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Everything posted by idnib

  1. It sounds tough. I have an Audible account and fill(ed) my younger DD's time with audiobooks. Right now she's listening to Peter Rabbit.
  2. After reading this I'm not so sure. I feel like a little target practice. ;)
  3. For the first problem, we've been through the same. It became worse after the kids made friends with some public school kids down the street and my daughter would be playing with the kindergarteners (out early) and DS still had work to do. I also explained to DS many times and it seemed he got it but we would have tears again the next day. We finally agreed he would start earlier in the morning so they would finish at the same time. Now he's in 4th and it doesn't seem to be as much of an issue. He doesn't mind of he still has some work left when she's done, as long as it's less than an hour. Anyway, try starting one earlier.
  4. I agree. I don't know Morrison's intent, but if I had to guess I would say that the detail is not intended to be salacious, but to give the reader nowhere to hide. It's so explicit and shines such a bright light on the act that there is nowhere to go, no way to read a euphemism and gloss over it in your mind. It's very disturbing and reading those passages made me feel like like I was crouched in a spotlight, trying to find a place to hide, wondering when it would end. Perhaps it intended to provide a much milder parallel of the victim's experience. Very effective and disturbing, if that was the intent.
  5. I read it in 10th grade. That year I also read Native Son, which has a very explicit and detailed murder/beheading in it, told from the point of the killer.
  6. I would be really angry too. If there doesn't seem to be a way to stop this trip, can you get your daughter a book about NPD? Even mature people can't fathom the level of manipulation that can be used against them, even while the manipulator seems fun and friendly. I would arm her with as much information as possible. I'm sorry this is happening.
  7. I win! Or lose, rather. I'm #21 on our wait list! I'm sure they'll notice at some point and get another copy, right? I wonder if we really have a fetish for technological solutions or if the lobbying/sales network at the state and local levels "encourages" decision-makers to buy this stuff.
  8. We haven't done AAR but we're about to start. We did OPGTR with DS and when it was time to start over with DD I realized I really didn't want to do it. Going through the entire book again seemed like too much for me. DS did turn into an excellent reader though, and is reading at about an 7th or 8th grade level. It's thorough but very dry. In the meantime DS started AAS so I decided to move to AAR for DD's reading. She loves playing with the tiles and wants to be included. I'm hoping for the best!
  9. Just ignore it. She just sent them out to everyone in the neighborhood with the expectation that most would not be returned.
  10. I agree with looking at CC programs to save money. My friends in the restaurant business agree that people who come out of culinary school can make good tasting and beautiful food but are often too slow for a restaurant line. 15-18 is a great time to start a stage (check pronunciation in wiki link), developing knife skills in the meantime: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stage_(cooking) http://herbivoracious.com/2012/03/so-you-want-to-stage-intern-at-a-restaurant.html
  11. Not very exciting but we got fabric paint and let the kids make their own homeschool t-shirts for an event. They had a blast.
  12. I marked "other" and that reason is so I don't feel isolated and lonely. I also get more done and feel more motivated knowing others out there are doing similar things.
  13. I'd be fine with someone picking up my free thing and selling it. Happens all the time on ebay, craigslist, and freecycle. If they're willing to do the work I wasn't willing to do, more power to them. I'd be really annoyed about being lied to, though.
  14. I don't smoke pot but I am amused that this is on the front page at the same time as the "What alcohol goes best with lemonade?" post.
  15. If I try to picture things in my head it's 99% black. I consider this a shortcoming. :thumbdown: If I concentrate really hard I can make flashes of bits of objects, but it's too much to hold an entire object in my head. So if someone says to picture an apple I can maybe get a flash of the reflection on the skin, or a stem. But not the entire apple. I do hold numbers in my head in a weird manner (spiral staircase, but conceptual, not visual). It's almost visual, though.
  16. Not sure I understand what you're saying but :grouphug:
  17. I've worked for a major publisher and we published errata on the web site and corrected things in subsequent printings. I don't recall that we ever got back to someone specifically, but I guess if the error was large enough we might have.
  18. Can the 15 yo work? My friend's 12 yo currently has babysitting and dog walking jobs to pay for her activities and their related expenses. I worked in an ice cream parlor when I was 15 1/2, which was the legal working age in our state back in the stone ages. I don't know what it is now. 10-12 hours/week at minimum wage would really help you guys with your shortfall.
  19. We have done double math when we got behind. We did 2 45-minute sessions in a day, but 3 hours apart. It was not ideal, but it was fine. Why do you have to sit with 8yo for handwriting? Can you just review it at the end? Can you combine spelling and handwriting by having his handwriting work be spelling words? I would ditch history and science. Science is fun but not really important before high school in the long run/big picture. Also, maybe a math session for 45 minutes on Saturday? Just some thoughts. :grouphug:
  20. We have Allstate in CA and ours is not up, at least not yet.
  21. If you want to be in real estate investment without the headaches of owning the real estate, look into real estate ETFs. They own real estate (usually commercial) and you own shares.
  22. I was disgusted with the guy she was twerking with. Sorry i don't remember his name. I read today that she's not old enough to drink, he's in his forties and is married with a wife and kid. His wife was in the audience! That was shocking to me and I put more of that blame on him than on her. He's the married father, after all. I felt her performance was gross but what he did was more disgusting to me.
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