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Everything posted by idnib

  1. Cholesterol is protective. People who have high cholesterol are not getting it from food, but they may be eating food that is damaging their arteries and the cholesterol is protecting them. If this situation continues for some time the cholesterol can build up. But the cholesterol built up in arteries is not that which was eaten, for the most part. If the last test was low end of normal, and this one is high, and the diet is the same, I would wonder what else is going on. Some other inflammation or situation for which his body needs protection. My cholesterol was always in the 150s. Then I developed an autoimmune problem resultig in inflammation and within a month my cholesterol was 470. But I didn't have a cholesterol problem. The high cholesterol was protecting me and the real problem was elsewhere. I paid a fortune to see one of the best doctors in the world and he confirmed this. He didn't prescribe statins becasue the reduced cholesterol would have been bad for me. We dealt with inflammation and the cholesterol went back down on its own.
  2. This all sounds so tough. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm sending good thoughts your way and hoping DH gets that job. Just some thoughts... Should your DH look for a job elsewhere? Somewhere you could move to and away from the college scene? Can the family leave the house for your homebirth? We have friends who live with family and they left for their homebirth. There are 9 people in that house, so it can be done! Is there a birthing center in your area that doesn't look like a hospital? We have a few around here. It's like walking into a house, not a hospital, with soft lighting, bedroom, no visible medical stuff, etc.
  3. This is our plan for the trip too. We're thinking of going through Yellowstone and the Dakotas, Minnesota, down to Chicago. Have you ever done a route like this?
  4. When we had this problem we rented a car (cheaper than flying even for 3 days) and drove one way and flew back. Another idea is to drive and then let DH fly back while you drive back more slowly. I can't tell how old your kids are but if you feel you can, it's a good option.
  5. Thanks for asking. I've also been wondering.
  6. We're going to explore Yellowstone and the Dakotas. We're also going to Chicago and planning to visit the Natural History Museum, Shedd Aquarium, and the Museum of Science and Industry.
  7. When we bought the place the inspector told us we would need to replace both heaters. The sellers gave us the money for full replacement of both in cash. When we actually had this guy out here to see about replacing the heaters, he told us he could fabricate the parts and replace the parts for much less. It turns out he's also a sheet metal fabricator. He took impressions and made rubbings of different parts and made new ones. With labor it was still less than one third the cost. Nice to have the extra cash.
  8. Thanks for responding. I know you're a landlord from that other thread which was deleted and I had made a mental note of that!
  9. They just swung by and picked up the keys. I have moved DD to the sofa and the guy took one look at her, flushed and sweaty and asleep and he offered to drop the keys off when done if DH hasn't stopped by the rental. If he drops them off I'll have DH swing by after his presentation and check that everything is locked. Score 2 for the heating guys. Thanks again, everyone.
  10. Kind of. Their best friends live 2 doors down. The kids go to school, though, and the parents work, but variable hours by appointment. I hadn't really thought of that until you asked since we've never left the kids alone. Our neighborhood is mostly households with both parents working. They love that we're home because I have a good view of the street and keep an eye on things during the day. You've given me something to think about.
  11. Called the heating guys and they are going to come by and pick up the keys on their way. Yea! I didn't even have to beg them; they both have young kids and understood. :hurray: The hive comes through again! Thanks for the suggestions!!! Now if I could just get some sleep.
  12. The 8 year old is very responsible but somewhat naive (by nature, not that we haven't tried!) Just checked on DD and she's in a deep sleep. She fell asleep in her chair next to her food w/o eating it. Good idea about asking the heating guys to get the keys. I'll call them; I think dispatch can put me through to their cell phones.
  13. Edit: Problem solved. Thanks everyone! I'm so tired and I can't figure out what to do. Yes it's silly but I'm overwhelmed and was up all night so I've lost my ability to think this through. DH and I own a rental property and I'm supposed to be over there in half an hour to let in the heating people. DH is giving a presentation to hundreds of people at that time and the tenants are out of town. The heaters need to be fixed; one is leaking CO, at very small levels, so it's not a good idea to reschedule. Appointment w heating guys was scheduled 2 weeks ago and really difficult to get this time of year. DD4 has a high fever (103.5) and is not well. DS8 is fine. Rental property is 5 blocks from here. Usually we would walk but I can drive and be there in 2 minutes to make it quicker and warmer. Options: --Cancel heating, tenants have no heat for a few days (back in town tomorrow) until repairmen can return. --Take DD and DS and leave them in the car. Moving DD will be difficult; she's feverish and has chills and I don't love the idea of putting her into the cold car. --Leave them at home while I go. They've never been alone before but if the heating person were to be on time (and he has been in the past) I'd be out of the house for less than 15 minutes. Tenants have given the okay to let the heating guys in the units alone since they are going to be there for 3-4 hours so I just need to open up. I may or may not have to do this again at the end to lock up the rental. If the heating people take long enough DH will be done with his presentation and he can go there and lock up. What would you do?
  14. I'm caught up. Tomorrow is going to be a big day as I need to move our bill paying center into another room and return some stuff to my brother. It's been sitting on my counter for awhile. I don't have a kitchen table to clear so I think the counters will bleed into the next day too.
  15. All the other goods reasons aside, I wouldn't sell the property to him because he's a total jerk.
  16. I don't know what it is, but I know what it's going to be. Some disgruntled person they angered is going to fill it with rocks and have at it.
  17. I still can't figure out why there's such a long delay between the time someone figured it out and posting on facebook. My own frustration aside, really, why?
  18. You could try priority code 63018 and see if it works.
  19. Acquaintances of mine in the food industry say to never go to culinary school. It's extraordinarily expensive and the training focuses on perfection rather than speed. Graduates can turn out beautiful things but they don't work well under the pressure of a real restaurant kitchen. It's a liability in the hiring process and if she has loans (not sure of your situation) it will get in the way of her working cheaply for experience. Chefs like people who can produce food and move quickly. Most professions don't have such immediate feedback. Either the pasta made it to the table quickly and tasted good or it didn't. They don't care what your degree is in if you can do the work. There are plenty of people with expensive degrees working under people who banged on doors, worked as dishwashers, or did lots of stages for experience. If she's more interested in academics and getting smoother introductions to people in the industry, check out http://www.acfchefs.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Education4 . These programs are community college-based apprenticeship programs. Also, have her try "staging" at some restaurants. This usually involves speaking with the chef (not when it's busy!), banging on some back doors, etc. It usually involves an unpaid day or week of work in which she learns and helps out. It can often turn into a job. Or stage at a few different places to get a feel for the industry and different types of cooking.
  20. Day 6: Declutter kitchen gadgets and cooking tools Done Is there a new thread I missed? This one goes to Day 4.
  21. Add music/concerts/favorite web sites to the list. Good luck! It's very kind of you to step in at this difficult time.
  22. I think it's impossible right now to estimate something like this. First we need to see what happens with insurance marketplaces and interstate insurance.
  23. Day 5 (is there a new thread?) is done. I went to get rid of the chipped cups and plates and they were already gone. I guess DH got rid of them and thought I wouldnt notice. And I didn't, until this specific item came up on the list.
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