. Any advice appreciated, thanks! :D
  11. Yes, my DS breezed through HWT K in a few months and could have easily gone into 1 instead.
  12. I buy fresh fruit each week, but it doesn't stay around long! :D The kids are welcome to serve themselves, but I find myself limiting to one piece of each kind per day (ie, 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 apple, etc.) or else they'd eat it all in one day - seriously!
  13. Thanks for asking - I've got to write mine up this weekend. I guess I have a headstart since I kept a list of each book we used, broken down by subject, and have the tentative plans drawn up for next year. So, I just need to flesh it out a little, maybe noting how I think the student did or what we need to work on in the future, and write about any field trips?
  14. I have a painted cork board - bright magenta, but it was free :p I'm not sure what was used to paint it, though ...
  15. :grouphug: nothing is wrong with you, and it could be that SL is just not the curriculum for you, but i've seen several posts on the SL forums suggesting that core 1&2 is a really hard place to start, and rather advanced for the young end of the recommended age range for the core (6-7 yr olds). You consider buying what's missing to do cores 1 and then 2 separately or at least if you choose to try SL in the future after SOTW, try 3 and then 4 separately.
  16. We switched last month and are loving MM so far. Singapore was 'working' fine, but it was really cumbersome to juggle all the books. After researching to reassure myself that MM isn't a lesser program, we made the leap and I'm glad. So much easier on Mom, the kids like it and are learning, and I now have math on cd-rom up to 8th grade!
  17. That's the majority of our reason. That and it seems to help cement those difficult-to-break-through concepts. I consider MUS our main program but supplement with Math Mammoth. I could be happy with either as a standalone program, but we like each program for different reasons, so it works for us.
  18. rambutan lychee green mango Chinese white pears Bailan melons - and no, they're not the same as honeydew! not a fan of durian, but I've tried it ... DD loves it
  19. I didn't do 4/5, but from what I understand, the K IG is MUCH more useful than 4/5. It has discussion guides for all history and read-aloud books, which is also where you find the maps and timelines scheduled, and it schedules in the Bible and some developmental activities. It's also got several handy appendices.
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